White House admits Biden uncle wasn’t eaten by cannibals, died in Pacific Ocean crash

Biden's uncle was a passenger in a military plane that crashed in the water. His body was not found in the plane with the other bodies. He was off the shore in New Guinea which had cannibals at that time. His body was never found.
I just read that. It makes a better story to say cannibals ate him.

just like it's a better story that he's not a traitorous corrupt piece of trash?
When I was a kid, I heard from a family member who was a Vietnam vet that the Vietcong being Buddhist would eat captured Americans' livers in front of them while they die. Supposedly they believed this would transfer the Americans souls into the Vietcong.

I was about to tell my daughter this bit of "wisdom", when I suddenly realized: Buddhist are not big on cannibalism, The Vietcong with communists(not Buddhists), why would a Vietcong soldier want an American soul in their body, etc. It is a story that does not make sense.

So I called my uncle, who still swears it is true, and he saw the bodies of dead Americans with their livers eaten.

I am not saying it is true, I am not saying it is untrue, but I am not passing it down to the next generation.
Agreed on the logic.

How could he tell they were eaten as opposed to simply cut out with bayonets? Mutilation of bodies happened on both sides. Additionally, the memories of an 18 year old scared shitless 24/7 are not reliable.
Agreed on the logic.

How could he tell they were eaten as opposed to simply cut out with bayonets? Mutilation of bodies happened on both sides. Additionally, the memories of an 18 year old scared shitless 24/7 are not reliable.

They also told stories about snipers at LAX that shot returning veterans. I think it might be the equivalent of campfire stories at camp.
They also told stories about snipers at LAX that shot returning veterans. I think it might be the equivalent of campfire stories at camp.
Good thing we have the Information Highway to verify such stories these days. :thup:

Agreed on campfire stories. Notice that the stories of returning soldiers being attacked by "peace activists" aren't totally without merit. It was a tumultuous time.
Biden has been in gov't for 50 years, and is now CIC of the military ... and he still doesn't know the plane was not shot down on land, but simply crashed in the ocean? :palm:

Do we know that? Or is that just the best guess?

When JFK became President, he demanded to know how his older brother died during WWII. He was handed a completely report, that we now know is mostly wrong. We know more about how Joseph Kennedy jr died then JFK ever did.
Thank goodness for your Aunt.

Biden has been in gov't for 50 years, and is now CIC of the military ... and he still doesn't know the plane was not shot down on land, but simply crashed in the ocean? :palm:
Where did he say it was shot down on land, pup? Did you know Americans know how to swim?
Well, Trump did say "Republiclowns eat their young". Why did he say that? What did he mean? You support the moron. You should know.

No idea, Joke Communist. I also don't "support the moron." I am against the Left. I will vote against Joke Bribem because he is or has become, a Leftist. I have no doubts, that Biden, given the chance, would turn the US into a Venezuela or Zimbabwe in an instant. He's already making this nation into something that resembles S. Africa. That is, a racist state plagued by crime, corruption, selective persecution of the citizenry, cronyism, and economic decline and ruin for the average citizen.

YOU support all that, and more. It is YOU that wants heavy handed socialism and dictators running things so long as they're the kind of dictators you like. I want no part of that so Bribem and his cabal of Minions of Ignorance has to go and I'll vote in whoever it is that will make that happen. You can continue to vote yourself into poverty, social and economic decline, an ever-expanding police state where you get punished for saying or thinking the wrong thing if you want, but in my view you are a complete fool and moron for doing so.
No idea, Joke Communist. I also don't "support the moron." I am against the Left. I will vote against Joke Bribem because he is or has become, a Leftist. I have no doubts, that Biden, given the chance, would turn the US into a Venezuela or Zimbabwe in an instant. He's already making this nation into something that resembles S. Africa. That is, a racist state plagued by crime, corruption, selective persecution of the citizenry, cronyism, and economic decline and ruin for the average citizen.

YOU support all that, and more. It is YOU that wants heavy handed socialism and dictators running things so long as they're the kind of dictators you like. I want no part of that so Bribem and his cabal of Minions of Ignorance has to go and I'll vote in whoever it is that will make that happen. You can continue to vote yourself into poverty, social and economic decline, an ever-expanding police state where you get punished for saying or thinking the wrong thing if you want, but in my view you are a complete fool and moron for doing so.

Holy shit. Your far right delusions have reached a psychotic level. I feel sorry for you. Seek help, please.