white house asking union goons to silence opposition

Sheesh, anybody who uses the word "teabag" to describe their protests is just asking for it, IMO. This wasn't a very well-thought-out decision. And, these protesters even refer to themselves as "teabaggers" so any outrage over the term is misplaced.

Whenever the neocons get whupped in the PR wars, they suddenly get all hypersensitive and moralistic. That they've excused such behavior by their own celebraty punditry for years is blatantly hypocritical somehow escapes them.
Hey genius....until this goes to trial and is resovled, it's just yet another mouthpiece making a press announcement that amounts to "yes you did....no I didn't".

Bottom line: the video that you neocon numbskulls offered up DID NOT have any audio of this "racial slur" being uttered, as you all claimed. Period.

True, but we have some very credible witnesses, especially compared to the union thug perpetrators of this crime. Mr Few Teeth is on tape making an excuse for his attack because Kenneth "attacked Amerika" and he told the cop who handcuffed him that he wanted Kenneth "to get some health care". He's incriminated himself nicely. What do you suppose Mr. Few Teeth's IQ is compared to the attorney who posted a written statement?

Again, you're video doesn't support your original contention, it does NOT verify exactly who that man hit (you also AVOID the audio/visual of the black man stating that he was hit by another black man....hence the stupidity of your racism charge) or his entire envolvement in the melee. Again, until it goes to court and ALL the evidence is reviewed and examine, you've got nothing but wishful thinking.
So now it's a numbers game, Southie? Coulter has potentially hundreds of thousands of fans and supporters. So they see their hero slander a guy on the air, and that's okay with you. Yet, some dope waves a sign advocating people "teabag" the President (with no complaint from her compadre) and NO ONE is suppose to make fun of it because it offends you? Get real. The neocon punditry has maligned liberals for years.....yet whine like pigs when they get a taste of their own medicine. Like the man said, Don't Start None, Won't Be None!
Numbers have something to do with it all right, but not as you portend. Coulter (a single individual) called Edwards a faggot (but did not describe disgusting sex acts). Many liberals have used the term "teabaggers" to describe TEA members. In fact, the word is used in the title of a related thread here.

Again, you're video doesn't support your original contention, it does NOT verify exactly who that man hit (you also AVOID the audio/visual of the black man stating that he was hit by another black man....hence the stupidity of your racism charge) or his entire envolvement in the melee. Again, until it goes to court and ALL the evidence is reviewed and examine, you've got nothing but wishful thinking.
It appears that you are the one wishing here. *shrug*
yeah, moron. you couldn't respond to ANY of the original verified claims, then only continued to try to question the veracity of already obviously proven issues, and when called twice on it, stick your stupid ass head in the sand to avoid the obvious.

to coin a phrase from LT. john mclain, you just got buttfucked on national television.

What's fascinating is that when you've got nothing, you lie like a rug and then follow up with a lot of bluster. What's sad is that you're truly fucking stupid (just following your lead, bunky) to think that people can't back track to the post in question and see your folly. Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - white house asking union goons to silence opposition

You should change your screen name....it becomes a bigger joke with each passing day you post. Carry on.
yeah, moron. you couldn't respond to ANY of the original verified claims, then only continued to try to question the veracity of already obviously proven issues, and when called twice on it, stick your stupid ass head in the sand to avoid the obvious.

to coin a phrase from LT. john mclain, you just got buttfucked on national television.
I'm still waiting for your listing of disgusting sex acts used as insults by conservatives to describe liberals. *shrug*

My God, you truly are fucking stupid, aren't you? I mean, you REALLY don't have a clue about the whole HIV=AIDS situation in this country, it's attached homophobia displayed by various factions and persons, do you? I mean, that's the ONLY reason a person could read Savage's quote and then respond as you did.

Go back and read the edited version, you willfully ignorant parrot. Get a clue, then grow up and deal with your being wrong.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So now it's a numbers game, Southie? Coulter has potentially hundreds of thousands of fans and supporters. So they see their hero slander a guy on the air, and that's okay with you. Yet, some dope waves a sign advocating people "teabag" the President (with no complaint from her compadre) and NO ONE is suppose to make fun of it because it offends you? Get real. The neocon punditry has maligned liberals for years.....yet whine like pigs when they get a taste of their own medicine. Like the man said, Don't Start None, Won't Be None!

Numbers have something to do with it all right, but not as you portend. Coulter (a single individual) called Edwards a faggot (but did not describe disgusting sex acts). Many liberals have used the term "teabaggers" to describe TEA members. In fact, the word is used in the title of a related thread here.


What's truly funny is how you think your attempt to split a hair exonerates your stupidy and insipid stubborness. Calling someone a "faggot" is describing their sexual proclevity, you ignorant lout....at least that's how it is for anyone living in America for YEARS and speak with American nomenclature. Edwards sure as hell wasn't wearing any signs or acting in an exaggerated manner that would give anyone pause to try and label him homosexual or one who engages in gay sex. So Coulter's insult was unprovoked and with no basis.

That's okay with you.

Yet, a woman who identifies herself as part of a Tea Bag Party....who holds a sign advocating people to "tea bag" the President before he "tea bags" others, is NOT to be made fun of because of the obvious joke available? And now suddenly you're offended?

Blow it out your ass, Southie....you're a hypocrit trying to justify a double standard, as evident to any rational, objective reader. And no matter how many times you repeat your rubbish, it won't wash here.....tell yourself whatever delusional story you wish...you're finished.

What's truly funny is how you think your attempt to split a hair exonerates your stupidy and insipid stubborness. Calling someone a "faggot" is describing their sexual proclevity, you ignorant lout....at least that's how it is for anyone living in America for YEARS and speak with American nomenclature. Edwards sure as hell wasn't wearing any signs or acting in an exaggerated manner that would give anyone pause to try and label him homosexual or one who engages in gay sex. So Coulter's insult was unprovoked and with no basis.

That's okay with you.

Yet, a woman who identifies herself as part of a Tea Bag Party....who holds a sign advocating people to "tea bag" the President before he "tea bags" others, is NOT to be made fun of because of the obvious joke available? And now suddenly you're offended?

Blow it out your ass, Southie....you're a hypocrit trying to justify a double standard, as evident to any rational, objective reader. And no matter how many times you repeat your rubbish, it won't wash here.....tell yourself whatever delusional story you wish...you're finished.

The "teababber" insult was established by many liberals after the first round of TEA meetings, not after seeing that poster. Do you see the difference?

Coulter wasn't describing a disgusting sex act; she merely called one individual, John Edwards, a faggot. Do you see the difference?
And with witnessing Southie's grade school level retort, we close the book on yet another example of his intellectually deficient neocon debate style. :)
How ironic. How many times have you repeated 'willfully ignorant neocon parrot', and ''you're done'? Did you learn to repeat these phrases while taking classes for your PhD?


No? What about this teabagg protest website?

Bravo: Why do republicans want to “tea bag” Obama?

And why are you whining like a little girl, when people who proudly associate themselves with tea bagging, are subsequently referred to as teabaggers?

Hmm. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Paraphrasing: I'm reasonably sure the only true "astroturfing" going on here is *not* from the Obama machine.