white house asking union goons to silence opposition

Rubbish... The difference now. The White House is required by law to keep all correspondence sent to them, all the information, and they are also required not to collect information on people practicing first amendment freedoms....

It's more of the machine, and it is wrong in every way. If Bush had asked us to "report" e-mails about "fishy" information you would have dropped a load and called your lawyer. There is nothing that shows you to be more of a hack than this insanity.

But one thing is for sure, it does show that the stage is set from the top down in this "astroturf" army of The Obama's. Nothing like calling for the army to act directly on the website of one of the branches of government to tell you where the orders fall from.

Your statement about top down organizing being the real astroturf is spot on! The thing that's bad is the WH is guilty of inciting violence meaning the fallout can be nothing but ugly for this country.
You can't opt put of paying for it but you can opt out of receiving the benefits.

No, I don't expect them to refuse what they've paid for as that's the point of the program. What I expect is less whining about what they're getting.
They're not whining about what they're getting but they don't want the system to get worse. *shrug*
What does the sign say, you ignorant blow hard? That woman ( a Tea Party member) is holding a sign that ADVOCATED TO "tea bag" people. So she's a "teabagger".....like a man who rides the surf is a "surfer", or the person who bakes cookies is a "baker". Got that bunky?

Sometimes Bravo, your proud ignorance and level of denial surpasses even my expectations.

Except of course in this context the term that you liberals use is a disgusting sex act and therefore would not be used by the TEA groups. *shrug*

:viol: Cry me a river, Southie. If you can't take it, don't dish it out....and in case you have selective amnesia about the list of nasty little things the neocon punditry have said about liberals in general, read this and then gander at the transcripts of past shows by Limbaugh or Beck or Savage or Levin or Hannity:

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Do you have some links to the 'hard hats' you are referring to? They turning out in numbers is what I'd be looking for. See, I remember the anti-war folks and lord knows I remember Nixon's take, as I was so anti-Nixon and war. But heh, maybe I missed something.

Actually, thank Bravo for the quick take on this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Hat_Riot

This became a sort of de-facto label for any group that showed up to stomp on anti-war protestors and "hippies" in general.
Except it doesn't. We see calls to arms on the huffpost, on Obama's WH website asking for you to "report" your neighbors and online "pals" if they say anything "fishy" that might be ideologically different than the stated remarks of Obama...

Not quite....you conveniently leave out the FACT that these "shout down" brownshirt tactics by anti-Obama health were started WITHOUT provocation. Add to this the level of "death threats" against Congressmen who are for the Obama health plan and other nonsense that has been showing up, and it's no surprise that people are getting defensive and cautious. What is being asked to be reported is suspected phony e-mails and such....NOTHING about reporting individuals without probable cause (which they could, according to the Patriot Act, is legal.....gee, I guess the neocons didn't expect that to come back and possibly bite them in the ass) Like I told Southie....they are going to get what they wished for...confrontation. The difference is, the Dems and supporters of the Obama health plan are NOT showing up at Repub town halls on this subject....Oh wait, I forgot...the GOP DOESN'T OFFER ANYTHING SIMILAR TO THEIR CONSTITUENTS.

Yeah, the facts pretty much stand up to what I pointed out. Only if you leave out and ignore the chronology of events on this subject...as you obviously have. The machine is in motion, and the apologists are doing their regular 'deny, deny, deny'... Yep, all this BS about "grassroots" and calling Obama and Dems "nazis" and such....only thing is Damo, THE PEOPLE AREN'T BUYING THE NEOCON NOISE MACHINE ANYMORE.

The Ds get upset when somebody else learns a lesson from The Obama and start "getting in their face, arguing with them, whether they are Democrat or Moderate"....

Spare me the neocon mantras, Damo......you don't have ONE SHRED of evidence that the Dems orchestrated these "shout down" attacks on the GOP in the last 6 months. Hell, even during the 2008 campaign the GOP had local cops set up "protest zones" well out of the way of TV cameras during their conventions.

No Damo, the GOP has not come out and condemned this bullshit...in fact you have some GOP in Congress defending and excusing this nonsense as "grassroots" and "concerned citizens". Yeah, just like the teabaggers.....the truth came out, and stubborn insistence to the contrary just isn't cutting the mustard.
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:viol: Cry me a river, Southie. If you can't take it, don't dish it out....and in case you have selective amnesia about the list of nasty little things the neocon punditry have said about liberals in general, read this and then gander at the transcripts of past shows by Limbaugh or Beck or Savage or Levin or Hannity:

When did any of these right wing pundits use a sexually explicit term to describe the opposition? Your blog link complains of Coulter's use of "faggot" but doesn't put it in context (the link is broken), and the other "insult words" cited include "communist".
Hey genius....until this goes to trial and is resovled, it's just yet another mouthpiece making a press announcement that amounts to "yes you did....no I didn't".

Bottom line: the video that you neocon numbskulls offered up DID NOT have any audio of this "racial slur" being uttered, as you all claimed. Period.
True, but we have some very credible witnesses, especially compared to the union thug perpetrators of this crime. Mr Few Teeth is on tape making an excuse for his attack because Kenneth "attacked Amerika" and he told the cop who handcuffed him that he wanted Kenneth "to get some health care". He's incriminated himself nicely. What do you suppose Mr. Few Teeth's IQ is compared to the attorney who posted a written statement?
:viol: Cry me a river, Southie. If you can't take it, don't dish it out....and in case you have selective amnesia about the list of nasty little things the neocon punditry have said about liberals in general, read this and then gander at the transcripts of past shows by Limbaugh or Beck or Savage or Levin or Hannity:


Sheesh, anybody who uses the word "teabag" to describe their protests is just asking for it, IMO. This wasn't a very well-thought-out decision. And, these protesters even refer to themselves as "teabaggers" so any outrage over the term is misplaced.
Sheesh, anybody who uses the word "teabag" to describe their protests is just asking for it, IMO. This wasn't a very well-thought-out decision. And, these protesters even refer to themselves as "teabaggers" so any outrage over the term is misplaced.
I honestly think they like the dual-meaning and think it is funny. Better a teabagger than a teabaggee to be. I've always been surprised at how accepting the Ds are of being teabagged.

When did any of these right wing pundits use a sexually explicit term to describe the opposition? Your blog link complains of Coulter's use of "faggot" but doesn't put it in context (the link is broken), and the other "insult words" cited include "communist".

This link isn't broken.

Quote: Posted by Taichiliberal
What does the sign say, you ignorant blow hard? That woman ( a Tea Party member) is holding a sign that ADVOCATED TO "tea bag" people. So she's a "teabagger".....like a man who rides the surf is a "surfer", or the person who bakes cookies is a "baker". Got that bunky?

Sometimes Bravo, your proud ignorance and level of denial surpasses even my expectations.

Originally Posted by Southern Man
Except of course in this context the term that you liberals use is a disgusting sex act and therefore would not be used by the TEA groups. *shrug*

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
:viol:Cry me a river, Southie. If you can't take it, don't dish it out....and in case you have selective amnesia about the list of nasty little things the neocon punditry have said about liberals in general, read this and then gander at the transcripts of past shows by Limbaugh or Beck or Savage or Levin or Hannity:


When did any of these right wing pundits use a sexually explicit term to describe the opposition? Your blog link complains of Coulter's use of "faggot" but doesn't put it in context (the link is broken), and the other "insult words" cited include "communist".

Yeah, just as I thought....your selective memory has kicked in....a neocon defensive mechanism against the truth. Here's a reminder:

From Michael Savage: Liberalism is, in essence, the HIV virus, and it weakens the defense cells of a nation. What are the defense cells of a nation? Well, the church. They've attacked particularly the Catholic Church for 30 straight years. The police, attacked for the last 50 straight years by the ACLU viruses. And the military, attacked for the last 50 years by the Barbara Boxer viruses on our planet.

From Rush Limbaugh: The difference between Los Angeles and yogurt is that yogurt comes with less fruit.

From O'Reilly: You have a very big split in the Jewish-American community. You got a lot of Jewish liberals, a lot of Jewish far-left people, who basically feel that, you know, you don't have a right to go after terrorists because it's our fault, the United States' fault. And some say it's Israel's fault because we've been mean to them, therefore they have a right to do whatever they want -- behead people on camera, all this terrible stuff. OK? That's a far-left position.

That's just for starters...I could waste an entire thread on this dreck. But now you'll either deny you've ever listened to any of the neocon broadcast pundits or try some lame ass attempt to excuse them. Whatever......you and your fellow parrots STILL cannot prove the original contention of this thread, no matter how many avenues you try.
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Yeah, just as I thought....your selective memory has kicked in....a neocon defensive mechanism against the truth. Here's a reminder:

From Michael Savage: Liberalism is, in essence, the HIV virus, and it weakens the defense cells of a nation. What are the defense cells of a nation? Well, the church. They've attacked particularly the Catholic Church for 30 straight years. The police, attacked for the last 50 straight years by the ACLU viruses. And the military, attacked for the last 50 years by the Barbara Boxer viruses on our planet.

From Glen Beck:

I'm still waiting for your listing of disgusting sex acts used as insults by conservatives to describe liberals. *shrug*
Thanks. Coulter called John Edwards a fag. And this compares with liberals calling TEA supporters, potentially hundreds of thousands of people who they have never met and don't know, "teabaggers" how exactly? *shrug*

So now it's a numbers game, Southie? Coulter has potentially hundreds of thousands of fans and supporters. So they see their hero slander a guy on the air, and that's okay with you. Yet, some dope waves a sign advocating people "teabag" the President (with no complaint from her compadre) and NO ONE is suppose to make fun of it because it offends you? Get real. The neocon punditry has maligned liberals for years.....yet whine like pigs when they get a taste of their own medicine. Like the man said, Don't Start None, Won't Be None!

No? What about this teabagg protest website?

Bravo: Why do republicans want to “tea bag” Obama?

And why are you whining like a little girl, when people who proudly associate themselves with tea bagging, are subsequently referred to as teabaggers?
Would it be such a stretch of the imagination to call these jokers, "teabaggers"? :cof1: