white house asking union goons to silence opposition

^^^^^^^^^I would say that you are probably a teabagger, since you seem to know and use the term quite well...^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^I would say that you are probably a teabagger, since you seem to know and use the term quite well...^^^^^
Actually, he and his party seem awfully proud to be teabaggees... It's always better a teabagger than a teabaggee to be.
I think it is disgusting them calling our senor citizens and other everyday people attending the town halls, even if they are protesting a "teabagger" ..that is some low brow shit..and they know exactly what they are saying...it's no mistake..
It's funny how a crowd of all white individuals is no longer even considered a crowd of people without a brown face to legitimize it.

I guess any complaints white individuals may have can be summarily dismissed?

Obama is the New Hitler, whites are the new jews.
I think it is disgusting them calling our senor citizens and other everyday people attending the town halls, even if they are protesting a "teabagger" ..that is some low brow shit..and they know exactly what they are saying...it's no mistake..

Don't blame me. Some of the teabaggers were calling themselves that, and were proud to be associated with "tea bagging".

I catch you trying to delude yourself to thinking you're smarter than everyone else. Let me dumb it down for you:

1) To date YOU cannot provide evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that supports your subject title for this thread.

2) To date, the video DOES NOT verify that a union man started the fight, or was responsible for the downed victim.

3) To date, there is NO audio proof of the N word being thrown about. Also, no mention by you or any of the astro turf'er supporters that a black man is clearly stating that he was hit by another black man....so the charge of "racism" is not only nullified, but void.

4) The question you put to Christie is circumspect, but it does NOT change these facts: the people who showed up for the express purpose of being against a townhall meeting arrived at the direction of the groups I sourced earlier. Astro-turf'ers by association, as it were.

5) Why hasn't the GOP leadership organized their own town hall's to address healthcare concerns? If the astro turf tactics are distasteful, why no public denouncement of them from the GOP leadership en masse?

so you're basically saying you'll be willfully ignorant so you don't have to recognize that i'm right. thanks for clearing that up for everyone here.
It's funny how a crowd of all white individuals is no longer even considered a crowd of people without a brown face to legitimize it.

I guess any complaints white individuals may have can be summarily dismissed?

Obama is the New Hitler, whites are the new jews.

They had a few brown faces and it still did not legitimize them. The brown face was attacked and beaten by 4 union thugs and called racist names...and surprise, nary a peep of outrage from the fair minded libs. No instead what you got is a dismissive "I did not hear the "n" word used.

Hypocrites, all of them.
They had a few brown faces and it still did not legitimize them. The brown face was attacked and beaten by 4 union thugs and called racist names...and surprise, nary a peep of outrage from the fair minded libs. No instead what you got is a dismissive "I did not hear the "n" word used.

Hypocrites, all of them.

I’m going to assume you read this outrage about union thugs beating up browned-skinned Latino tea baggers, on NewsMax or some other wingnut source that traffics in everything except truth and facts.

I don’t have a single doubt that the townhall teabaggers are 99.999% white, and their average age is about a hundred and twelve years old.

They aren’t fooling any intelligent person. It’s a coordinated effort of a relatively small pack of elderly white wingnuts who are afflicted with the rightwing ideology of “I got mine, fuck everyone else.” Yeah, these old fucks have their government Medicare, or their fortune 500 company private insurance. The don't care about anything beyond that.

I guarantee you one God damned thing: If some of those old, fat, and out of shape wingnuts that I saw on the tube weren’t on Medicare, or a gold-plated fortune 500 company plan, and they were reduced to surfing the internets for an individual free market policy, they would end up feeling like a rape victim.

Enlightened people know what’s driving these teabaggers, and it can be condensed to two simple premises: 1) They got theirs, and fuck everyone else. They don’t want to see their tax dollars spent to benefit working Americans, or brown people ; and 2) They can’t stand living in an increasingly ethnically diverse country headed by a black man. Simply put, it comes down to selfishness and racism.
I’m going to assume you read this outrage about union thugs beating up browned-skinned Latino tea baggers, on NewsMax or some other wingnut source that traffics in everything except truth and facts.

I don’t have a single doubt that the townhall teabaggers are 99.999% white, and their average age is about a hundred and twelve years old.

They aren’t fooling any intelligent person. It’s a coordinated effort of a relatively small pack of elderly white wingnuts who are afflicted with the rightwing ideology of “I got mine, fuck everyone else.” Yeah, these old fucks have their government Medicare, or their fortune 500 company private insurance. The don't care about anything beyond that.

I guarantee you one God damned thing: If some of those old, fat, and out of shape wingnuts that I saw on the tube weren’t on Medicare, or a gold-plated fortune 500 company plan, and they were reduced to surfing the internets for an individual free market policy, they would end up feeling like a rape victim.

Enlightened people know what’s driving these teabaggers, and it can be condensed to two simple premises: 1) They got theirs, and fuck everyone else. They don’t want to see their tax dollars spent to benefit working Americans, or brown people ; and 2) They can’t stand living in an increasingly ethnically diverse country headed by a black man. Simply put, it comes down to selfishness and racism.

Please. These teabaggers at these town halls number a few dozen or a few hundred middle aged, cranky, under educated white people. There's nothing that looks like "america" in them, in america's broadest sense. I don't see any brown, black, young, or asian. I don't even think I saw anyone under the age of 55.

There's nothing remotely grass roots about it, that I can see. A few dozen, old, angry white people is not a grass roots movement. ...

So Cypress, exactly what does your America 'look like'?
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I think it is disgusting them calling our senor citizens and other everyday people attending the town halls, even if they are protesting a "teabagger" ..that is some low brow shit..and they know exactly what they are saying...it's no mistake..

One day they will be seniors if they are lucky. Heh, heh.
Bingo! Maybe neocon propaganda machines are afraid that if people learn the real truth, they'll start supporting Obama's health care plan.

Reminds me of those idiots at a Texas town hall meeting.

" A staffer for Texas Congressman Gene Green addressed the crowd before Rep. Green spoke and asked, essentially, who here is opposed to a socialized healthcare system? Almost every hand shot up. The staffer next asked, who here is on Medicare? Half of the people raised their hands."

What’s a good word for that? Hypocrisy? Ignorance? Embarrassing?


That's not hypocrisy at all. Folks don't have the opportunity to opt out of the Medicare, so they've paid for the benefit whether they think a private system would be better or not. Do you expect them to them refuse the benefit?
That's not hypocrisy at all. Folks don't have the opportunity to opt out of the Medicare, so they've paid for the benefit whether they think a private system would be better or not. Do you expect them to them refuse the benefit?

Looks like you read the house bill you posted. :D
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I catch you trying to delude yourself to thinking you're smarter than everyone else. Let me dumb it down for you:

1) To date YOU cannot provide evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that supports your subject title for this thread.

2) To date, the video DOES NOT verify that a union man started the fight, or was responsible for the downed victim.

3) To date, there is NO audio proof of the N word being thrown about. Also, no mention by you or any of the astro turf'er supporters that a black man is clearly stating that he was hit by another black man....so the charge of "racism" is not only nullified, but void.

4) The question you put to Christie is circumspect, but it does NOT change these facts: the people who showed up for the express purpose of being against a townhall meeting arrived at the direction of the groups I sourced earlier. Astro-turf'ers by association, as it were.

5) Why hasn't the GOP leadership organized their own town hall's to address healthcare concerns? If the astro turf tactics are distasteful, why no public denouncement of them from the GOP leadership en masse?

so you're basically saying you'll be willfully ignorant so you don't have to recognize that i'm right. thanks for clearing that up for everyone here.

Just as I thought....when taken to task you're just a lot of hot air and lame dodges. No surprise there.

Say goodnight gracie, shows over for you.