white house asking union goons to silence opposition

So Cypress, exactly what does your America 'look like'?
Well, in his America when brown people are beaten for their opinions by White Union Guys, they aren't really brown, and the only "good" brown people in his America are the ones that agree with him, otherwise they are "just getting what they deserve".
We'll know if the accusation of astroturfing was true when we see the 2010 results. If the folks are real at these meetings, the ones that are being barred from being heard, there will be problems in the coming months.

The jury is already in on that one, Annie. It's just a matter of people either acknowledging the evidence or ignoring/denying it.


Truth is, the 'right' has never been good at turning out crowds, certainly not to protest. Mistakenly they've held onto some idea that if they hold true to values, that it will work out. Now, I'm not referring to the Republican Party, so don't go that way. Talking about those that are truly for a federal government that is relegated to the issues that cannot be done by more local government or the individual. People who believe that the government should get out of the way, it's the problem not the solution.

For a long time, from both parties these folks are losing. So why suddenly have they started to join together to be heard? Bush. Obama.

I've got a totally different view of history than you do....maybe due to age. The "right" has NEVER had a problem in organizing crowd protests, demonstrations, etc., when they felt threatened or that things weren't going their way. An example from the late 1960's....."hard hats" was a label for conservative supporters of the Vietnam war and opponents to the civil rights movement. This label was based on construction workers who self organized to thwart the anti-war protests of the "hippies" and "no nothing college kids" and "pinkos". That's just one example.

Nixon, Reagan were polarizing figures in the American social/political seen. Carter, Clinton were ligthening rods of the same fashion.
I've got a totally different view of history than you do....maybe due to age. The "right" has NEVER had a problem in organizing crowd protests, demonstrations, etc., when they felt threatened or that things weren't going their way. An example from the late 1960's....."hard hats" was a label for conservative supporters of the Vietnam war and opponents to the civil rights movement. This label was based on construction workers who self organized to thwart the anti-war protests of the "hippies" and "no nothing college kids" and "pinkos". That's just one example.

Nixon, Reagan were polarizing figures in the American social/political seen. Carter, Clinton were ligthening rods of the same fashion.

Those "hard hats" were union thugs then, as they are now...
Those "hard hats" were Democrats then, as they are now...
Those "construction workers" were Democrat union thugs then, as they are now...
Being right or left politically had nothing to do with it....
I've got a totally different view of history than you do....maybe due to age. The "right" has NEVER had a problem in organizing crowd protests, demonstrations, etc., when they felt threatened or that things weren't going their way. An example from the late 1960's....."hard hats" was a label for conservative supporters of the Vietnam war and opponents to the civil rights movement. This label was based on construction workers who self organized to thwart the anti-war protests of the "hippies" and "no nothing college kids" and "pinkos". That's just one example.

Nixon, Reagan were polarizing figures in the American social/political seen. Carter, Clinton were ligthening rods of the same fashion.

Do you have some links to the 'hard hats' you are referring to? They turning out in numbers is what I'd be looking for. See, I remember the anti-war folks and lord knows I remember Nixon's take, as I was so anti-Nixon and war. But heh, maybe I missed something.
I pointed this out before, but it's just ignored by the neocon apologists and parrots....not surprising.

There is nothing remotely implying they were calling themselves "teabaggers"...

Your fuckin' reading comprehension is dismal at best....
can't you tell a verb from a noun by reading the sign, moron...?
Those "hard hats" were union thugs then, as they are now...
Those "hard hats" were Democrats then, as they are now...
Those "construction workers" were Democrat union thugs then, as they are now...
Being right or left politically had nothing to do with it....

Once again folks, our intellectually impotent neocon clown demonstrates just how ignorant he is of the topic in discussion.

Here's a little FYI for him Peter J. Brennan was the AFL-CIO head in NY State in 1970....he was on record in constantly supporting Republican party candidates and a big supporter of Nixon's Vietnam policies(Nixon appointed him labor Secretary), and he organized the hard hat riot with about 200 local members of similar mindset.

If you don't understand that, I'll dumb it down for you.....Brennan was a Dem in name only....and neither you or anyone else can confirm that all the participants were Dems (you don't have to be a democrat to join a union, you know).

Next time, know what the fuck you're talking about before your fingers hit the keys....makes you look less foolish. "Bravo", indeed! :rolleyes:
There is nothing remotely implying they were calling themselves "teabaggers"...

Your fuckin' reading comprehension is dismal at best....
can't you tell a verb from a noun by reading the sign, moron...?

What does the sign say, you ignorant blow hard? That woman ( a Tea Party member) is holding a sign that ADVOCATED TO "tea bag" people. So she's a "teabagger".....like a man who rides the surf is a "surfer", or the person who bakes cookies is a "baker". Got that bunky?

Sometimes Bravo, your proud ignorance and level of denial surpasses even my expectations.
LOL. From the picture the first video appeared to be a shorter version of the one I posted. Again, where's the "n" word?

You're a tool.

Here's an eyewitness statement:
I am Kenneth Gladney’s attorney. Kenneth was attacked on the evening of August 6, 2009 at Rep. Russ Carnahan’s town hall meeting in South St. Louis County. I was at the town hall meeting as well and witnessed the events leading up to the attack of Kenneth. Kenneth was approached by an SEIU representative as Kenneth was handing out “Don’t Tread on Me” flags to other conservatives. The SEIU representative demanded to know why a black man was handing out these flags. The SEIU member used a racial slur against Kenneth, then punched him in the face. Kenneth fell to the ground. Another SEIU member yelled racial epithets at Kenneth as he kicked him in the head and back. Kenneth was also brutally attacked by one other male SEIU member and an unidentified woman. The three men were clearly SEIU members, as they were wearing T-shirts with the SEIU logo.

What does the sign say, you ignorant blow hard? That woman ( a Tea Party member) is holding a sign that ADVOCATED TO "tea bag" people. So she's a "teabagger".....like a man who rides the surf is a "surfer", or the person who bakes cookies is a "baker". Got that bunky?

Sometimes Bravo, your proud ignorance and level of denial surpasses even my expectations.
Except of course in this context the term that you liberals use is a disgusting sex act and therefore would not be used by the TEA groups. *shrug*

There is nothing remotely implying they were calling themselves "teabaggers"...

Your fuckin' reading comprehension is dismal at best....
can't you tell a verb from a noun by reading the sign, moron...?

No? What about this teabagg protest website?

Bravo: Why do republicans want to “tea bag” Obama?

And why are you whining like a little girl, when people who proudly associate themselves with tea bagging, are subsequently referred to as teabaggers?





To Post Your Event on Teabag Obama Email the event details to: TeabagObama.Post@Blogger.Com Teabag Obama exists to let people know where tea parties will be, so if anyone knows of any - post them here so other people can know.

Just as I thought....when taken to task you're just a lot of hot air and lame dodges. No surprise there.

Say goodnight gracie, shows over for you.

yeah, moron. you couldn't respond to ANY of the original verified claims, then only continued to try to question the veracity of already obviously proven issues, and when called twice on it, stick your stupid ass head in the sand to avoid the obvious.

to coin a phrase from LT. john mclain, you just got buttfucked on national television.
That's not hypocrisy at all. Folks don't have the opportunity to opt out of the Medicare, so they've paid for the benefit whether they think a private system would be better or not. Do you expect them to them refuse the benefit?

You can't opt put of paying for it but you can opt out of receiving the benefits.

No, I don't expect them to refuse what they've paid for as that's the point of the program. What I expect is less whining about what they're getting.
But since what you state flies in the face of facts, you "reason" is not so assurd. In short, your belief does NOT support the facts.
Except it doesn't. We see calls to arms on the huffpost, on Obama's WH website asking for you to "report" your neighbors and online "pals" if they say anything "fishy" that might be ideologically different than the stated remarks of Obama...

Yeah, the facts pretty much stand up to what I pointed out. The machine is in motion, and the apologists are doing their regular 'deny, deny, deny'...

The Ds get upset when somebody else learns a lesson from The Obama and start "getting in their face, arguing with them, whether they are Democrat or Moderate"....
Except it doesn't. We see calls to arms on the huffpost, on Obama's WH website asking for you to "report" your neighbors and online "pals" if they say anything "fishy" that might be ideologically different than the stated remarks of Obama...

Yeah, the facts pretty much stand up to what I pointed out.

Rubbish. They're asking to have information reported, not people. They mean the bogus information that circulates through email or conservative tv/radio.

The Obama supporter groups did the same thing during the election campaign and I mailed in a phony email for them to look at. Nobody's name was mentioned.
Rubbish. They're asking to have information reported, not people. They mean the bogus information that circulates through email or conservative tv/radio.

The Obama supporter groups did the same thing during the election campaign and I mailed in a phony email for them to look at. Nobody's name was mentioned.
Rubbish... The difference now. The White House is required by law to keep all correspondence sent to them, all the information, and they are also required not to collect information on people practicing first amendment freedoms....

It's more of the machine, and it is wrong in every way. If Bush had asked us to "report" e-mails about "fishy" information you would have dropped a load and called your lawyer. There is nothing that shows you to be more of a hack than this insanity.

But one thing is for sure, it does show that the stage is set from the top down in this "astroturf" army of The Obama's. Nothing like calling for the army to act directly on the website of one of the branches of government to tell you where the orders fall from.