white house asking union goons to silence opposition

that is a bald faced lie...the first video clearly shows the members in their Seiu purpler shits and getting arrested by the police..

you people are absolutely PATHETIC..

who care about what you all think anyway..

I repeat: where's the union logo on the shirt? Where's the "n" word?

Somebody here is pathetic but it isn't moi.
yawn, I get sick of your repetitiveness...the proof was in the first video, but because you didn't see, that means it must not be so..

you're a joke

LOL. From the picture the first video appeared to be a shorter version of the one I posted. Again, where's the "n" word?

You're a tool.
LOL. From the picture the first video appeared to be a shorter version of the one I posted. Again, where's the "n" word?

You're a tool.

oh, so that's all your worried about, if the N word was uttered, not the fact they beat the shit out of someone...now I get it..

I don't know what you are, but it's not a caring human being..
oh, so that's all your worried about, if the N word was uttered, not the fact they beat the shit out of someone...now I get it..

I don't know what you are, but it's not a caring human being..

Projecting again, mimi. The man shouldn't have been attacked.

Apparently all you're worried about is stirring sh*t about the "N" word rather than sticking to the facts.
Projecting again, mimi. The man shouldn't have been attacked.

Apparently all you're worried about is stirring sh*t about the "N" word rather than sticking to the facts.

you are the shit stirrer....because you didn't hear the N word, I guess it must mean it didn't happen in that world you live in...

you wouldn't accept the facts anyway if it jumped up and kicked in the ass.
you are the shit stirrer....because you didn't hear the N word, I guess it must mean it didn't happen in that world you live in...

you wouldn't accept the facts anyway if it jumped up and kicked in the ass.

If you heard it, please note the time on the tape that it was said. That's the fact I'll accept, not your silly comment that just because I didn't hear it means it didn't happen.
Was it a trick question or what? I'm claiming that some of the people there had union logos on their shirts and some didn't. I didn't not see a logo on the shirt of the person who was arrested.

no, it wasn't a trick question....it was really quite a simple one (which you still haven't answered).....are you claiming that these weren't union folks?.....or are you simply using the fact you didn't see logos on their shirts to maintain deniability?.......
no, it wasn't a trick question....it was really quite a simple one (which you still haven't answered).....are you claiming that these weren't union folks?.....or are you simply using the fact you didn't see logos on their shirts to maintain deniability?.......

Am I claiming who wasn't union folks? I already said there were union folks there, as evidenced by their clothing. Are you claiming that the man was knocked down by a union member?
Am I claiming who wasn't union folks? I already said there were union folks there, as evidenced by their clothing. Are you claiming that the man was knocked down by a union member?

that pretty much seems to be the consensus of everyone except you, yes.....Like those folks in the video shouting "that union guy attacked him", for example.....
at 52 seconds in you can get a clear view of the front shirt of the man who knocked the minister to the ground.....now, again....are you denying that he was a union member?....