white house asking union goons to silence opposition

That's your definition of "serious violence"?

Yikes; never mind.
Lookie here: a union guy attacking a black man. Where's Al Sharpton?


Union guy: "I attacked him becuz he attacked Amerika", and then his explanation to the cop who arrested him: "I made him eligible for health care".
There is nothing in that story that I saw that shows that they will not be exempted. It seems that they are drawing on their own zombies to fight what they pretend are zombies.

Ahhh, but the article also does not support what you are saying. Bottom line: no one is going to let the neocon propaganda machine get away with this nazi like disruption BS. If the neocons are so confident in their views on health care, then why isn't the GOP holding town meetings to address the concerns of THEIR constituents? Why instead run like little attack dogs to disrupt others exercising their constitutional rights to discuss a political issue with the public?

There's no defense for this BS....and when the Dems put a stop to it, the willfully ignorant neocon parrots will demonize them...as if what their compadres are doing was perfectly fine.

Sorry Damo, but that dog is not going to fly.
That's your definition of "serious violence"?

Yikes; never mind.

Well, you've got to understand the mind of the willfully ignorant neocon. It's okay for their flock to disrupt perfectly legal townhall meetings...but they whine like stuck pigs when people put a stop to their BS.

Here's the deal: none of these dummies ask why the GOP hasn't started it's own townhalls to address the issue for their constituents? Why hasn't the GOP leadership gone on record to condemn people whose only purpose is to STOP discussions, and not debate the issue?

The neocon driven GOP wants a confrontation in order perpetuate a lie against the Dems and unions...but that agenda is as phony and transparent as the astro-turf clowns, the tea baggers, the birthers, and all the other nonsense they've spewed forth since 2008.
Taichiliberal: why aren't you defending the black man getting attacked by the union thug? :eek:

Taichiliberal: why aren't you defending the black man getting attacked by the union thug? :eek:


Why are YOU trying to paint all folks tired of astro-turf asshole antics as "racists"? Why are you showing a video that gives only ONE VIEWPOINT of this incident (what lead up to this?) They show up at a townhall meeting NOT to peacefully protest OUTSIDE the meeting, but with the EXPRESS purpose of disrupting the meeting and preventing it from continuing. The Union folk are not going to let it happen. YOU and the astro-turf assholes wanted confrontation, you got it. Now you're whining like little dogs. Newsflash bunky, ANY disruptor in any legal meeting is escorted out by security. Why don't the astro-turfer's follow the GOP example from the 2008 campaign and protest in "designated areas"? Why are you such a neocon stooge posting propaganda while NOT addressing all the facts and issues involved. Why haven't you addressed the points of my original source material? And why hasn't the GOP sponsored it's own town meetings to address the concerns of these little astro-turf clowns.

Why are you so devoid of an intelligent discussion on this issue. Given the logic of the clown that tag this, I guess I have my answer.
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Why are YOU trying to paint all folks tired of astro-turf asshole antics as "racists"? Why are you showing a video that gives only ONE VIEWPOINT of this incident (what lead up to this?) They show up at a townhall meeting NOT to peacefully protest OUTSIDE the meeting, but with the EXPRESS purpose of disrupting the meeting and preventing it from continuing. The Union folk are not going to let it happen. YOU and the astro-turf assholes wanted confrontation, you got it. Now you're whining like little dogs. Newsflash bunky, ANY disruptor in any legal meeting is escorted out by security. Why don't the astro-turfer's follow the GOP example from the 2008 campaign and protest in "designated areas"? Why are you such a neocon stooge posting propaganda while NOT addressing all the facts and issues involved. Why haven't you addressed the points of my original source material? And why hasn't the GOP sponsored it's own town meetings to address the concerns of these little astro-turf clowns.

Why are you so devoid of an intelligent discussion on this issue. Given the logic of the clown that tag this, I guess I have my answer.

LOL "Astro-turf": straight from the DNC talking point memo. So the union goons are "security" Tell me the real reason: the guy who was attacked 'isn't black enough' since he didn't swallow the DNC line.
You won't hear any or see any. Apparently the victim isn't the "right kind of black" since he didn't toe the line of the Democrat masters. *shrug*
You won't hear any or see any. Apparently the victim isn't the "right kind of black" since he didn't toe the line of the Democrat masters. *shrug*

He wasn't even a protester, he was there selling and even giving trinkets out! The thugs approached him and asked what he was doing there. He did not get the insenuations at first (you know, he's a black man and therefor owned by the liberals) and offered them a free button. That is when one of them called him a ni**er and shoved him. Then 3 others joined in.

Imagine if this had happened to a liberal loyalist!
LOL "Astro-turf": straight from the DNC talking point memo. So the union goons are "security" Tell me the real reason: the guy who was attacked 'isn't black enough' since he didn't swallow the DNC line.

"Astro-turf": straight from the DNC talking point memo.

You noticed that too....this from the clown that repeats over and over,
"the willfully ignorant neocon parrots" in just about every post....spits it out like a machine.....

Funny shit..."the willfully ignorant Democrat Fascist parrot" himself.....
Gets his daily dose of DNC talking points and then logs on to spew them to us.....
Hes the epitome of a liberal pinhead "parrot".....

Can't grasp the FACT that there was no trouble at all in the townhall meetings until the union thugs showed up.....and the fact that this didn't happen because of disruption inside a meeting...this was outside
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Why are YOU trying to paint all folks tired of astro-turf asshole antics as "racists"? Why are you showing a video that gives only ONE VIEWPOINT of this incident (what lead up to this?) They show up at a townhall meeting NOT to peacefully protest OUTSIDE the meeting, but with the EXPRESS purpose of disrupting the meeting and preventing it from continuing. The Union folk are not going to let it happen. YOU and the astro-turf assholes wanted confrontation, you got it. Now you're whining like little dogs. Newsflash bunky, ANY disruptor in any legal meeting is escorted out by security. Why don't the astro-turfer's follow the GOP example from the 2008 campaign and protest in "designated areas"? Why are you such a neocon stooge posting propaganda while NOT addressing all the facts and issues involved. Why haven't you addressed the points of my original source material? And why hasn't the GOP sponsored it's own town meetings to address the concerns of these little astro-turf clowns.

Why are you so devoid of an intelligent discussion on this issue. Given the logic of the clown that tag this, I guess I have my answer.

LOL "Astro-turf": straight from the DNC talking point memo. So the union goons are "security" Tell me the real reason: the guy who was attacked 'isn't black enough' since he didn't swallow the DNC line.

It's a good line, because the neocon punditry like Hannity have been yelling "grassroots" from the get go, DESPITE THE FACT that these drones are organized and/or sponsored by conservative groups with ties to insurance compananies. What's artificial grass? Astro-turf!

And once again, only YOU have made this into a "racial" thing, even though the video has a black guy telling someone that another black guy hit him. The Union guy gets arrested for what seems to be jumping into the fray. I don't heare anyone in that clip carrying on about racism.

Once again, YOU create some BS straight out of your subconscious hatreds and beliefs. And of course, you avoid like the plague all the questions/points I put forth.

Laugh, clown, laugh!
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He was attacked and beaten by 4 union thugs (if the union guys are thugs, then what does that make of the neocon assholes who show up for the sole purpose of disruption of a town hall meeting? (hint: the fore runner for the Nazi party pulled the same tactics as the astro-turfers in Germany) and called a ni**er...where is all the liberal outrage???
Well, I didn't hear that word on the video...and of course you and the other neocon parrot have nothing to say about the black guy stating that he was hit by another black guy.

You and Southie should check yourselves.....your sheets are showing!
"Astro-turf": straight from the DNC talking point memo.

You noticed that too....this from the clown that repeats over and over, No stupid, I just apply it as needed. The neocon pundity keeps trying to portray this shit as "grassroots". That's a lie, because as I and others have shown, you've got neocon groups with ties to insuance companies organizing this. Phony groups, not real "grassroots", hence "astro-turf", which is fake grass. That it gets your goat is a perk
"the willfully ignorant neocon parrots" in just about every post....spits it out like a machine..... Because you and your compadres fit that description to a tee...you repeat EVERY damned bit of BS that comes out of Hanntiy or Limbaugh or what you read in NewsMax or by Maulkin.....and when challenged with contrary facts, you just repeat yourselves ad nauseum. You walk the walk, you get the label.

Funny shit..."the willfully ignorant Democrat Fascist parrot" himself.....
Gets his daily dose of DNC talking points and then logs on to spew them to us.....
Hes the epitome of a liberal pinhead "parrot".....

And once again our intellectually impotent neocon demonstrates a complete lack of individual creativity by mimicking what I write. He ignores the consistent repetition of ENTIRE mantras and talking points from the neocon punditry by his compadres (nor can he recognize/acknowledge it in himself), yet he squawks with glee over my apt use of a descriptive phrase regarding the latest antics of the defeated GOP. Yes, for giving us all another glimpse of the lack of neocon intelligence...Bravo, indeed!

Can't grasp the FACT that there was no trouble at all in the townhall meetings until the union thugs showed up Liar....the video you provide gives NO evidence of this statement. Neocon fantasies do not a truism make. .....and the fact that this didn't happen because of disruption inside a meeting...this was outside
Again, your supposition and conjecture to fill in the blanks of what happened BEFORE your clip begins does not automatically translate as a factual truth. Once again, neocon propaganda just won't stand up to logical scrutiny. Flail away, jackass.
Being the pinhead you are, you don't even grasp the meaning of the term "grassroots".....

A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is one driven by the politics of a community.

This movement against Obamacare is as grassroots (AND AS ORGANIZED AND DISORGANIZED) as any "anti-war" movement or "civil-rights" movement of years gone by...
Just as those movements started with small, local and vocal opposition to a policy, so will the movement against socialized healthcare grow and evolve.
Organization can mean 2 people joining forces for a common goal or 2000 people.....and will still fit the definition of being "grassroots"... but I guess the Huffington site and the DNC don't tell you that ....insurance companies being your next beg boogie-man....

and now your dismissed Mr. Parrot
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Well, I didn't hear that word on the video...and of course you and the other neocon parrot have nothing to say about the black guy stating that he was hit by another black guy.

You and Southie should check yourselves.....your sheets are showing!

What fake outrage....why not just point out that blacks call each other niggers on a regular basis and its nothing you would get all excited about....
You always say something like that.

Wanna bet that we go the whole month of August without one incident of serious violence at a town hall meeting?

There was already serious violence and it wasn't from the tea party folks. Hello SEIU.
That was back in June before the meetings....evidently they're content with it


Do you have some links showing that those concerned about House versions of health care have been 'bussed in?' I've seen the accusation that some groups have emailed people and told them to voice their concerns, that's 'organization'? I don't think so.

How many group emails do you get telling you to 'go', 'write', 'email', 'phone' about such and such. How often do you do so? Mostly I don't even read what's sent, unless their is an issue I'm concerned about. My guess is neither do you.

On the other hand, when Union bosses decide they need to show a presence, the get the signs printed and force folks out. Same with ward bosses. It's the Chicago Way, but it's not what is motivating the tea party folks.
" but it's not what is motivating the tea party folks. "

No; the tea party folks are being motivated by the proposed death panels, who will decide the fate of children based on their potential worth to society.
Being the pinhead you are, you don't even grasp the meaning of the term "grassroots".....

A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is one driven by the politics of a community.

This movement against Obamacare is as grassroots (AND AS ORGANIZED AND DISORGANIZED) as any "anti-war" movement or "civil-rights" movement of years gone by...
Just as those movements started with small, local and vocal opposition to a policy, so will the movement against socialized healthcare grow and evolve.
Organization can mean 2 people joining forces for a common goal or 2000 people.....and will still fit the definition of being "grassroots"... but I guess the Huffington site and the DNC don't tell you that ....insurance companies being your next beg boogie-man....

and now your dismissed Mr. Parrot

:rolleyes: Our intellectually impotent neocon prattles on while either ignoring (or being ignorant of) the following FACTS.



Next time you want to waste time stating the painfully obvious while ignoring facts and displaying ignorance about the nomenclature of the issue.....don't. Makes you look less foolish.