white house asking union goons to silence opposition

Do you have some links showing that those concerned about House versions of health care have been 'bussed in?' I've seen the accusation that some groups have emailed people and told them to voice their concerns, that's 'organization'? I don't think so.

How many group emails do you get telling you to 'go', 'write', 'email', 'phone' about such and such. How often do you do so? Mostly I don't even read what's sent, unless their is an issue I'm concerned about. My guess is neither do you.

On the other hand, when Union bosses decide they need to show a presence, the get the signs printed and force folks out. Same with ward bosses. It's the Chicago Way, but it's not what is motivating the tea party folks.

You're guessing a lot, Annie. The following should get you up to speed:


with the think progress again...gawd, just say you agree with and it was good for the Uncle Tom to get the shit kicked out of him and be done with it...


huffington post

the issue is getting ready to escalate in to some serious violence.

Obama's webside doesn't say anything about recruiting union members.

In any case, who decided that union members who attend town hall meetings should be called "goons"? Are all conservatives anti-union?

"There are those who profit from the status quo, or see this debate as a political game, and they will stop at nothing to block reform. They are filling the airwaves and the internet with outrageous falsehoods to scare people into opposing change. And some people, not surprisingly, are getting pretty nervous. So we've got to get out there, fight lies with truth, and set the record straight."

What fake outrage....why not just point out that blacks call each other niggers on a regular basis and its nothing you would get all excited about....

Sorry, but you CANNOT BULLSHIT YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS. Your boy stated that the video had people using the N word. Well I didn't hear it!

Also, your compadres were all squawking some convoluted bullshit about excusing racism because of black astro-turf'ers. Well, I just pointed out that you had two black guys on opposite sides of the issue fighting, so where's the RACISM? For all your BS, supposition and conjecture, you just can't get past the simple logic that deconstructs what you write.

Bottom line: You, Southie and Icer are just lying neocon SOS....throwing up any and everything to try and legitimize the nazi party tactics of the astro-turf'ers. That you try this bogus racial angle speaks volumes on your mindset. But guess what, toodles? The video has suddenly been pulled by the author....guess he couldn't stand the scrutiny and did the usual neocon hit & run.

Once again, you've demonstrated
an intellectual impotence that is typical of the neocon..."Bravo" indeed!
good gawd, taichi is one angry person, that is like the energizer bunny, it just keeps babbling and babbling and blathering on..

you well find out if he was called the N word because they have a lawyer and I hope they sue the snot of the Union..
Ahhh, but the article also does not support what you are saying. Bottom line: no one is going to let the neocon propaganda machine get away with this nazi like disruption BS. If the neocons are so confident in their views on health care, then why isn't the GOP holding town meetings to address the concerns of THEIR constituents? Why instead run like little attack dogs to disrupt others exercising their constitutional rights to discuss a political issue with the public?

There's no defense for this BS....and when the Dems put a stop to it, the willfully ignorant neocon parrots will demonize them...as if what their compadres are doing was perfectly fine.

Sorry Damo, but that dog is not going to fly.

Bingo! Maybe neocon propaganda machines are afraid that if people learn the real truth, they'll start supporting Obama's health care plan.

Reminds me of those idiots at a Texas town hall meeting.

" A staffer for Texas Congressman Gene Green addressed the crowd before Rep. Green spoke and asked, essentially, who here is opposed to a socialized healthcare system? Almost every hand shot up. The staffer next asked, who here is on Medicare? Half of the people raised their hands."

What’s a good word for that? Hypocrisy? Ignorance? Embarrassing?

Bingo! Maybe neocon propaganda machines are afraid that if people learn the real truth, they'll start supporting Obama's health care plan.

Reminds me of those idiots at a Texas town hall meeting.

" A staffer for Texas Congressman Gene Green addressed the crowd before Rep. Green spoke and asked, essentially, who here is opposed to a socialized healthcare system? Almost every hand shot up. The staffer next asked, who here is on Medicare? Half of the people raised their hands."

What’s a good word for that? Hypocrisy? Ignorance? Embarrassing?


Oh man, Christie....that is so on target it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. This is why the description, "willfully ignorant" fits the neocon sheep so well.
Well, I didn't hear that word on the video...and of course you and the other neocon parrot have nothing to say about the black guy stating that he was hit by another black guy.

You and Southie should check yourselves.....your sheets are showing!

I found another version of this on YouTube and didn't hear any of what the parrots are saying. In fact, the whole thing was so confusing it was hard to tell who started it, and who did what.
Yeah man, we discredited them right-winger but good...that black conservative started it all, and it severed him right to end up in the hospital..

I'm just surprised he didn't get arrested, instead of those SIX peaceful American loving Union members..
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Well, I didn't hear that word on the video...and of course you and the other neocon parrot have nothing to say about the black guy stating that he was hit by another black guy.

You and Southie should check yourselves.....your sheets are showing!

I found another version of this on YouTube and didn't hear any of what the parrots are saying. In fact, the whole thing was so confusing it was hard to tell who started it, and who did what.

They're liars, Christie...plain and simple. Someone called them "intellectually bankrupt" (a phrase I love to use(...that's an understatement! They're hoping to muddy the issue by causing mini-riots.....but the American people are wise to their shennanigans. What I find interesting is that the so called MSM is VERY reluctant to point out the connections of the conservative groups that are funding/orchestrating these little dopes, yet the "alternative" media has NO problem in getting the facts straight.
You can keep yelling and waving your hand but you still lose. :pke:

hey it was great fun sitting here reading you two justifying that a man was beaten up and sent to the hospital by Union members..and the fact that he was a black man, certainly didn't scream racism and hate crime for you all...

keep going..
hey it was great fun sitting here reading you two justifying that a man was beaten up and sent to the hospital by Union members..and the fact that he was a black man, certainly didn't scream racism and hate crime for you all...

keep going..

Try and comprehend written English. I didn't justify anything because I didn't see on the video what you're trying to say happened.
Try and comprehend written English. I didn't justify anything because I didn't see on the video what you're trying to say happened.

the video has been up there for a couple of days, so who's fault is that..
yet you still sit here and take the side of the Union, who kicked the shit of a person for just standing on the street handing out flags..

shame shame.
Here's a second video from the same incident...those darn disruptive protesters deserved to have that camera shoved into their face by those caring and innocent Union members.

the video has been up there for a couple of days, so who's fault is that..
yet you still sit here and take the side of the Union, who kicked the shit of a person for just standing on the street handing out flags..

shame shame.

:rolleyes: Try again.

I found an extended version of the video on YouTube and did NOT hear the "n" word as you suggested, nor did I see a union logo on the attacker.
:rolleyes: Try again.

I found an extended version of the video on YouTube and did NOT hear the "n" word as you suggested, nor did I see a union logo on the attacker. YouTube - Obama Supporter, SEIU Union Goon, Arrested after Attack at Russ Carnahan Health Care Town Hall

that is a bald faced lie...the first video clearly shows the members in their Seiu purpler shits and getting arrested by the police..

you people are absolutely PATHETIC..

who care about what you all think anyway..