Who Do You Dislike More? George W or Osama

Bush. Osama does not pretend to be anything than what he is. And Bush is responsible for more deaths than Osama I think.

I have a problem with hating a wolf for being a wolf. but if the wolf pretends to be a sheep....
Bush. Osama does not pretend to be anything than what he is. And Bush is responsible for more deaths than Osama I think.

All you say is ABSOLUTLY TRUE. But Osama set out to kill innocent people, I do not belive Bush did.
Bush and here is why.

Ossama killed thousands of Americans.

Bush killed thousands of Americans, swore allegence to my beloved country and its constitution then proceded to fuck them both.

He lied to all of us and got thousands killed in a war that is breaking our military, our world respect, our finacial well being and the trust of our people.

I hate Ossama but hes already dead.

G W Bush is still hurting us.
Bush has betrayed his oath of office and the trust of his country.
Intentionally lied to get us into a situation which we cannot properly extract ourselves, etc

yes the quagmire was part of the plan. so mission was accompolished when bush claimed it was. Most just did not understand what the mission was.
I think I really view them as two sides of the same coin.

I can say that I would not have a beer with either of them.
Bush and here is why.

Ossama killed thousands of Americans.

Bush killed thousands of Americans, swore allegence to my beloved country and its constitution then proceded to fuck them both.

He lied to all of us and got thousands killed in a war that is breaking our military, our world respect, our finacial well being and the trust of our people.

I hate Ossama but hes already dead.

G W Bush is still hurting us.

1) Ossama is not dead.
2) I dont belive Bush set out to kill thousands of Americans.
3) As diluded as it is, Bush belives he is saving lives doing what he is doing.
4) Stupidity is forgivable, evilness is not.
Wow everyone who just agreed with this troll is seriously fucked up in the head.

This is why you lose elections. Fucking morons.
Bush has betrayed his oath of office and the trust of his country.
Intentionally lied to get us into a situation which we cannot properly extract ourselves, etc

yes the quagmire was part of the plan. so mission was accompolished when bush claimed it was. Most just did not understand what the mission was.

Even if all of above is true, and I believe it is... Bush did not set out to kill innocent people, and I think he belives/belived what he was doing would save lives.

Ossama is clearly much much worse. Really they are not in the same catagory.

Just like Bush is not in the same catagory as any of the real presidents.
Wow everyone who just agreed with this troll is seriously fucked up in the head.

This is why you lose elections. Fucking morons.

Why? Do you think that the mothers of the many thousands and thousands of dead children in Iraq, think that bush is “better than” bin laden? What about the three million displaced (that’s homeless) Iraqis, what do you think they think about this?

You can’t look at everything from the viewpoint of an American. It gives you a very small view of the world, and of humanity. It is a very typically American thing to do though.
If calling me "very typically American" is the worst insult you can think of, it's sad reflection of your own views about our country.

Regardless of your "international perspective" on the issue, one of those men is a theocratic mass murderer who has declared jihad on your homeland, and the other is a democratically elected President of your own country who at least tries in his own moronic way to defend the nation.
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This is a no brainer and CK has suckered to many of you in here already. Everyday of the week and twice on sunday I hate Osama more than George Bush. I don't care about Shrub's ineptitude, his fuck up around the war, the fact that has moved the goal post on what success is. NONE OF THAT MATTERS. He did what he thought was best for the country and I can think he is a bumbling fool but he has done nothing that set out to purposely kill americans, even though he KNEW americans would die in this war. Some of you need to take off your partisan blinders and see each man for what he is. Too many Bush haters are turning into the same kind of loon that the Clinton haters became at the end of his term. Bush could single handedly cure cancer and some of you would start to blame him for a population increase.
1) Ossama is not dead.
2) I dont belive Bush set out to kill thousands of Americans.
3) As diluded as it is, Bush belives he is saving lives doing what he is doing.
4) Stupidity is forgivable, evilness is not.

Where is your proof Osamma is alive,

Bush doesnt give a rats ass about this country and his actions proove it.

I believe Bush is both stupid and evil.
This is a no brainer and CK has suckered to many of you in here already. Everyday of the week and twice on sunday I hate Osama more than George Bush. I don't care about Shrub's ineptitude, his fuck up around the war, the fact that has moved the goal post on what success is. NONE OF THAT MATTERS. He did what he thought was best for the country and I can think he is a bumbling fool but he has done nothing that set out to purposely kill americans, even though he KNEW americans would die in this war. Some of you need to take off your partisan blinders and see each man for what he is. Too many Bush haters are turning into the same kind of loon that the Clinton haters became at the end of his term. Bush could single handedly cure cancer and some of you would start to blame him for a population increase.


Three years ago I never thought I'd see the day when I would be telling Bush-haters to calm the fuck down.