Who Do You Dislike More? George W or Osama

If calling me "very typically American" is the worst insult you can think of, it's sad reflection of your own views about our country.

Regardless of your "international perspective" on the issue, one of those men is a theocratic mass murderer who has declared jihad on your homeland, and the other is a democratically elected President of your own country who at least tries in his own moronic way to defend the nation.

I am not calling you anything.

And they are both mass murderers. That is simply a fact. It hardly matters where I reside, and I personally don’t comprehend that mind-set.
All the fake libertarians on here...... They cant hide their Republican love forever....Once Bush goes out of office.... They will be full pledged Republicans once again...

He's not eating the sheep. God I hate you people for making me defend GWB. To fit your analogy, Bush would have to be going to bed every night thinking "How can I kill more Americans." He doesn't do that. He is a bumbling fricking idiot, his war is a goat screw and for the first 3 years they didn't know what the fuck they were doing. But Bush is NOT contemplating how to kill americans, how to destroy american targets and how to cause mayhem in America. There is plenty of shit about Bush to complain about without sounding CRAZY and saying you hate him more than Osama bin Laden. That just hurts your cause and makes people not listen to you anymore. For godsakes don't go out and public and make this statement. It would absolutely discredit you.

You are just a Bush appologist.
Do you hate the guy who robbed you more than the guy who pretended to be your friend dated your sister for two years and lived in your house for free for six months and then hit you over the head and robbed you ?
This is a no brainer and CK has suckered to many of you in here already. Everyday of the week and twice on sunday I hate Osama more than George Bush. I don't care about Shrub's ineptitude, his fuck up around the war, the fact that has moved the goal post on what success is. NONE OF THAT MATTERS. He did what he thought was best for the country and I can think he is a bumbling fool but he has done nothing that set out to purposely kill americans, even though he KNEW americans would die in this war. Some of you need to take off your partisan blinders and see each man for what he is. Too many Bush haters are turning into the same kind of loon that the Clinton haters became at the end of his term. Bush could single handedly cure cancer and some of you would start to blame him for a population increase.

But I think everything he did was intentional. And he is a mass murderer. And I don’t think he has tried to protect this country.

And I am not even convinced that it was Bin Laden who was responsible for 9/11. But even if so, I firmly believe, and with good reason, that Bush let it happen at the very least.

So if I don’t think like you do, I’m a moron?
I agree with you Soc. except for the part about Bush curing cancer... He cant because he is anti-sciense, I am pretty sure he could not cure cancer.

He missed that bus with the stem cell research deal.
Its funny I hit a nerve with all the Bush apologists....

You never hear much of this Bush praise now in 2008 but suddenly when you say Bush is worse than Osama we got all the conservative apologists coming out of the woodwork defending his Majesty.... Osama aint a saint but he didnt pretend to be one...Bush did...Thats the difference...

This is whqat they dont get Darla.

It was a plan to take over the office by any means nessesary and then to hand all the money they could to the corporations they had an affiliation with.

They used the war to milk the treasurey and in the process got Americans killed.

Why cant these people see this?
Do you hate the guy who robbed you more than the guy who pretended to be your friend dated your sister for two years and lived in your house for free for six months and then hit you over the head and robbed you ?

that is my basis as well. OBL was a known problem and entity, bush was a wolf in sheeps clothing who betrayed our trust.
And Desh I know your hate of him is based on some very sound reasons but you go over the edge sometimes and it hurts your credibility.

Well being “credible” on a message board is not my number one priority in life.
I believe that Bush has shown depraved indifference to human life, which is a criminal act when it results in a death. I believe much of it was intentional. I believe people in this administration knew the 9/11 attacks were coming and did not prevent them because as they PUT IN WRITING PRE9/11, they needed “another pearl harbor” to implement their plans.

I believe there is a reason why the most powerful nation on earth has not brought to justice the alleged master mind of 9/11.
LOL, I am not smarter than BB on full disclosure esp in politics.

I do believe that I am a bumbling idiot that is being used for purposes contrary to the good of the USA. The fact that I am an idiot does not excuse me from the crime though.

I view myself as a traitor. Using the consititution and my former military oath of office to wipe my butt on.

This is whqat they dont get Darla.

It was a plan to take over the office by any means nessesary and then to hand all the money they could to the corporations they had an affiliation with.

They used the war to milk the treasurey and in the process got Americans killed.

Why cant these people see this?

Because most people aren't looking through 100% hate filled partisan prisms.
Bush says "God chose him to lead his nation"

I love the Bush apologists.......They always have this line that they use.....

"Bush is a horrible President but still better than Gore or Kerry"


George W is the worst President in the History of the USA... and probably is the worst representative of what Foreigners see as "American"...
