Who Do You Dislike More? George W or Osama

Thanks for proving my point Desh. You are the opposite side of the Clinton hater coin. You are SO partisan that it is sometimes hard to take you seriously. If Clinton was in charge and the war went just has it has for the last 8 years Clinton all the war cheerleaders on the right would sound like you do now. And they too would say that Clinton was more evil that Osama. This is partisan politics at it's worst.
George Bush is not the Devil, kids.

He is your President, elected by your countrymen whether you like it or not.

You may like him or dislike him, hopefully the latter, but he does not wish destruction on our country.
George Bush is not the Devil, kids.

He is your President, elected by your countrymen whether you like it or not.

You may like him or dislike him, hopefully the latter, but he does not wish destruction on our country.

I have seen blatent evidence to the contrary.
I do not believe GWB was ever elected by the people of this country.
I know to shoot a wolf, Nothing worse than a guard dog in the fold eating sheep.
He's not eating the sheep. God I hate you people for making me defend GWB. To fit your analogy, Bush would have to be going to bed every night thinking "How can I kill more Americans." He doesn't do that. He is a bumbling fricking idiot, his war is a goat screw and for the first 3 years they didn't know what the fuck they were doing. But Bush is NOT contemplating how to kill americans, how to destroy american targets and how to cause mayhem in America. There is plenty of shit about Bush to complain about without sounding CRAZY and saying you hate him more than Osama bin Laden. That just hurts your cause and makes people not listen to you anymore. For godsakes don't go out and public and make this statement. It would absolutely discredit you.
Thanks for proving my point Desh. You are the opposite side of the Clinton hater coin. You are SO partisan that it is sometimes hard to take you seriously. If Clinton was in charge and the war went just has it has for the last 8 years Clinton all the war cheerleaders on the right would sound like you do now. And they too would say that Clinton was more evil that Osama. This is partisan politics at it's worst.

Bullshit and you are talking out of your ass.

How do you claim to KNOW such shit.

Osama never was an American he never pledged to protect me and the Americans who are now dead.

This is what makes Bush worse.

He betrayed his oath and his country.

Osama was just some fucker who is a dead nutjob.
He's not eating the sheep. God I hate you people for making me defend GWB. To fit your analogy, Bush would have to be going to bed every night thinking "How can I kill more Americans." He doesn't do that. He is a bumbling fricking idiot, his war is a goat screw and for the first 3 years they didn't know what the fuck they were doing. But Bush is NOT contemplating how to kill americans, how to destroy american targets and how to cause mayhem in America. There is plenty of shit about Bush to complain about without sounding CRAZY and saying you hate him more than Osama bin Laden. That just hurts your cause and makes people not listen to you anymore. For godsakes don't go out and public and make this statement. It would absolutely discredit you.

SOC, he dosent give a rats assw about the US He is beholden the the monied interests. He will scarafice american lives, our teasure and our reputation to make money.

Hes not the first slime like this to come along but that is just what he is.
I make the claim Desh because you SOUND JUST LIKE THEM! Cut and paste the hated presidents name into all these claims. You are so blinded by your hate of Bush you can't see it. If this debate was televised the taking heads afterward would talk a great deal about the irrationality of your arguments.
This is a no brainer and CK has suckered to many of you in here already. Everyday of the week and twice on sunday I hate Osama more than George Bush. I don't care about Shrub's ineptitude, his fuck up around the war, the fact that has moved the goal post on what success is. NONE OF THAT MATTERS. He did what he thought was best for the country and I can think he is a bumbling fool but he has done nothing that set out to purposely kill americans, even though he KNEW americans would die in this war. Some of you need to take off your partisan blinders and see each man for what he is. Too many Bush haters are turning into the same kind of loon that the Clinton haters became at the end of his term. Bush could single handedly cure cancer and some of you would start to blame him for a population increase.

As much as I really dont like Bush I have to agree on this. I have been accused of hating Bush and not being able to let go... But I could not go as far as putting him into the same catagory as Ossama.
And Desh I know your hate of him is based on some very sound reasons but you go over the edge sometimes and it hurts your credibility.
He's not eating the sheep. God I hate you people for making me defend GWB. To fit your analogy, Bush would have to be going to bed every night thinking "How can I kill more Americans." He doesn't do that. He is a bumbling fricking idiot, his war is a goat screw and for the first 3 years they didn't know what the fuck they were doing. But Bush is NOT contemplating how to kill americans, how to destroy american targets and how to cause mayhem in America. There is plenty of shit about Bush to complain about without sounding CRAZY and saying you hate him more than Osama bin Laden. That just hurts your cause and makes people not listen to you anymore. For godsakes don't go out and public and make this statement. It would absolutely discredit you.
You do know she will though, right?
I make the claim Desh because you SOUND JUST LIKE THEM! Cut and paste the hated presidents name into all these claims. You are so blinded by your hate of Bush you can't see it. If this debate was televised the taking heads afterward would talk a great deal about the irrationality of your arguments.

You are right on. I can remember at the end of Bill Clinton's term some on the right thought he would do something crazy so as not to have to leave office when his term was up.

I'm too partisan to get involved because I am a part of it but I'm sure from your perspective when you see each side doing what they claim the other side does and then declaring themselves better, more morally superior etc. you must just laugh.
No you underestimate the desire for wealth of some people.

This has been repeted in history a thousand times. Someone reaches the top level of a country and plunders it without caring about its people.

Why you find it so hard to believe in the face of so much evidence shows your niavity.

We have been plundered just fucking look at the country.
He's not eating the sheep. God I hate you people for making me defend GWB. To fit your analogy, Bush would have to be going to bed every night thinking "How can I kill more Americans." He doesn't do that. He is a bumbling fricking idiot, his war is a goat screw and for the first 3 years they didn't know what the fuck they were doing. But Bush is NOT contemplating how to kill americans, how to destroy american targets and how to cause mayhem in America. There is plenty of shit about Bush to complain about without sounding CRAZY and saying you hate him more than Osama bin Laden. That just hurts your cause and makes people not listen to you anymore. For godsakes don't go out and public and make this statement. It would absolutely discredit you.

LOL, I am smarter than BB on full disclosure esp in politics.

I do believe that Bush is a bumbling idiot that is being used for purposes contrary to the good of the USA. The fact that he is an idiot does not excuse him from the crime though.

I view bush as a traitor. Using the consititution and his oath of office to wipe his butt on.
You do know she will though, right?

I hope not because it diminishes the effect the dislike of Bush has on American politics, and SOC is right it makes those of us who really dislike Bush for real resons look like the Clinton hatters who would have hadted him for anything he did.
I hope not because it diminishes the effect the dislike of Bush has on American politics, and SOC is right it makes those of us who really dislike Bush for real resons look like the Clinton hatters who would have hadted him for anything he did.
And this is the MOST salient point to be made from this. When you hate him with such fervor that you say he is worse than Osama you hurt every argument for why people REALLY should look upon this administration with disdain. People just say what people said about Clinton haters. THat they are so blinded by their hate that they would hate him for any good thing he did.
<NAME DELETED FOR PRIVACY RULES> troll Epicurus calls me a troll...


This is one time that Desh is actually right... Osama bin Laden was honest about his hate and wish of death to Americans...

Bush is dishonest about his hate and wish of death to Americans...

Would you rather face a mortal enemy in a gunfight or somebody who pretended to be your friend?

See my thread actually showed all the Closest Conservatives on here.... You know the ones that pretend to hate Bush but seem to always defend him....

Like <NAME DELETED FOR PRIVACY RULES>, Damocles, Jarod, BB, Socrtease....

All these fraudsters are fakes...bunch of Bush nuthuggers if I ever seen one...

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The man stole elections and then shit on the constitution.

He waged a war for monitary gain which resulted in the deaths of more Americans than Osama is said to have killed.

Bush has done more harm to American that Osama has.

That is why I hate him more.

Someday when the documents are all laid bare you will understand.
LOL, <NAME DELETED FOR PRIVACY RULES> and BB are not even in the closet :)
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