Who is you fav. Republican for 2016 presidental nomination.

I can only speak for myself but I have no current favorite or anyone that really excites me.

I will say based on his Governorship and what I've heard him say I do like Jeb Bush but I wouldn't vote for him based on his last name. Even if he is the best of his father and brother we don't need three people in a row coming from one family.

That is what gives me comfort about Hillary's chances in 16', the R's don't really have anyone that excites them. The divided soul of the party is going to make it hard for them to get behind a candidate. Things could change.
Jeb, if it were not for his brother, would have been the best Bush, but not even the Republicans are dumb enough to nominate another Bush. Imagine, he would have to ban his father and his brothers from the Convention.

Did you notice, no women on the list!

I have been waiting to see if the menfolk would consider any women, apparently not, just a lot of really unelectable men.

Good point! Weren't they crazy about Bachmann not too long ago, or Condi or Nikki Haley?

Wouldn't it be cool to have a match-up between two women in the general election!

Did you notice, no women on the list!

I have been waiting to see if the menfolk would consider any women, apparently not, just a lot of really unelectable men.

Who is the Republican woman who's a constitutionalist and limited government promoter?
The BIG government Military Industrial Complex promoter and radical religionist Whack Job. That figures!

Lol, you don't get it. I can't stand the guy, he was one of my senators up until 2006. I was happier that he got defeated than I was over any Dem win. I just want to see him lose big again.
Good point! Weren't they crazy about Bachmann not too long ago, or Condi or Nikki Haley?

Wouldn't it be cool to have a match-up between two women in the general election!
Yeah, that would be fun. Might even require a return to some sort of level of manners. And boy would it be funny seeing how other heads of state reacted. The muslim ones might have their heads explode teying to deal with Dr Rice publically. And Vlad ? That would be priceless.
My favorite Republican candidate would be no one, I'd prefer that they not run at all and the party just die and cease plaguing American elections.
My favorite Republican? Mike Huckabee

My favorite Republican for president? Don't really care

My favorite Democrat? Dan Boren if we can choose former political people....Mark Pryor among current ones

My favorite Democrat for president? Don't really care

You aren't so slow after all.

Mike Huckabee is a pretty good guy and his Christian values are rarely distorted by the "golden calf worshiping" right.

You probably don't care because of Citizens United and the turn out of every president speaking wise until the Corporations own him the day he is voted in. Don't want to end up like Kennedy, (R)ight? Follow the big money or else.