Who will win tonight's debate?

I know it is a UniParty but most people dont.......The D party leadership were a huge losers.....this is crushing for the people who believed in them.
I already know. Trump agreed to the debate. Pretty fucking obvious.
Grasshopper, you have learned nothing. :palm:

The whole white lib pravda media was ordered to abandon Brandon, 2 minutes after he shuffled on to the stage!
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The person you supported before the debate.
Obviously not.

It's maddening Biden came off ten times better immediately following the debate speaking to a crowd of supporters with his wife beside him.
You saw then he is as with it as you thought he was before watching him vaporize before the nation.
Obviously not.

It's maddening Biden came off ten times better immediately following the debate speaking to a crowd of supporters with his wife beside him.
You saw then he is as with it as you thought he was before watching him vaporize before the nation.
Maybe they had a prompter in the room...Or maybe he's just automatic when it comes to pandering to "adoring fans"...
What did he say that was so encouraging? He's not "with it" for four more years...or seven more months...the whole world got to see that...
Shame on Jill, btw...
And shame on the "cold" excuse....
Maybe they had a prompter in the room...Or maybe he's just automatic when it comes to pandering to "adoring fans"...
What did he say that was so encouraging? He's not "with it" for four more years...or seven more months...the whole world got to see that...
Shame on Jill, btw...
And shame on the "cold" excuse....
Sure, since you didn't watch it you are taking the opportunity to talk out of your asshole.
Sure, since you didn't watch it you are taking the opportunity to talk out of your asshole.
I didn't see it, so I asked you about it...Why didn't you just answer...? I'm sure if I look I can find a Youtube...thanks anyway...
I didn't see it, so I asked you about it...Why didn't you just answer...? I'm sure if I look I can find a Youtube...thanks anyway...
I saw it and Joe was weak, he mumbled, he stopped mid sentence unable to remember what he was trying to say, it was bad. I don't care what the Biden sycophants here say, the people around Joe this morning are VERY worried.
I saw it and Joe was weak, he mumbled, he stopped mid sentence unable to remember what he was trying to say, it was bad. I don't care what the Biden sycophants here say, the people around Joe this morning are VERY worried.
I saw the debate ....I didn't see the "after party" as it was unfolding... This definitely will go down in history as probably the worst and most embarrassing moments for a sitting president...ever...
I saw the debate ....I didn't see the "after party" as it was unfolding... This definitely will go down in history as probably the worst and most embarrassing moments for a sitting president...ever...
I couldn't agree more. It was elder abuse
Sure, since you didn't watch it you are taking the opportunity to talk out of your asshole.
Toxic gets her "facts" from OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart -- Fox being too liberal and all. They routinely use carefully-edited video to make Biden look as bad as possible. She didn't watch the debate as it happened; she's always passed out by that time of night. Biden clearly had throat issues and appeared to be hoarse from a cold. Trump came across as his usual bombastic bullshitting-the-citizens crackpot. I wouldn't say that either won. As others have pointed out, the debate likely swayed no one's vote.
Toxic gets her "facts" from OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart -- Fox being too liberal and all. They routinely use carefully-edited video to make Biden look as bad as possible. She didn't watch the debate as it happened; she's always passed out by that time of night. Biden clearly had throat issues and appeared to be hoarse from a cold. Trump came across as his usual bombastic bullshitting-the-citizens crackpot. I wouldn't say that either won. As others have pointed out, the debate likely swayed no one's vote.
Can you tell me what “black jobs” are? Trump said illegals were taking Black and Hispanic jobs! What are those?