Who will win tonight's debate?

Toxic gets her "facts" from OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart -- Fox being too liberal and all. They routinely use carefully-edited video to make Biden look as bad as possible. She didn't watch the debate as it happened; she's always passed out by that time of night. Biden clearly had throat issues and appeared to be hoarse from a cold. Trump came across as his usual bombastic bullshitting-the-citizens crackpot. I wouldn't say that either won. As others have pointed out, the debate likely swayed no one's vote.
Agreed Biden appeared pale and ill and Trump as the King of Bullshit.

The MAGAts are gloating over a Trump "win" because, in their world, the person who screams the loudest wins all arguments.
Can you tell me what “black jobs” are? Trump said illegals were taking Black and Hispanic jobs! What are those?
you mean when asked why Black voters should vote for him?

why would he explain about how illegals also take the jobs of white voters? I mean he could, but the question to him was of a racial context - so was his reply

why do you shit stains have to try to divide by race all the time?
you mean when asked why Black voters should vote for him?

why would he explain about how illegals also take the jobs of white voters? I mean he could, but the question to him was of a racial context - so was his reply

why do you shit stains have to try to divide by race all the time?
Which jobs? Chemical Engineer at Exxon? Nuclear physicist at Gate's new power plant?