Who Won the Debate?

He is uncomfortable doing it for good reasons. In addition to it being a dishonorable and morally despicable tactic, polling showed last night that it didn't play well with independents.
The line would have been perfect if he had added, "in fact, unlike you, I've actually run against George Bush in an election." I thought about it when I heard him say it, and figured since it was probably a rehearsed line, he should have had that foresight...

Oh yeah that might have been a good one.
Beyond that fact that a very small % of small businesses will be negatively impacted by Obama's tax hike on those over $250K, Obama is also offering tax incentives to small businesses who create jobs & keep them in America.

Joe will probably do much better under Obama. But I hope Palin keeps talking about him.

Also, Dixie, Obama plans to help small businesses with healthcare costs, first by giving them access to low-cost, quality care through a national health exchange, and also reimbursing some catastrophic health costs.

He's going to eliminate capital gains taxes on small businesses & start-ups, expand business loan programs and provide training & assistance for rural small businesses, among other measures.

Now, since you have implied I drank koolaid to come up with the 1.4% figure...have you been able to find any factual evidence to counter that stat?
So you can't raise taxes when the economy is tanking because that'll make things worse. You can't raise taxes when the economy is doing well because that'll slow growth. You can't tax people at all in Dixieland.

So...you don't have any facts to counter your slander that I got my stats from Daily Kos?

You admit you were wrong about the effect of Obama's plans on Joe the plumber and the vast majority of small businesses?
He is uncomfortable doing it for good reasons. In addition to it being a dishonorable and morally despicable tactic, polling showed last night that it didn't play well with independents.

What is "morally despicable" about pointing out a close association with a domestic terrorist? If McCain had launched his political career in the living room of... say, Eric Rudolph... would the left not point that out?
It is not a "close association". Obama hasn't spoken to the man in a year and a half.

Look you can believe whatever you want. I don't care. My sole point is that it didn't play as well with independents as the right hoped.
It is not a "close association". Obama hasn't spoken to the man in a year and a half.

Look you can believe whatever you want. I don't care. My sole point is that it didn't play as well with independents as the right hoped.

LMAO... a year and a half? Hmmm.... Hey Buddy, sorry to do this, but I can't be 'sociatin with you whilst I run for president... you understand how that might not look good, don't you?

The man built bombs and targeted the Pentagon and Capitol! He is a domestic terrorist, and Obama held his first fundraiser in the man's living room! That's a little too close of an association for my taste. Like I said, if McCain launched his political career in the living room of Eric Rudolph, the left would not consider it 'morally despicable' to bring that up... just a hunch!
Interesting that there are 3 responses to Dixie on this page.

And the only one he chooses to respond to is the one about Ayers.
Who will be the judge? You? Currently we all are, instead you want some government entity to shut the mouths of people who say things you don't like, especially candidates?

Freedom of speech is the foundation upon which all our other freedoms are built. You either trust Democracy or you need to go somewhere else because I will fight tooth and nail for that freedom in particular and I am not going to let you, or others, curtail it with Big Brother.

False outrage at it's finest :clink:
He doesn't have to walk it off, his painkillers do it for him. He doesn't even realize he is high anymore...

Still smart enough to see where our economy was headed.
Still smart enough not to vote for Bush even once.

Listen to uscitizen you should.

but what the hey drink a beer with bush in a full parking lot.
Still smart enough to see where our economy was headed.
Still smart enough not to vote for Bush even once.

Listen to uscitizen you should.

but what the hey drink a beer with bush in a full parking lot.
He doesn't even remember the fact that I never said he was wrong, just that it was obvious. Shoot even Bush warned against it in 2001 and tried to put changes into the Budget to deal with it. You are in good company there, uscitizen. Listen to Bush we should... :rolleyes:
He doesn't even remember the fact that I never said he was wrong, just that it was obvious. Shoot even Bush warned against it in 2001 and tried to put changes into the Budget to deal with it. You are in good company there, uscitizen. Listen to Bush we should... :rolleyes:

yeah why did you and the righties ridicule me then ?

Back to a busheeple status Damo ? This election must be really hard on you.
And then the fact that I have been right all of this time....
yeah why did you and the righties ridicule me then ?

Back to a busheeple status Damo ? This election must be really hard on you.
And then the fact that I have been right all of this time....
Again. I ridiculed you because it was obvious and easy.

Had you had it nailed to within a couple months I'd have been impressed. But predicting a downturn... not so much. You'll find posts of mine that spoke of the housing bubble from long ago... I'm not on here saying I'm Nostradamus.

I ridiculed you for predicting the obvious. As I said, I can predict an upturn, and even the next downturn right now. Because they both will happen. I can even post about it for years and years....