Who would do better during the general against McCain

What do you want hillarys experience in how to fuck the people over and work the corporate system in back smoke filled rooms.. or obamas experience on how to unite and rally people.
McCain is the regurgitated republican nominee by default .. given that the rest of them are even a more horrid choice than he is.

McCain has no chance against Obama or Clinton .. especially Obama who would have a energized electorate running to the polls to elect him.

All they need to do is play McCain's theme song .. Bomb Bomb Iran, and the election is over.

You're giving the American voter WAY too much credit here. They re-elected Bush, remember?

I think Hilllary has a hard time against him. He gets more independents, and the GOP base would hold their noses & rally against a Hillary candidacy...
Have you ever heard the song?

McCain is the regurgitated republican nominee by default .. given that the rest of them are even a more horrid choice than he is.

McCain has no chance against Obama or Clinton .. especially Obama who would have a energized electorate running to the polls to elect him.

All they need to do is play McCain's theme song .. Bomb Bomb Iran, and the election is over.

It is not Johns song...it is 'Rusty Humphries' (syndicated Radio talk show host-out of Seattle)parady spoof song...one of many on his CD...it started with 'Osama'
You're giving the American voter WAY too much credit here. They re-elected Bush, remember?

I think Hilllary has a hard time against him. He gets more independents, and the GOP base would hold their noses & rally against a Hillary candidacy...

I don't give the American voter any credit .. and Bush was re-selected, not elected. But it doesn't take more than an 8th grader to recognize that Americans have had enough of made-up and useless war.

If Clinton gets the nomination there will be tremendous pressure put on Obama to take the VP spot and a Clinton/Obama ticket is unbeatable against any two republicans on planet earth.

They could reanimate Reagan and the Gopers still lose.
Unite and Rally..............?

What do you want hillarys experience in how to fuck the people over and work the corporate system in back smoke filled rooms.. or obamas experience on how to unite and rally people.

To what end...he has not made any real or proposed solutions just cheerleading rhetoric!:rolleyes:
He has as much experience as JFK did.
Lincoln was elected to the Illinois House of Reps in 1834 and served four terms, Was elected to the US House in 1846 and had one term in the House and then went back home to be a lawyer.
During his time in the House Lincoln said of the Mexican American War "God of Heaven has forgotten to defend the weak and innocent, and permitted the strong band of murderers and demons from hell to kill men, women, and children, and lay waste and pillage the land of the just."

He lost a bid to the senate to Douglas and then ran for president in 1860 and won. He had very little "official" experience in politics but was always involved.

When you look at Lincolns life and compare it to Obama there are many similarities.
Kennedy proposed ideas and started the ball rolling...and he was actually the first white/black President analogy...thats why Tweddy(pun) and Caroline endorsed Obama over Hillary ...because she and Bill took credit...Obama is just a flash in the pan...he talks a good game...but has absolutely no experience or record to check for facts...the guy quite frankly scares me...like the old saying goes:'If it seems to good to be true it is'!

I like that he is not full of Washington experience. Clean the place out is what I say!
I don't give the American voter any credit .. and Bush was re-selected, not elected. But it doesn't take more than an 8th grader to recognize that Americans have had enough of made-up and useless war.

If Clinton gets the nomination there will be tremendous pressure put on Obama to take the VP spot and a Clinton/Obama ticket is unbeatable against any two republicans on planet earth.

They could reanimate Reagan and the Gopers still lose.

I thought that she would have to ask him to take the VP slot…but there seems to be real bad blood now. Do you think he would accept?
I am hoping it doesn’t come to this, and Hillary is not the nominee.
See, if he is the nominee, she would never accept a VP slot anyway, and then maybe he would ask Edwards, and talk about an unbeatable ticket.

I like that he is not full of Washington experience. Clean the place out is what I say!

with Obama...no one knows what we would get...he may be the dreaded 666 of the apocolyps...can anyone explain what his policy and goal would be as President...he surely has made no definition of what or who he really is...he can dance but can he lead to a good result...I think not!
I thought that she would have to ask him to take the VP slot…but there seems to be real bad blood now. Do you think he would accept?
I am hoping it doesn’t come to this, and Hillary is not the nominee.
See, if he is the nominee, she would never accept a VP slot anyway, and then maybe he would ask Edwards, and talk about an unbeatable ticket.

I'm totally with you on this and I really hope Edwards is on the ticket.

Anyone who accepts the VP spot with Hillary will get regulated to goper status because there will be two presidents, and Bill will get far more limelight.

Additionally, a Hillary presidency will be characterized by one word .. gridlock.

Not a good scenario for Obama or anyone else who has any future political aspirations.
"with Obama...no one knows what we would get...he may be the dreaded 666 of the apocolyps"

Ok people, really, do we have to entertain this? And this guy votes. If that is not enough to scare anyone straight and by straight I mean straight off of Democracy, then I don’t know what is.
You are really dense...........

"with Obama...no one knows what we would get...he may be the dreaded 666 of the apocolyps"

Ok people, really, do we have to entertain this? And this guy votes. If that is not enough to scare anyone straight and by straight I mean straight off of Democracy, then I don’t know what is.

This was not an accusation...just a analogy...over your head again!
Um Jarod, he is saying, and he is serious, that Obama could be the long-awaited (in some quarters) arrival of the anti-Christ. I really don’t see this being settled with logic, do you?

The guys a f’ing delusional moron and he is going to be voting. It’s just outrageous and exposes a real flaw in democracy.

If he is serious then the guy is a loon, I thought he was being metaphorical.

If he is serious then the guy is a loon, I thought he was being metaphorical.

Counselor...darla is a true bimbo...from the get go...notice how she stated that I was serious...putting words in ones mouth...the Liberal mantra!
Um Jarod, he is saying, and he is serious, that Obama could be the long-awaited (in some quarters) arrival of the anti-Christ. I really don’t see this being settled with logic, do you?

The guys a f’ing delusional moron and he is going to be voting. It’s just outrageous and exposes a real flaw in democracy.

I'm suprised he's not on IA.