Who would do better during the general against McCain

Think the Democrats are going to run a dirty campaign and make the war hero into a deserter/traitor ala 2004?

Hard to imagine isn't it? Thats cause Republicans are fucking evil.
Obama or Clinton?

many polls i have seen have Clinton losing to McCain and Obama beating McCain.

perhaps this is why the recent break towards obama by the likes of Kennedy?

I think McCain is the strongest GOP candidate, but I ain't willing to say that Clinton would be doomed. It's too early for that. Polls right now don't mean anything, and everyone on this board including myself, has a record of horrible "predictions". McCain has had 8 years of adulation and adoration of the Mainstream media, and has never been under a critical spotlight in a national way, the way Clinton has.

This is a guy who sings "bomb, bomb Iran", says we need less jobs (we can't stop outsourcing folks), more wars (it's inevitable folks, diplomacy doesn't work). A guy who wants to stay permanently in iraq. A guy who admits he doesn't know much about economics. Beyond his blessed "bipartisan maverick" image, somebody explain to me how that is a good general election platform?

One edge I'll give to McCain is the conservative base. They have a history of uniting and lining up like lemmings behind the party's standard-bearer. Hello? They turned out in droves to re-elect Dubya in 2004, one of the worst president's in history. People like superfreak were only to happy to run to the polls to vote for a complete and dangerous incompetent, because "Bush was just a tad bit better than Kerry/Gore".

And on the other side of the aisle, I hear plenty of progressives say that there's no way they'd ever vote for hillary. They'll stay home, vote for some irrelevant third party, or God forbid even vote for McCain the blessed "maverick". I've never jumped on that Hillary hate bandwagon, but if McCain wins, I fear it could be because a lot of liberals are perfectly willing to throw the election to McCain out of their own deep seated Hillary aversion.

I won't support Clinton for the nomination. She pisses me off on a lot of policy issues. Did she play hardball in Florida yesterday? Yes. The clinton's play hardball. Fact. But, that's not always a bad thing. I don't think the Clinton's would have let Bush steal Florida in 2000, the way al gore did. Or, at least they would have kicked a lot more republicans in the teeth. And to be honest, if Edwards had won Florida, and suddenly decided to try to get the Florida delegates seated at the national convention, I might be secretly cheering him.
McCain has no chance unless its Hillary... too many republicans won't support him and they'll end up with a base that isn't motivated to vote. You nominate Hillary, that will get the Republicans riled up. A lot of Republicans would be ok with an Obama presidency.

Mr. 95% rating from the ACLU, which is worse/better than Clinton, I don't think so.