Whole prices soar

12-12-2007, 09:44 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 3,805


Listen salesman
the economy is like a large ship and doesn't stop on a dime, normally you'll have a weak quarter or two preceeding it.
Can one happen in 2008, of course it can. Is it like 70% probable. No way maybe 30 to 40%. Your going to see good retail sales numbers for November and December. It's not nearly as bad as you say and that's why you don't know jack about the economy.
Auto's and Housing down, retail and tech way up. Net up by over 3% for the year."
Your team created this mess all on their own Super.

I bet more people in this country are now fondly looking back at the Clinton admin than ever.
This always makes me laugh. The Budget comes only from Congress. No matter how many times I hear this I laugh again. Clinton didn't magically do it alone. The nation clearly works best when the WH and the Congress share a goal and one isn't rubberstamping the promises of the WH. Unfortunately it took finalizing the theft of Social Security to get it "balanced" then it was STILL overspent.
Your team created this mess all on their own Super.

I bet more people in this country are now fondly looking back at the Clinton admin than ever.

Desh... do try to catch up.... How many times must I inform you that BOTH parties are to blame for this mess? Yes, Bush has been horrible. So was Clinton. Clinton had a great economy and still managed (along with the Rep Congress) to raise our nations debt every single year he was in office. Tell me what the Dems have done desh that you think they are innocent in all of this.
My post on 11-24-07:

This year, the Washington-based National Retail Federation predicted that total holiday sales would be up 4 percent for the combined November and December period, the slowest growth since a 1.3 percent rise in 2002.

Yep something to be proud of.


to which spinner replied:

herein lies the plight of the ignorant like desh and USC trying to talk economics. 4.6 percent is quit good, what's not is both of your lack of any formal or nonformal education on the topic.
This always makes me laugh. The Budget comes only from Congress. No matter how many times I hear this I laugh again. Clinton didn't magically do it alone. The nation clearly works best when the WH and the Congress share a goal and one isn't rubberstamping the promises of the WH. Unfortunately it took finalizing the theft of Social Security to get it "balanced" then it was STILL overspent.

In ten, nine, eight.....

But the CBO credited the bulk of the good economy to the 1993 blah blah blah.....

She will never understand the budget process. She has no clue that a budget is done on an annual basis. That without Congress AND the WH, the budget does not get done.
This always makes me laugh. The Budget comes only from Congress. No matter how many times I hear this I laugh again. Clinton didn't magically do it alone. The nation clearly works best when the WH and the Congress share a goal and one isn't rubberstamping the promises of the WH. Unfortunately it took finalizing the theft of Social Security to get it "balanced" then it was STILL overspent.

The GAO and the CBO both credit the 1993 budget reduction act with the lions share of the surpluses. When the world saw the US moving towards fiscal responsibility the world started investing. Do you really think the impeachment and the Ken Star investigation gave us the economy we had at the time?

This one will historically be placed completetly on the backs of the republican party my friend.
12-11-2007, 12:33 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 3,805


anybody who knows jack shit about the economy isn't saying 70% chance of recession you cold caller robber of little old ladies.
The GAO and the CBO both credit the 1993 budget reduction act with the lions share of the surpluses. When the world saw the US moving towards fiscal responsibility the world started investing. Do you really think the impeachment and the Ken Star investigation gave us the economy we had at the time?

This one will historically be placed completetly on the backs of the republican party my friend.
There WAS NO SURPLUS. I can create a budget with a surplus every day, but each time I overspend it there IS NO SURPLUS. Not ever, not one time, not even by one penny, was there ever a Surplus during Clinton's years except on paper and each year it was overspent. Every single time the debt was added to, never lowered, there was never, ever, not once any surplus.

And each year the budget is made, it can't be "credited" to any certain year. It is preposterous. Clinton and the D Congress could not do it without the expressed vote each year of the republican Congress. How is it that Civics was missed by you? Seriously, it is blatantly ignorant of the process.

And LOL SF....
In ten, nine, eight.....

But the CBO credited the bulk of the good economy to the 1993 blah blah blah.....

She will never understand the budget process. She has no clue that a budget is done on an annual basis. That without Congress AND the WH, the budget does not get done.

We are allowed to use the same facts over on this site unlike some places.Facts dont have an experation date.
The GAO and the CBO both credit the 1993 budget reduction act with the lions share of the surpluses. When the world saw the US moving towards fiscal responsibility the world started investing. Do you really think the impeachment and the Ken Star investigation gave us the economy we had at the time?

This one will historically be placed completetly on the backs of the republican party my friend.

Show one fiscal year desh that the national debt was lowered. There were NO ACTUAL SURPLUSSES DESH. THEY OVER SPENT EVERY SINGLE YEAR CLOWNTOON WAS IN OFFICE....as the idiots in BOTH parties have done since 1960.
There WAS NO SURPLUS. I can create a budget with a surplus every day, but each time I overspend it there IS NO SURPLUS.

And each year the budget is made, it can't be "credited" to any certain year. It is preposterous.

It was a move towards fiscal responsibility whcih the world recognised and it helped the economy.

Where is the dollar in the minds of the world now?
We are allowed to use the same facts over on this site unlike some places.Facts dont have an experation date.

The problem that you FAIL to comprehend Desh is that the CBO and GAO gave OPINIONS.... NOT FACTS.

The problem Desh is that you FAIL to comprehend the basic simple fact that there WERE NO SURPLUSSES. There were only "projected surplusses". The very fact that the national debt has increased every fiscal year since 1960 seems to go right over your head. THAT IS FACT.

Your bullshit quote from the CBO is bureaucratic horseshit OPINONS.
1st post on this subject - 2nd to come, but absorb this first SF and Damo

VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: Today, I am announcing that we will under-spend the surplus rather than over-promise our way into an economic

GOVERNOR GEORGE BUSH: Half the surplus is gonna go for Social Security reform and to pay down debt. One quarter is gonna go for new programs that are needed. But I think it's fair, and I think it's right, that one quarter go back to the hard working Americans who pay the bills.

It was a move towards fiscal responsibility whcih the world recognised and it helped the economy.

Where is the dollar in the minds of the world now?
And each year past 1994 it was a R Congress creating the budget for that year. Pretending that the budgets don't come from Congress is pretense. It is sad, sad pretense. Also pretending that a couple hundred billion didn't come from the theft of Social Security (1993... think about who did that and why they recieve "credit" for the unbalanced "surplus" that never came about.)
There WAS NO SURPLUS. I can create a budget with a surplus every day, but each time I overspend it there IS NO SURPLUS. Not ever, not one time, not even by one penny, was there ever a Surplus during Clinton's years except on paper and each year it was overspent. Every single time the debt was added to, never lowered, there was never, ever, not once any surplus.

And each year the budget is made, it can't be "credited" to any certain year. It is preposterous. Clinton and the D Congress could not do it without the expressed vote each year of the republican Congress. How is it that Civics was missed by you? Seriously, it is blatantly ignorant of the process.

And LOL SF....

It was inevitable. She clings to that same fantasy every time she tries to suggest that Clinton and the Dems are somehow responsible for the boom that started before Clinton was even a Dem nominee for President.
1st post on this subject - 2nd to come, but absorb this first SF and Damo

VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: Today, I am announcing that we will under-spend the surplus rather than over-promise our way into an economic

GOVERNOR GEORGE BUSH: Half the surplus is gonna go for Social Security reform and to pay down debt. One quarter is gonna go for new programs that are needed. But I think it's fair, and I think it's right, that one quarter go back to the hard working Americans who pay the bills.

Yet there never was a surplus. Budget surpluses notwithstanding, if the budget was overspent, as it was every single year, then debt increases and surpluses were NEVER REALISED. Economics 101, I thought that was another one we all had to take.