Whole prices soar

freak was it collorado school of mines

we'll see I on the recession, maybe Kuldows 3/4 positive economist vs negatives are not representative. I did see a consensus listing at 30 a month ago. I'm sure it's gone up some.
???? I think he has finally lost it.

you said treasury secretary.... when you should have said Fed Chairman. He thinks that is funny.

Yet, you see how he is now back to his "consensus says" and has completely backed away from the no one said 70%?

I think that is funny.
Crawfish alert!
Spinner is backpeddling.

yeah SF, I messed up on the title but not the function.

I am still smarter than a fifth grader , unlike spinner.
freak was it collorado school of mines

we'll see I on the recession, maybe Kuldows 3/4 positive economist vs negatives are not representative. I did see a consensus listing at 30 a month ago. I'm sure it's gone up some.

Was what colorado school of mines??????????

"we'll see I on the recession"?????? translation please.
try this on on for size you two 12 yr olds.
I know for sure usged doens't travel in big money circles, sf since your a professional broker I would think consensus would mean more to you than an outliers position.
I have significant assets at risk and formally managed money for several wealthy clients. I care a lot more what a couple dosen wall street economist think than what the one or tow at the top or bottom of the distribution think.
try this on on for size you two 12 yr olds.
I know for sure usged doens't travel in big money circles, sf since your a professional broker I would think consensus would mean more to you than an outliers position.
I have significant assets at risk and formally managed money for several wealthy clients. I care a lot more what a couple dosen wall street economist think than what the one or tow at the top or bottom of the distribution think.

As I told you toppy.... I do not listen to consensus. Consensus is usually BEHIND the curve. I prefer to go with the LEADERS, not those that drag along behind to form the consensus... only changing their opinions when everyone else does. They are the lemmings toppy. The writing has been on the wall since last June.
I bet the treasury secretary comments impress them at the bowling alley. None of your friends are smart enough to know who the fed chairman is. LOFL
I bet the treasury secretary comments impress them at the bowling alley. None of your friends are smart enough to know who the fed chairman is. LOFL


well at least he has friends. Because I am betting once people get to know you, they run quite quickly upon your approach.
what's your crystal ball factor that told you in June?
I could care less if that moron has friends
I agree with you on the top guys, ie I go with consensus but when goldman is making the most money and they say watch out, I brace for the hit.
what's your crystal ball factor that told you in June?
I could care less if that moron has friends
I agree with you on the top guys, ie I go with consensus but when goldman is making the most money and they say watch out, I brace for the hit.

So when Goldman, Merrill and Morgan Stanley all say we are already IN a recession, you still argue with my prediction?

No crystal ball toppy.... I looked at the data and the markets reaction to the data. When the subprime mess really began blowing up and suddenly everyone started questioning the value of the CDOs and SIVs that raised a flag. When the CDOs and SIVs did not reprice that raised the second flag. When Bear Stearns blew up two hedge funds, the third flag. With the prices of grain and energy rising fast, fourth and fifth flags.

Add in the continuation of the decline in the dollar and the normal skyrocketing of healthcare costs... it was pretty easy to see a down trend coming. The lack of action by the Fed is why I put my number up to 70% late last year.
I didn't even know what a siv was back then and yup the hedges blowing up and banks getting bailed out is troubling. Yes Goldman and Meryll really bother me as they are two of the tops.
ok so what is a lawyer with very little economic knowledge to do? How long are we going to be in this storm and where do we put our money to weather it? Inquiring minds want to know.
put your money in tech IBM earnings way up, intel way up, we all know the JESUS phone maker will be up to.:clink:
ok so what is a lawyer with very little economic knowledge to do? How long are we going to be in this storm and where do we put our money to weather it? Inquiring minds want to know.

Gold, Silver, Utilities are decent safehavens during a recession.

After a bit more downside, infrastructure would be another area to look at.