So this woman was making plans on moving to Florida and working for Trump until Trump found out she was a leaker and nixed hiring her. Sounds like she was looking for revenge. If Trump was such a raving mad man why did she want to work for him.

Levin went into this in detail on his show. I found the fact it took the Muppet lady five tries and a lawyer change to get her to get ready for the public shit show. Muppet lady, call the Secret Service guys that have first hand knowledge during primetime and I might become a believer.
Except that you did.

Look, I get it with you...you post so much, so recklessly that it's understandable that you'd forget most of what you post here.

Thankfully, JPP has a pretty decent search mechanism..[/SIZE]

None of those posts support your bullshit, you shrill, lying, repugnant mental case on steroids. :palm:
Truth Detector can't do simple math. That's why he's so fucking confused. Too fucking stupid.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person
:rolleyes: Guess it was the valet who threw the dish at the wall, breaking it and spraying ketchup everywhere.

What it was, was something she didn't witness, and she was just passing gossip. Since the one person she's repeating stories from didn't testify I don't even know if we should believe she saw ketchup.

If you want a witness, get the valet. If you want gossip then get this lady as she's apparently "blockbuster" at repeating gossip. Only someone who really wanted to believe these stories would care what she says once the first words were "and then <insert someone else here> said that" everything that follows is suspect.
What it was, was something she didn't witness, and she was just passing gossip. Since the one person she's repeating stories from didn't testify I don't even know if we should believe she saw ketchup.

If you want a witness, get the valet. If you want gossip then get this lady as she's apparently "blockbuster" at repeating gossip. Only someone who really wanted to believe these stories would care what she says once the first words were "and then <insert someone else here> said that" everything that follows is suspect.

Why would she lie?
There is literally a post of yours that has, as it's title, "Biden may steal an election for the elitists, but Democrats will regret it: Devine"

Where did "I" claim the election was stolen dumbass. You really are a mental case with ZERO ability to comprehend what you read and say, you know that? You should see a mental health professional. November might push you over the edge and you'll be our next mass shooter. :palm:
Where did "I" claim the election was stolen dumbass.

When you posted that link with the subject title "Biden may steal an election for the elitists, but Democrats will regret it: Devine"

Or here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...rriage-or-birth-control&p=5181429#post5181429

Or here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...rriage-or-birth-control&p=5181436#post5181436

Or here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...rriage-or-birth-control&p=5181441#post5181441

Or here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...rriage-or-birth-control&p=5181448#post5181448

Your problem is that you have a big, fat, fucking mouth that you can't control, so you end up posting shit that you completely forgot you posted because you probably have the same CTE brain damage Herschel Walker has, or you have long haul COVID brain fog.
When you posted that link with the subject title "Biden may steal an election for the elitists, but Democrats will regret it: Devine"

Or here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...rriage-or-birth-control&p=5181429#post5181429

Or here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...rriage-or-birth-control&p=5181436#post5181436

Or here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...rriage-or-birth-control&p=5181441#post5181441

Or here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...rriage-or-birth-control&p=5181448#post5181448

Your problem is that you have a big, fat, fucking mouth that you can't control, so you end up posting shit that you completely forgot you posted because you probably have the same CTE brain damage Herschel Walker has, or you have long haul COVID brain fog.

That was the AUTHORS claim you dumb cunt. Learn to READ and comprehend instead of being a shrill, uneducated, repugnant, low IQ mental case. :palm:
That was the AUTHORS claim you dumb cunt

Claims that you posted here on JPP, that represent your position.

Otherwise, why did you post it?

And also, YOU are the author of this: I find it difficult to believe that Republicans INCREASED their House presence by 13 seats, yet Trump lost by such a large margin to a incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist.

And YOU are also the author of this, unless you are going to now admit you plagiarized something and didn't source it, a clear violation of JPP board rules: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...ote-This-is-an-OUTRAGE&p=4021970#post4021970\

And YOU are also the author of this, unless you are going to admit to plagiarizing and violating JPP rules by not sourcing: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...-Polls-Got-it-ALL-WRONG&p=4022229#post4022229

Like I said, you run your big mouth so much that you can't even remember what you posted at any given time.
Why would she lie?

The same reason you would. She believes it will help the folks she wants to help.

Personally, I don't know if she's lying. I am not saying she is and personally do not care, she may have heard all these stories, but me telling you stories I heard does not make me a witness it makes me a gossip and it would not make what I say credible evidence of anything at all.

What I am saying is that talking about things she heard someone else say is not credible evidence. You want credibility, get the witness, not the gossip. Find the Valet, get them to testify, not this lady. Then you will have a credible witness about him breaking dishes.
Learn to READ and comprehend instead of being a shrill, uneducated, repugnant, low IQ mental case.

If you're not a plagiarist, then you're a liar.

Who was the author of this post:

This is an OUTRAGE for BOTH sides. How is it that elections we have had in the past were counted by midnight now are taking days and days to count?

As Trump stated; VOTE-BY-MAIL is a disaster and ONLY a benefit to the Party of CHAOS (Jackass).

So by midnight, Trump had OVER a 500,000 vote lead. Yet it was not enough to call the state for Trump? Two days later that lead has been reduced to 135,000. So are ALL the votes these incompetent boobs in PA can't seem to count on election night for Biden? How is that even remotely possible???

Same with Georgia. Isn't it fascinating that on election night Trump had an 85,000 vote margin. Today, three days later it has shrunk to a mere 13,500 vote margin.

This is an OUTRAGE and a total embarrassment for America. The Party of CHAOS (jackass) planned it this way so that they could find a way to STEAL this election.

How is it that Democratic members of the State claimed that they were sure that by the end of the counting Biden would win when Trump had a 500,000 vote margin??

I think we all KNOW the honest answer to that question.

Who was the author of this post:

I don't know why ANYONE with HALF a brain would believe ANYTHING the PHONY media report anymore.

Instead of a BLUE wave, the Senate remains securely in McConnel's hands and Republicans already have at least five additional seats in the House with more probably coming.

I don't think the Republican's will have enough to take back control of the House. If not for the dishonest Chaos created by the Party of the Jackass, Trump would have been announced the winner.

Who was the author of this part of your post:

Isn't it AMAZING!!!??? On Wednesday, around 5 am, Trump had a commanding 700,000 vote lead. Suddenly, as they continue counting, and counting, and counting, almost ALL of the remaining uncounted ballots are for BIDEN!!!

It's like miracle on fourth street all over!!