The same reason you would. She believes it will help the folks she wants to help.

Who does she want to help and how do you know she wants to help them?

She was all MAGA, all the time.

ersonally, I don't know if she's lying. I am not saying she is and personally do not care, she may have heard all these stories, but me telling you stories I heard does not make me a witness it makes me a gossip and it would not make what I say credible evidence of anything at all.

Well the obvious answer here is to simply have everyone testify under oath to get this all sorted out. So far, only HUtchinson has been willing to do that.

So if someone isn't willing to testify under oath, does that person then generally have credibility? No. Because they won't swear to it.

As of now, only Hutchinson is telling the truth because she's the only one willing to swear it under oath.

None of the other people are.

So instead of questioning Hutchinson, who has no reason to lie or protect anyone, why aren't you questioning all the people too afraid to sit for a deposition or testify publicly under oath? Doesn't that generally mean they're lying, not the person risking perjury?
What I am saying is that talking about things she heard someone else say is not credible evidence.

First of all, evidence of what? These details have little to do with the actual insurrection, and she testified for over two hours...this part, that you're magnifying, was but color commentary on the behavior of the people trying to overthrow the government.

You are deliberately not seeing the forest for the trees, which is a desperate and pathetic act of sophistry...one that I don't respect, and one that I can't believe for a second you would hold to some kind of personal standard for yourself.

This is a joke line of yours, not meant to be taken seriously, correct?
I posted her in quotes with a source you mentally challenged dumbass.

Nope, you're lying.

No quotes here:

I don't know why ANYONE with HALF a brain would believe ANYTHING the PHONY media report anymore.

Instead of a BLUE wave, the Senate remains securely in McConnel's hands and Republicans already have at least five additional seats in the House with more probably coming.

I don't think the Republican's will have enough to take back control of the House. If not for the dishonest Chaos created by the Party of the Jackass, Trump would have been announced the winner.

No quotes here:

Isn't it AMAZING!!!??? On Wednesday, around 5 am, Trump had a commanding 700,000 vote lead. Suddenly, as they continue counting, and counting, and counting, almost ALL of the remaining uncounted ballots are for BIDEN!!!

It's like miracle on fourth street all over!!

No quotes here:

This is an OUTRAGE for BOTH sides. How is it that elections we have had in the past were counted by midnight now are taking days and days to count?

As Trump stated; VOTE-BY-MAIL is a disaster and ONLY a benefit to the Party of CHAOS (Jackass).

So by midnight, Trump had OVER a 500,000 vote lead. Yet it was not enough to call the state for Trump? Two days later that lead has been reduced to 135,000. So are ALL the votes these incompetent boobs in PA can't seem to count on election night for Biden? How is that even remotely possible???

Same with Georgia. Isn't it fascinating that on election night Trump had an 85,000 vote margin. Today, three days later it has shrunk to a mere 13,500 vote margin.

This is an OUTRAGE and a total embarrassment for America. The Party of CHAOS (jackass) planned it this way so that they could find a way to STEAL this election.

How is it that Democratic members of the State claimed that they were sure that by the end of the counting Biden would win when Trump had a 500,000 vote margin??

I think we all KNOW the honest answer to that question.

So why are you lying? Because I caught you.
Nope, you're lying.

No quotes here:

No quotes here:

No quotes here:

So why are you lying? Because I caught you.

Not one of those posts have me saying "the election was stolen" dipshit. Why don't you take a break, take your meds and come back when you are not so triggered? :palm:
I never stated that the election was stolen mental case.

So then why did you post this:

I find it difficult to believe that Republicans INCREASED their House presence by 13 seats, yet Trump lost by such a large margin to a incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist.

BUT, leftists, being the low IQ, uneducated, gullible dumbasses that they are, show ZERO curiosity and merely parrot the dimwitted narratives they are fed by the PHONY media. They're incapable of thinking for themselves.
2018 Dems 212 Republicans 199
2020 Dems 222 Republicans 212

Obama 2012 - 65,915,796
Trump 2016 - 62,985,106
Biden 2020 - 81,283,098
Trump 2020 - 74,222,958

And why did you post this:

This is an OUTRAGE for BOTH sides. How is it that elections we have had in the past were counted by midnight now are taking days and days to count?

As Trump stated; VOTE-BY-MAIL is a disaster and ONLY a benefit to the Party of CHAOS (Jackass).

So by midnight, Trump had OVER a 500,000 vote lead. Yet it was not enough to call the state for Trump? Two days later that lead has been reduced to 135,000. So are ALL the votes these incompetent boobs in PA can't seem to count on election night for Biden? How is that even remotely possible???

Same with Georgia. Isn't it fascinating that on election night Trump had an 85,000 vote margin. Today, three days later it has shrunk to a mere 13,500 vote margin.

This is an OUTRAGE and a total embarrassment for America. The Party of CHAOS (jackass) planned it this way so that they could find a way to STEAL this election.

How is it that Democratic members of the State claimed that they were sure that by the end of the counting Biden would win when Trump had a 500,000 vote margin??

I think we all KNOW the honest answer to that question.

And why did you post this:

I don't know why ANYONE with HALF a brain would believe ANYTHING the PHONY media report anymore.

Instead of a BLUE wave, the Senate remains securely in McConnel's hands and Republicans already have at least five additional seats in the House with more probably coming.

I don't think the Republican's will have enough to take back control of the House. If not for the dishonest Chaos created by the Party of the Jackass, Trump would have been announced the winner.

And why did you post this (the red you wrote):

Isn't it AMAZING!!!??? On Wednesday, around 5 am, Trump had a commanding 700,000 vote lead. Suddenly, as they continue counting, and counting, and counting, almost ALL of the remaining uncounted ballots are for BIDEN!!!

It's like miracle on fourth street all over!!

The Remaining Vote in Pennsylvania Appears to Be Overwhelmingly for Biden

Joe Biden has won absentee ballots counted in Pennsylvania by an overwhelming margin so far, according to data from the secretary of state early Wednesday. If he carried the remaining absentee ballots by a similar margin, he would win the state.

President Donald Trump leads by nearly 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania as of 5 a.m. ET Wednesday, and Biden’s chances depend on whether he can win a large percentage of the more than 1.4 million absentee ballots that remain to be counted.

So far, Biden has won absentee voters in Pennsylvania, 78% to 21%, according to the secretary of state’s office. The results comport with the findings of preelection surveys and an analysis of absentee ballot requests, which all indicated that Biden held an overwhelming lead among absentee voters.

If Biden won the more than 1.4 million absentee votes by such a large margin, he would net around 800,000 votes — enough to overcome his deficit statewide.


And why did you post this, if you don't believe any of it?

Biden may steal an election for the elitists, but Democrats will regret it: Devine

Let’s be real. Goliath was never going to let David breeze through the rematch.

The provinces, for whom President Trump is an instrument, not an end in himself, were never going to have an easy time winning the 2020 election against the amassed might of the Democratic Party, the “Fake News” media and allied pollsters, Big Tech, woke billionaires and the celebrity class, who united to stamp out the barbarian orange emperor.

The “chumps” and “ugly folk,” as Joe Biden calls them, came out in their glorious millions from the American heartland on Election Day and now we will see if people power prevails, if the nationalist populist movement enabled by Donald Trump, but not defined by him, lives to fight another day against the corrupt globalists represented by the sad husk of Biden.

So then why did you post this:

And why did you post this:

And why did you post this:

And why did you post this (the red you wrote):

And why did you post this, if you don't believe any of it?

Halfwit still can't find me saying "stolen election" and continues to fail and shriek. Priceless. :laugh:
Halfwit still can't find me saying "stolen election" and continues to fail and shriek. Priceless. :laugh:


This is an OUTRAGE for BOTH sides. How is it that elections we have had in the past were counted by midnight now are taking days and days to count?

As Trump stated; VOTE-BY-MAIL is a disaster and ONLY a benefit to the Party of CHAOS (Jackass).

So by midnight, Trump had OVER a 500,000 vote lead. Yet it was not enough to call the state for Trump? Two days later that lead has been reduced to 135,000. So are ALL the votes these incompetent boobs in PA can't seem to count on election night for Biden? How is that even remotely possible???

Same with Georgia. Isn't it fascinating that on election night Trump had an 85,000 vote margin. Today, three days later it has shrunk to a mere 13,500 vote margin.

This is an OUTRAGE and a total embarrassment for America. The Party of CHAOS (jackass) planned it this way so that they could find a way to STEAL this election.

How is it that Democratic members of the State claimed that they were sure that by the end of the counting Biden would win when Trump had a 500,000 vote margin??

I think we all KNOW the honest answer to that question.

Your bad, right?
I don't need to "discredit" anyone. I am telling you that her testimony was hearsay. Portions of which were literally discredited by more credible sources. (Like the stupid "lunging for the steering wheel" nonsense).

The reality is, this gossip was not a "blockbuster witness", they were literally repeating what they heard from "Then the valet told me" to "And I heard that he lunged" from beginning to end every story had a portion where she literally said, "they told me <enter nonsense here>"... her "testimony" was the literal definition of hearsay.

worse....she testified he "said something to the effect of"...........she couldn't even remember the exact words.......
worse....she testified he "said something to the effect of"...........she couldn't even remember the exact words.......

It's funny how you and all your Nazi pals are trying to make the most insignificant part of her testimony the focus, I suppose because if we talked about the rest of what she testified to, it would show Trump tried to stage a coup to stay in power based on a lie that you personally spread on JPP, but were too chickenshit to see through in DC.

THAT is what Hutchinson was testifying to the 1/6 Commission about, not the behaviors of the people involved.
Sure seems like you're alleging a stolen election right there, pal...

I am not alleging anything dipshit. I am questioning the veracity of an election where we are being told to believe that 94% of registered voters voted, which only happens in dictatorships and third world shit holes. I am questioning the veracity of an election where Biden got 15,367,303 more votes than Obama and received the most votes of any President in history.

If you weren't such an uneducated, low IQ mental case, you could comprehend the obvious. But alas, you're a dipshit and a sociopathic lying dunce.
Maybe he is lying, was he under oath?

My bet: If he was willing to testify that it happened, this "panel" would have had him in there to "testify". And IMHO: Because they instead only have someone willing to tell stories about what she "heard" others say tells me that they do not have an actual witness who would say that it happened.