Why are women attacked by the trans lobby while we men get far less abuse?

Why do you want men to be allowed in such close and enclosed, private proximity to women who are in the process of disrobing?

Do you honestly not see the potential for problems there?

I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill Nomad

I do not use dressing rooms, as I know all my sizes, but I have never heard of any problems of people using Unisex Dressing rooms.

The last time I did, there was an attendant that unlocked it for me.
I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill Nomad

I do not use dressing rooms, as I know all my sizes, but I have never heard of any problems of people using Unisex Dressing rooms.

The last time I did, there was an attendant that unlocked it for me.

I don't use them either, but that means nothing.

And the reason you've never heard of any problems associated with them is probably because they're almost non-existent in the US.

OTOH, in other countries where they are commonplace, the data backs up what I've been saying....

Unisex changing rooms put women at danger of sexual assault, data reveals

The vast majority of reported sexual assaults at public swimming pools in the UK take place in unisex changing rooms, new statistics reveal.

The data, obtained through a Freedom of Information request by the Sunday Times, suggests that unisex changing rooms are more dangerous for women and girls than single-sex facilities.

Just under 90 per cent of complaints regarding changing room sexual assaults, voyeurism and harassment are about incidents in unisex facilities.

What’s more, two thirds of all sexual attacks at leisure centres and public swimming pools take place in unisex changing rooms.

Of 134 complaints over 2017-2018, 120 reported incidents took place in gender-neutral changing rooms and just 14 were in single-sex changing areas.

In a further 46 cases, sexual assault allegations were made about attacks in other areas such as in the pool, in a sports hall or corridors.

Unisex facilities account for less than half the changing areas across the UK, but the number is on the rise - doing away with separate male and female changing rooms and toilets is seen as a way to cut staff costs and better cater for transgender people.

“These figures show that women and girls are more vulnerable in mixed changing rooms and there is a danger these places are becoming a magnet for sexual offenders,” says David Davies, MP for Monmouth.

“It simply doesn’t make sense to enable men to have greater access to women’s spaces. The reforms to gender recognition will grant that access.”

The concept of unisex changing areas and toilets has proven controversial - two years ago, visitors to Chelsea Sports Centre in West London voiced their anger at plans to merge the male and female changing rooms over fears of compromised privacy and increased risk of sexual harassment.

However it’s not just in swimming pools and leisure centres that unisex changing areas are on the rise - high street chain Topshop, for example, has had gender-neutral changing rooms for nearly a year.

But according to Nicola Williams, spokeswoman for Fair Play for Women, “spaces where women are undressed should be single-sex as a matter of course. This is obvious, elementary safeguarding.”


Unisex changing rooms put women in danger

There is unequivocal evidence that unisex changing rooms are more dangerous for women and girls than single-sex facilities.

Spaces where women are undressed should be single-sex as a matter of course. This is obvious, elementary safeguarding. The case was made in law when the single-sex exceptions to the Equality Act 2010 were specified. These include places where women may be in a state of undress or vulnerability.

The problem when this common-sense approach is ignored was revealed by Andrew Gilligan in The Times in 2018. Through a freedom of information request, he found that the vast majority – just under 90 per cent – of complaints regarding changing room sexual assaults, voyeurism or harassment reported at leisure centres and public swimming pools took place in unisex facilities. Of these, sexual attacks made up 67 per cent.

There were 134 reports of sexual assault in changing rooms over the two year period 2017 to 2018. Of these, 120 took place in gender-neutral changing rooms compared to just 14 in single-sex changing areas. A further 46 sexual assault allegations were made about attacks in other areas such as in the pool, in a sports hall or corridors. These are not included in the percentages.

Trans rights activists claim that sex-segregated facilities would not deter someone who wanted to commit a sexual crime. If this were true you would expect incidents to be evenly distributed across single and mixed-sex changing spaces. Clearly they are not.

It is not a huge logical leap to realise that if self ID into single sex facilities becomes a socially-accepted norm, those spaces effectively become mixed sex too, as there would be no basis for females to object, knowing males could claim a trans identity if challenged. One could reasonably extrapolate the assault statistics to apply there too. One of the simplest, most effective safeguarding measures which helps protect women and girls would be lost.


Keep in mind also, we're not just talking about adult women either.

This would affect underage girls in their teens and even younger.

And there is no shortage of perverts running around loose today.

Aamof, there is a growing surplus of them.
Oh I see, you don't understand what's at issue here.

You think the subject is individual bathrooms with heavy, solid doors that are lockable from the inside like the ones at the 7-Elevens you've worked at.

No, that's not it.

They're talking about large, public restrooms and dressing rooms big enough for several people at a time with stalls.

Just like the ones we're all familiar with, except there would be biological males and females allowed in them together at the same time.

All I can wonder is what kind of hare brain would think that's nothing to raise concerns about.

So you avoid paying attention to what's going on in the world around you because you don't like to be upset by it?

OK then.


But you should probably also avoid discussing current events.

Because having some basic understanding of them beforehand helps you look less clueless.

Funny, I’ve never seen a large, public bathroom with nothing but stalls for everyone. Not once. Where are the proliferation of those?

Dressing rooms? Large ones, with just stalls between them and no locked doors? Nope, I haven’t seen those, either. Where are the proliferation of those?

When I use a bathroom or a changing room, I don’t know about you, but just about the last thing on my mind is whether the person in the next room is a biological male or female. But, that’s just me, I guess.

I pay a lot of attention to current events, especially the meaningful ones like war and disease and the such. Who is peeing or taking their clothes off in the next room is not one of those.
Funny, I’ve never seen a large, public bathroom with nothing but stalls for everyone. Not once. Where are the proliferation of those?


Dressing rooms? Large ones, with just stalls between them and no locked doors? Nope, I haven’t seen those, either. Where are the proliferation of those?


Wow. You really must have lived in a cave all your life.

Or maybe Idaho is just so backwards they lack the things that we here in the modern civilized world take for granted.

When I use a bathroom or a changing room, I don’t know about you, but just about the last thing on my mind is whether the person in the next room is a biological male or female. But, that’s just me, I guess.

Are you a biological FEMALE?


Maybe if you put yourself in their place for a minute, it might occur to you why a real woman (not some mentally fucked up trans clown) might be made extremely uncomfortable knowing some dude was in the toilet or dressing stall next to them.

Click on the links in the linked post below if you're assuming this is an issue that I just dreamed up.


I pay a lot of attention to current events, especially the meaningful ones like war and disease and the such. Who is peeing or taking their clothes off in the next room is not one of those.

Well excuse the rest of us, Mr. Loftiness. But sexual assault is also a meaningful current event, whether you consider it one or not.


Wow. You really must have lived in a cave all your life.

Or maybe Idaho is just so backwards they lack the things that we here in the modern civilized world take for granted.

Are you a biological FEMALE?


Maybe if you put yourself in their place for a minute, it might occur to you why a real woman (not some mentally fucked up trans clown) might be made extremely uncomfortable knowing some dude was in the toilet or dressing stall next to them.

Click on the links in the linked post below if you're assuming this is an issue that I just dreamed up.


Well excuse the rest of us, Mr. Loftiness. But sexual assault is also a meaningful current event, whether you consider it one or not.

Ruh, roh! You posted a photo of a men’s john. Complete with urinals.

And that dressing room. Where is that?

Your other reference is in the UK. Now, Jethro, where the fuck HERE is the problem?
Ruh, roh! You posted a photo of a men’s john. Complete with urinals.

And that dressing room. Where is that?

Your other reference is in the UK. Now, Jethro, where the fuck HERE is the problem?


The reference was from the UK because thankfully, that trans clown pandering nonsense is not yet widespread in this country.

But in the places in the US where they are in use, there have been incidents....

Target Fitting Rooms Are Not Just for Changing Clothes Anymore; Beware of Men with Cameras

MONDAY, JULY 30, 2018 @ 09:53 AM

TUPELO, Miss.—More than two years after its ill-fated announcement about an open-door policy in its restrooms and fitting rooms, Target still hasn’t learned.

This summer, yet another man took advantage of the retailer’s policy on bathroom and changing room use. Headlines like this one illustrate why the American Family Association (AFA, www.afa.net) is continuing its 1.5 million-strong and highly successful #BoycottTarget initiative. AFA presses on in reminding shoppers not to spend their money at Target—neither in-store nor online—as a way to voice their displeasure over the store’s dangerous and misguided restroom and fitting room policy.

While Target’s policy is meant to be inclusive, AFA warns that sexual predators and voyeurs will take advantage of the policy—and they have—thereby putting women and children at risk.

This time, a man in the Detroit area allegedly took pictures of two sisters in a Sterling Heights Target changing room. Fox2Detroit.com says the same man was accused of doing the same thing earlier that day at a Target store in nearby Auburn Hills.

Target’s policy just isn’t worth the risk to shop there, AFA says.

“Even after two years of negative headlines, plummeting stocks and decreased revenues, Target continues to put women and children at risk, refusing to reverse its open-door restroom and fitting room policy, thereby enabling voyeurs and predators to enter the facilities with no questions asked,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “Frankly, the risk is just too great to shop at Target. Some may say they don’t plan to use the restroom or fitting room while shopping, but by providing revenue to the retailer, they are indirectly supporting Target’s actions and corporate decisions. Additionally, we all must think about our friends, family members and neighbors who may shop at Target and be unaware of the risks. And we must continue to take action and come together to keep everyone safe and steer clear of Target altogether—both in stores and online.”

Female shoppers talked to FOX2 Detroit about their uneasiness after the recent incident. “It’s very creepy,” said one, while another added, “It makes you nervous to go in there because you don’t know what people are going to do.” Police reported that the man did turn himself in and an investigation was in process.

“The employees who are following Target’s policy are not allowed to question a male who, for example, walks into a female restroom or changing area and vice versa, because Target’s policy states essentially that men and women can use each other’s restrooms and changing areas under a ‘transgender bathroom policy,’” AFA’s Walker Wildmon also told One News Now, AFA’s news service.

Therefore, according to Target’s own policy, employees are metaphorically “handcuffed” from checking into why a man is entering a female changing area.

While Target remains steadfast in allowing men to enter women’s dressing and restrooms, the number of victims of sexual crimes occurring in its stores continues to rise. AFA is urging those who want to join the 1.5 million who have already signed the #BoycottTarget pledge—and push the numbers to 2 million—to take action in several ways:

“As AFA has stated many times,” Tim Wildmon concluded, “our worries do not stem from fear of the transgender community, but rather, from both the real and potential threat that predators and voyeurs would take advantage of the Target bathroom policy to harm women and children—and there are plenty of incidents to show that they have.”




I don't use them either, but that means nothing.

And the reason you've never heard of any problems associated with them is probably because they're almost non-existent in the US.

OTOH, in other countries where they are commonplace, the data backs up what I've been saying....

Keep in mind also, we're not just talking about adult women either.

This would affect underage girls in their teens and even younger.

And there is no shortage of perverts running around loose today.

Aamof, there is a growing surplus of them.

Non-existent my ass. Sir, I do not know where you live, but these are typical unisex Fitting Rooms, and no matter where you go here in Texas to shop for clothing, this is the way it is everywhere you go.

So, let's look at a picture at a typical store's UNISEX changing room. Tell me how anyone is going to use these changing rooms in a nefarious sexually misconductive way.

Because, once someone wants to try something on, they would simply find an unused dressing room, go in and lock the door behind them, and change clothes.

I just do not understand what you guys are talking about or what transvestites and sexual misconduct has to do with trying on clothes at a typical American department store.

Show us a picture of what you are talking about, because I am not catching your drift!

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Bottom line - if you’re uncomfortable with Target’s policy, don’t shop there.

That's not a solution.

Is that what you'd say to a young girl who's been sexually assaulted or had a halfway undressed photo taken of her and published on the internet?

I would hope she or her boyfriend or husband or father would apply their hand squarely across the side of your smug, self-righteous face.

Maybe leave you picking up your teeth.

Non-existent my ass. Sir, I do not know where you live, but these are typical unisex Fitting Rooms, and no matter where you go here in Texas to shop for clothing, this is the way it is everywhere you go.

So, let's look at a picture at a typical store's UNISEX changing room. Tell me how anyone is going to use these changing rooms in a nefarious sexually misconductive way.

Because, once someone wants to try something on, they would simply find an unused dressing room, go in and lock the door behind them, and change clothes.

I just do not understand what you guys are talking about or what transvestites and sexual misconduct has to do with trying on clothes at a typical American department store.

Show us a picture of what you are talking about, because I am not catching your drift!


Dude, that's a picture of the fitting rooms in a GOODWILL STORE....



Is that where you buy your clothes???? :laugh:

Besides, there's nothing in that picture that confirms your claim about them being unisex.

I can't believe you tried to pull that crap!!!

If those fitting rooms are unisex, it's only because Goodwill typically operates out of old buildings that have to be adapted for retail use, but as cheaply as possible and with consideration being paid to saving as much space as possible. IOW, they often times don't have enough room to build separate male and female fitting rooms.

I provided plenty of credible evidence to back up my position, while you and Gomer have provided nothing but hissy fits.

How about you trying to find some actual data and evidence to back up your claim that unisex trans clown pandering fitting rooms (and restrooms) are "everywhere you go" and there are few if any women's privacy problems associated with them.

Because I might believe they were everywhere if you were talking about California.

But Texas???

Prove it or else you're a liar.
I just do not understand what you guys are talking about or what transvestites and sexual misconduct has to do with trying on clothes at a typical American department store.

Show us a picture of what you are talking about, because I am not catching your drift!

I already posted this once a few posts back....


Pay attention!!!!
I already posted this once a few posts back....


Pay attention!!!!

I have never seen anything like that in Texas in the last 30 years in any reputable retail clothing store.

And judging by this picture, there is no evidence that this is a UNISEX fitting room. SO YOU PAY ATTENTION DUDE!

Here is the deal, if you subject yourself to a dangerous risky environment, THAT IS ON YOU!

Shop where you can lock your door and maintain your own safety and privacy when trying on clothes to buy.

I can do this anywhere I shop! If the store you are in don't provide locking doors- as in my example- FIND YOU A NEW PLACE TO SHOP THAT DOES!

That is the best advice I could give anyone, man, women, or child.

It never will be a perfect world, as long as MAN exists, SO YOU BETTER START GETTING USED TO IT!
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I have never seen anything like that in Texas in the last 30 years in any reputable retail clothing store.

Here is the deal, if you subject yourself to a dangerous risky environment, THAT IS ON YOU!

Shop where you can lock your door and maintain your own safety and privacy when trying on clothes to buy.

That is the best advice I could give anyone, man, women, or child.

It never will be a perfect world, as long as MAN exists.

This ^^^ from a guy who shops at GOODWILL....



But seriously.... that is a chickenshit answer and a bullshit solution.


Problem solved.
It didn't need a link, Douchey.

The screenshot I posted made the point I wanted it to.

You surfed and surfed and finally found a story that played into your political narrative!

Got it!

What is it that you are suggesting here anyway. What is your narrative, because I really don't see it.

What would you do to change matters, to resolve this fear you seem to have, of using the bathroom or trying on your camouflaged Underoos?

You have the floor, make your case dude.

Don't tell us your problem- TELL US YOUR SOLUTION!

I don't want to hear your problems- I want to hear your solutions!
