Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

I already did you blind man.

How much more racist can a party get than to puposely keep black people from voting?

According to your 'evidence' the Republican party had nothing to do with this. I don't know the details, but I do know that we have some very strict election laws, and if ANY person has been disenfranchised, there is a legal recourse. So you can spew this hate-filled bullshit all day long, even IF it were true, we have a system in place to address it. In short-- you FAIL!
Yeah it was just some of the top republican people at the time talking about plans to illegally keep black voters from their voting rights.
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

You are insane .

This is the top of the top in republican elections .
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

You are insane .

This is the top of the top in republican elections .

What is top of the top? The LOUISIANA campaign planning done by the MIDWEST RNC director? Are you smoking crack, you crazy bitch? And what exactly are they discussing here? You posted a sentence, but there is no context... what the fuck is he talking about when mentions 80,000 folks being eliminated from the roles? Are these people who didn't belong on the roles because they were dead? Reside in Mexico? Aren't Americans? We don't know because you didn't say! You just posted a sentence and expected us to assume context so outrageous it just isn't believable by sane and rational people. But this is typical for militant liberal politics these days, isn't it?
What is top of the top? The LOUISIANA campaign planning done by the MIDWEST RNC director? Are you smoking crack, you crazy bitch? And what exactly are they discussing here? You posted a sentence, but there is no context... what the fuck is he talking about when mentions 80,000 folks being eliminated from the roles? Are these people who didn't belong on the roles because they were dead? Reside in Mexico? Aren't Americans? We don't know because you didn't say! You just posted a sentence and expected us to assume context so outrageous it just isn't believable by sane and rational people. But this is typical for militant liberal politics these days, isn't it?

Dixie meet Desh, the slut-queen of posting without context.
This is what the former 'reformed' segregationists told you. They repeated this over and over, and sadly enough, many black people began to see this as truth, and it persists to this day. Now, let me ask you this... how are we supposed to ever achieve a colorblind society, with this mode of thinking? As long as YOU view things through the lens of race, it's not possible to be colorblind. If you refuse to accept that equality is even possible, how do you expect to achieve equality? When you honestly believe this is a "white mans world" and the black man can never compete, how is that any different than a racist believing black people are inferior to white people? Isn't it essentially the same thing, from different perspective?

And you have no idea what you're talking about. I hardly need some white person to tell me what black people see as the truth, or what they are being told, by whom. Just who do you think that you are? God? How are we ever to achieve a colorblind society? When you and your ilk stop seeing everything as "race-based" and in fear of what you may lose, in terms of power and resources.
You're projecting. I'd gladly forget that I was black, if I wasn't reminded of it every goddamn day. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself in a colorblind society, where you were simply judged on the merits of your skills and knowledge, and not given an automatic pass, simply because you have white skin and are a de facto member of the "good ol' boys club". You'd be bitching and moaning moreso than you are now. I see myself as equal, and quite often "superior" , on so many fronts...it's you and yours that refuses to see others as equals, and nothing we can do if you decide to "hold your ground". You put the onus on me. It's not.
Are you mad? You have to be. This is a white man's world. You white people control most everything. And you're in the positions of power and wealth. What the fuck are you talking about?
HOw the fuck do you think I got my college level job , with only two years of college? Because I could compete with college graduates, by being as good as they are. I'm bad...and I know it.
So, when I come into contact with common riff raff such as yourself and the others on my ignore list, I'm unfazed. And laugh in your face, as you proceed to tell me what black people should believe or not believe , or who they should follow or not follow, and what the fuss is all about. You don't know who you're talking to, where I've been, or who I know.
What do you call Affirmative Action Forever, and the ability to play the race card at any time to avoid debate?

First of all there is no such thing as a black person "playing the race card". One can hardly play a card, to one's advantage, that everyone can see.

The “race card” is a concept that has been used to silence people of color who attempt to speak out when they feel that race has been used unfairly in determining how people are treated. It is one of the most dangerous weapons in the White privilege toolbox, for it implies that a non-POC would know better when something is truly racist than someone who is constantly subjected to racism.

So, every time you bring up , Me, "playing the race card", you are , in effect, trying to silence my discontent, at your injustices and my pointing out you taking advantage of "white privilege".
And knowing , full well, the advantages you richly enjoy, but unjustly do not deserve, how you can fix your finger to type any disparaging of affirmative action is simply "beyond".


When Are White People Going To Stop Waiting For A Handout?
Sunday, March 22, 2009

A phrase you will hear every now and then is “when are blacks going to stop waiting for a handout?” I saw it in print last night while reading commentary by Roy Blount Jr. in the Oxford American , whose latest edition is dedicated to race (that means its only about black people in America) this month.

I chuckled a bit after reading that phrase – it wasn’t a half an hour earlier that I’d watched a news clip on The Larry King Show that featured a small group of protesters going from house to house in Connecticut to demonstrate in front of the mansions and estates of AIG executives.

If you’ve been watching the news, reading the newspaper (SUBSCRIBE NOW – THEY NEED THE MONEY), or surfing the web the last two weeks, you can probably understand why I was busy trying out that age-old phrase, one that is often uttered by those who feel that hundreds of years of racial discrimination should be bygones, with a substitution of my own.

When are these white men going to stop waiting for a handout?

The alliteration between “handout” and “bailout” does not escape me. Because that’s what it feels like right now – that there is absolutely no difference between the two.

The only people I see on my TV these days, arguing with Congress about how much they think they should make even though their businesses would closed by now without taxpayer assistance, or pouting to cable news analysts about the severity of their company’s situation, are white people. White men in particular. They all seem to be waiting for the government to do something to help them now that they are in trouble.

And I imagine we are about due now for another bombshell announcement in your local newspaper (THE MOST INFORMATION YOU CAN GET FOR THE MONEY) about yet another “paragon of investing virtue” whose financial chicanery will be unveiled as a total fraud. There have been several who have been uncovered in the last few months, including Allan Stanford, the “billionaire” from Texas whose tight lipped exhortations were prominently featured on CNBC on a regular basis. Haven’t seen one black face in the bunch.

This racial stereotype has gotten so bad that the CEO of Dominoes Pizza, in a commercial that skewers the whole bailout fiasco, is walking down what is supposed to be a New York City street amid a gang of Dominos delivery guys who are handing out boxes of pizza to everybody on the street when he pauses to snatch a box back from a pinstriped suited, grey haired, gruff looking white man.


Erwin Chemerinsky, Symposium on Race Relations in America: What Would Be the Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action?, 27 Golden Gate University Law Review 313, Spring 1997
Professor Chemerinsky begins his article with an 1883 quote from Supreme Court Justice Joseph P. Bradley (taken from a civil rights case) citing the arrival of the end of racial discrimination and the termination of the need for affirmative action type programs only 20 years after the end of the Civil War:

When a man has emerged from slavery and by the aid of beneficent legislation has shaken off the inseparable concomitant of that state, there must be some stage in the progress of his elevation where he takes the rank of a mere citizen and ceases to be a special favorite of the laws.(78)
Professor Chemerinsky notes that the relevance of this quote is especially significant today. He cites that the civil war era was followed by over 100 years of Jim Crow laws which segregated all aspects of Southern Life. It was only about 40 decades ago when the law declared the inequity of the separate but equal doctrine and fewer years still, 1964, when the law outlawed discrimination. Finally, he completes the foundation for his argument by noting that even in the 1970s that an African American presence in California medical schools and in state employment ranks, was virtually non-existent.(79) It was this backdrop from which affirmative action was born. The problem the article addresses is that one of the greatest myths of the "end affirmative action chorus" is the notion that discrimination against minority racial groups and women is a thing of the past.(80)
The most gripping aspect of his analysis relates to recent studies conducted by the Urban Institute to assess the extent and severity of racism today. For example, one study of racism in employment practices recruited college students, both black and white. All the students looked presentable and all the students used the same resume: The only difference in the applicants was race. The bottom line: Whites received job offers 41% more than blacks and were offered wages 17% higher. Additionally, whites were told of additional job opportunities 48% of the time.(81) He states that it would be nice if our nation was race and gender blind and maybe someday it will be. However, at the present "race and gender matter and we can't pretend they don't."(82)

Professor Chemerinsky offers a very frank discussion on the realities of modern day racism. As he also observes, its interesting that the opponents of affirmative action want to discuss the potential harms these programs can inflict on non-minorities as they throw around the term "color-blind." However, color-blindness is a myth. While there may be fewer lynchings, fewer klan rallies, and maybe fewer black people are called "nigger" to their face, the impact of racism is as significant as it ever was. This is a very informative article.

Affirmative action is still needed to offset inherent discrimination, both conscious and subconscious, and to counterbalance the negative outcomes behind nepotism and cronyism. -poet
There is no RACE CARD.

this isnt a fucking game.

Its human beings and unfair treatment.

You want to PRETEND its a game because you dont see black people as human beings.

Take your race card and shove it up your ass dixie because that is were the phrase came from , some bigot pulled it out of their ass.

Bless you. It's precisely what I've been trying to say , all the long.
Someone from Nevada is putting down Texas? Go back to white trash central and then try and call others out.

I was born in Houston, and came back in '67...been here ever since...and Texas is one of the most backward, racist, Neanderthal states in the union. And I have the grativas to say it.
BTW Im not from Nevada, I lived there for 15 long years and am now back in SoCal where I belong.

I was Born in Kansas and moved to Cali when I was two.

thankfully I dont have to remember living in Kansas.
The "race card" is a fabrication so that bigots can deny any attempt at human beings addressing the idiot ideas or the racists world veiw.

Everytime someone mentions the "race card" they should be called out for their attempts top gloss over their evil behavior.

Only racists use the phrase.
The human spirit longs to be free. In some individuals, that longing beats so strong in their breast that they will take large personal risks, against great odds, to rebel against tyranny that has transformed their life into a tool for someone else’s will and whim.

Slaves who had the temerity to run away from their plantation “home” paid dearly if they were caught and returned. Measures were taken to make them an example to others who might harbor similar thoughts about freedom.

Among those measures were brutal public beatings of rebels to which other slaves were forced to bear witness and digest with great clarity the price of rebelliousness.

Such is the fate today of those uppity souls who choose to challenge the authority and legitimacy of our inexorably growing government plantation.

Those with interests for the care and feeding of this plantation cannot physically punish these rebels with the whip.

Their whip is the mainstream media and the means of punishment of this virtual whip is not beating of a physical body but assassination of character. Read more

Like the idiot Perry has hooked himself up with who says Dr King dosent deserve any credit for our civil rights progress.

He says it was all because white men gave it to them

Barton was among a group of Texas conservatives who in 2010 sought to revise that state's textbooks to promote their view that the notion of a constitutional separation of church and state is a myth, and that students should be taught a version of American history that blends theology with themes of a constant clash of civilizations between Christians and Muslims. According to a Washington Monthly article in January 2010, Barton, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, and Peter Marshall, who the article described as "a Massachusetts-based preacher who has argued that California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina were God's punishment for tolerating gays," had even more ideas in mind when they testified before the Texas Education Assembly. Per the Washington Monthly:

Barton and Peter Marshall initially tried to purge the standards of key figures of the civil rights era, such as César Chávez and Thurgood Marshall, though they were forced to back down amid a deafening public uproar. They have since resorted to a more subtle tack; while they concede that people like Martin Luther King Jr. deserve a place in history, they argue that they shouldn't be given credit for advancing the rights of minorities. As Barton put it, "Only majorities can expand political rights in America's constitutional society." Ergo, any rights people of color have were handed to them by whites--in his view, mostly white Republican men.
Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

The title of the thread its self gives away this Mr T fellow as a racist.

He sees the democratic party as separate from some of the very people who are the democratic party.

That is how racists view things.

Blacks are somehow NOT part of who he sees as the democratic party.

He sees the democratic party as a bunch of white people who try to fool black people.

In doing so he denies the reality of who the demoicratic party are and claims most black people are easily fooled.

It is a racist world view.

Black people vote Democratic because they are NOT stupid and know the republican party doesnt even want them to vote.
Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

The title of the thread its self gives away this Mr T fellow as a racist.

He sees the democratic party as separate from some of the very people who are the democratic party.

That is how racists view things.

Blacks are somehow NOT part of who he sees as the democratic party.

He sees the democratic party as a bunch of white people who try to fool black people.

In doing so he denies the reality of who the demoicratic party are and claims most black people are easily fooled.

It is a racist world view.

Black people vote Democratic because they are NOT stupid and know the republican party doesnt even want them to vote.

Touche. And hence the reason he's on my ignore list. Thank you, for explaining the facts of life to the recalcitrant.