Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

The human spirit longs to be free. In some individuals, that longing beats so strong in their breast that they will take large personal risks, against great odds, to rebel against tyranny that has transformed their life into a tool for someone else’s will and whim.

Slaves who had the temerity to run away from their plantation “home” paid dearly if they were caught and returned. Measures were taken to make them an example to others who might harbor similar thoughts about freedom.

Among those measures were brutal public beatings of rebels to which other slaves were forced to bear witness and digest with great clarity the price of rebelliousness.

Such is the fate today of those uppity souls who choose to challenge the authority and legitimacy of our inexorably growing government plantation.

Those with interests for the care and feeding of this plantation cannot physically punish these rebels with the whip.

Their whip is the mainstream media and the means of punishment of this virtual whip is not beating of a physical body but assassination of character. Read more


This perspective helps us understand the ongoing liberal obsession with destroying Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

Thomas and Palin are particularly threatening to liberals because their lives fly in the face of liberal mythology. According to this mythology, the essential and ongoing struggle in our nation is a power struggle of interests between "haves" and "have-nots" rather than an ongoing struggle for human freedom.

According to this mythology, there is an elite class of "haves" who, by virtue of fate and birth, control power and wealth. They are conservative because their only interest is to keep things as they are.

Fighting against this conservative elite are noble "have-nots", struggling, by any means possible, to get their fair share and against wealth distributed by an unjust and blind fate.

A high profile conservative, whose very life and personal history poses an open challenge and affront to this mythology, is a liberal's worst nightmare.

If being a conservative means simply protecting the bounty passed on to you by your forebears, why would a man from a poor black family in the South, or a woman from a white working class family in Alaska, be a conservative? No less a conservative whose conservatism plays a role in a successful professional life?

The liberal answer is that the only way this could be possible is that this is an individual of dubious character, on the take, and being paid off handsomely by conservative powers that be.

After all, in the liberal mindset, the government plantation, carefully grown and nurtured by liberals over these years, supposedly on behalf of our unfortunate "have-nots", should be the natural home for anyone of modest background and no inheritance.

Not only should that individual want to live on the plantation, but you'd think they would want to participate in the noble cause of keeping it growing.

The federal government plantation now sucks out one quarter of our economy. Seventy percent of federal spending now amounts to checks government cuts and mails to individuals.

Where does it all lead? Look at Detroit. This is a government plantation poster child and portent of our nation's future if this keeps up.

The human spirit does long to be free. Many understand this but are intimidated to speak up. Some are brave and do speak up.

Those who are successful, who know there is no future on the plantation, will be publicly flogged by the overseers. Such is the case of Justice Thomas and Mrs. Palin.

But it is brave individuals like this, in public and private life, upon whom our future depends.

Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal & Education and author of the re-released book Uncle Sam's Plantation.
This perspective helps us understand the ongoing liberal obsession with destroying Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

Thomas and Palin are particularly threatening to liberals because their lives fly in the face of liberal mythology. According to this mythology, the essential and ongoing struggle in our nation is a power struggle of interests between "haves" and "have-nots" rather than an ongoing struggle for human freedom.

According to this mythology, there is an elite class of "haves" who, by virtue of fate and birth, control power and wealth. They are conservative because their only interest is to keep things as they are.

Fighting against this conservative elite are noble "have-nots", struggling, by any means possible, to get their fair share and against wealth distributed by an unjust and blind fate.

A high profile conservative, whose very life and personal history poses an open challenge and affront to this mythology, is a liberal's worst nightmare.

If being a conservative means simply protecting the bounty passed on to you by your forebears, why would a man from a poor black family in the South, or a woman from a white working class family in Alaska, be a conservative? No less a conservative whose conservatism plays a role in a successful professional life?

The liberal answer is that the only way this could be possible is that this is an individual of dubious character, on the take, and being paid off handsomely by conservative powers that be.

After all, in the liberal mindset, the government plantation, carefully grown and nurtured by liberals over these years, supposedly on behalf of our unfortunate "have-nots", should be the natural home for anyone of modest background and no inheritance.

Not only should that individual want to live on the plantation, but you'd think they would want to participate in the noble cause of keeping it growing.

The federal government plantation now sucks out one quarter of our economy. Seventy percent of federal spending now amounts to checks government cuts and mails to individuals.

Where does it all lead? Look at Detroit. This is a government plantation poster child and portent of our nation's future if this keeps up.

The human spirit does long to be free. Many understand this but are intimidated to speak up. Some are brave and do speak up.

Those who are successful, who know there is no future on the plantation, will be publicly flogged by the overseers. Such is the case of Justice Thomas and Mrs. Palin.

But it is brave individuals like this, in public and private life, upon whom our future depends.

Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal & Education and author of the re-released book Uncle Sam's Plantation.

Better yet:

Star Parker is founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, a 501c3 think tank which explores and promotes market based public policy tofight poverty, as well as author of the newly revised Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can do About It.
Before involvement in social activism, Star Parker had seven years of first-hand experience in

… read morethe grip of welfare dependency. Now, as a social policy consultant, Star is bringing new energy to policy discussions on traditional mores, limited government and private ownership. She provides regular testimony before the US Congress, and is a sought after expert for radio, television, and print, nationwide.

Star has a BS degree in Marketing and Business from Woodbury University and has received numerous awards and commendations for her work. She has lectured on poverty issues at more than 180 colleges and universities and has served on advisory boards for several organizations ranging from Carenet to the Cato Institute.

Star Parker’s personal transformation from welfare dependent to conservative crusader has been chronicled by ABC’s 20/20; Rush Limbaugh; Readers Digest; Dr. James Dobson; The 700 Club; Dr. George Grant; Christianity Today; Rev. James Robison; Newsmax, Charisma, and World Magazine. Other major accomplishments include speaking at the 1996 Republican National Convention, and co-producing and hosting a documentary on affirmative action with the BBC in London. She has debated Jesse Jackson on various headline issues; she fought for school choice on Larry King Live; she defended welfare reform on the Oprah Winfrey Show, and she debated healthcare reform against Michael Moore on ABC’s The View with host Barbara Walters.

Currently, Star is a regular commentator on CNN, TBN, CNBC, CBN, and FOX News. Articles and quotes by Star continuously appear in major publications around the world. She has written three books. “Pimps, Whores & Welfare Brats”, “Uncle Sam's Plantation”, and “White Ghetto: How Middle Class America Reflects Inner City Decay.”

Today, in addition to heading CURE, Star is a syndicated columnist for Scripps News Service, offering weekly op-eds to more than 300 newspapers worldwide, including the Boston Herald, the Dallas Morning News, the Orange County Register, the Korean Times, the Washington Times, and the Star and Stripes, the largest paper serving the men and women of our Armed Forces.

And she's a Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in California's 37th District.

That being said, we can summarily dismiss her diatribe as she is a white apologist and in essence, the female equivalent of an Uncle Tom.....an "Aunt Susie". How a black woman, conservative or not, could defend Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin , is beyond any comprehension. The fact that she is a frequent contributor to Fox News, Rev. James Robisn, Newsmax, Charisma, The 700 Club ( a conservative right wing evangelical pseudo Christian propaganda machine, headed by Pat Robertson, who believes that earthquakes and hurricanes are God's wrath against gays and lesbians), is telling. Any black Republican who is a Republican for any other reason other than the platform providing tax cuts and incentives for the wealthy is a pure "Uncle Tom", and a sure fire "house negro", willing to sell the "field negroes" down the river as fast as Massa would. The dirt under my heel is more valuable.
"Separate but Equal" didn't fly, so liberal white democrats changed their tone, and implemented "separate but tilted to the advantage of black people." The very exact system of segregation was implemented anyway, and the black community willingly went along with that, and to this day, do not understand how insidiously they were duped.

Many Americans don't know who Star Parker is... but she's working hard to change that. Parker went from being the archetypal Republican nightmare-- an African-American unemployed single mother who got abortions the way normal people use tissues and who was arrested multiple times on multiple charges-- to being a right wing huckster pedaling Republican nonsense-for-pay. Her specialty is phony moralizing and African-American self-loathing, as in her pathetic autobiography, Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats: From Welfare Cheat to Conservative Messenger. Yes, now she pimps full-time for the GOP-- and they pay her well. Her latest publicity stunt is a congressional run against Laura Richardson, the Democrat who represents most of Long Beach, Compton and Carson. It's a strongly Democratic district-- Obama took 80% of the vote and Richardson ran unopposed-- so it isn't a serious run. And the unseriousness of it even attracted the least serious Republican in America; she's been endorsed by... Sarah Palin.

Widely considered one of the most prominent Uncle Tom's the GOP was able to rope into their service, she also "wrote" a disgusting and fatuous book called Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do About It to push anti-working family nostrums to poor people. The Republican Party cleaned her up nicely before they sent her out to talk trash about poor people and tell everyone that they should read the Bible and hope for a better life in Heaven.

If you watch the infamous video above, in which Parker was a guest on The View in 2007, you'll watch her explaining Republican hatred of gay people and why she's anti-Choice, why she doesn't believe in evolution and why she is against the legal use of contraceptives. Sounds perfect for Palin, right? Watch this one too, folks... this is the Republican Party of 2010 that the corporate media is trying to push as an alternative to Barack Obama. Republicans love these kinds of talking points that twist Jesus Christ's words to fit their greed and selfishness. According to haters and pimps like Parker, Jesus really meant that only rich men riding camels will enter Heaven thru the eye of the celestial needle. They just eat it up. She won't get many voters but she'll sell plenty of soap on Fox.

(videos at the site)
So much for her credentials...she's a paid political clown.
Did anyone ever call Franklin D. Roosevelt a "Dutch American" or Dwight Eisenhower a "German
American"? It would have been resented, not only by them and their supporters, but by Americans in general. These men were Americans -- not hyphenated Americans or half Americans. Most black families in the United States today have been here longer than most white families. No one except the American Indians can claim to have been on American soil longer. Why then call blacks in the United States "African Americans," when not even their great-great great-grandparents ever laid eyes on Africa? It is certainly understandable that activists, politicians and others who wish to divide Americans for their own purposes would push the notion of "African Americans." They also push such things as the "African" holiday Kwanzaa -- which originated in Los Angeles -- and "black English" or "ebonics," which originated centuries ago in particular localities in Britain, and is wholly unknown in Africa.

"Separate but Equal" didn't fly, so liberal white democrats changed their tone, and implemented "separate but tilted to the advantage of black people." The very exact system of segregation was implemented anyway, and the black community willingly went along with that, and to this day, do not understand how insidiously they were duped.

Bitch, you're still talking about the Republican Party of today...no one is buying the fairy tale that today's Republicans are the ones of yesteryear, who freed the slaves , protested against Jim Crow, endorsed de-segregation, and marched along side MLK, and petitioned for civil rights.
"Tilted to the advantage of black people"???????? After them being disadvantaged for centuries?????????????????? High time , don't you think?
And you keep talking about "being duped", as if black people were devoid of a brain, and easily manipulated by smart, smarmy white people. This is not slavery times...and there are black people walking around with PH.D's and masters degrees, and running shit. Ain't nobody duped except the "uneducated" and the "uninformed". Find some.
Did anyone ever call Franklin D. Roosevelt a "Dutch American" or Dwight Eisenhower a "German
American"? It would have been resented, not only by them and their supporters, but by Americans in general. These men were Americans -- not hyphenated Americans or half Americans. Most black families in the United States today have been here longer than most white families. No one except the American Indians can claim to have been on American soil longer. Why then call blacks in the United States "African Americans," when not even their great-great great-grandparents ever laid eyes on Africa? It is certainly understandable that activists, politicians and others who wish to divide Americans for their own purposes would push the notion of "African Americans." They also push such things as the "African" holiday Kwanzaa -- which originated in Los Angeles -- and "black English" or "ebonics," which originated centuries ago in particular localities in Britain, and is wholly unknown in Africa.


Because that's the way we currently choose to be labeled as. Problem? Get over it. Stop trying to define black people. We define ourselves. Ain't you got some business that's going "lacking"?
And btw, what did you hope to achieve by posting a diatribe by Star Parker?
So much for her credentials...she's a paid political clown.

Star Parker used to be a Welfare Queen. For decades, she lived in the squalor of poverty found in housing projects across America, surrounded by crack heads and crime, a generation of illiterate miscreants and drug dealers/users. She could have easily remained mired in her situation, but her human spirit prevailed. She rejected the notion that government (or white people) owed her something, or that she was incapable of taking care of herself. She pulled herself up by the bootstraps and broke the chains of bondage holding her on the Welfare Plantation. She made something of herself, despite her circumstances, and stands as a role model and testament to ALL black people, that it IS possible. Her story is amazing, all pinheads should be required to read about it.
Bitch, you're still talking about the Republican Party of today...no one is buying the fairy tale that today's Republicans are the ones of yesteryear, who freed the slaves , protested against Jim Crow, endorsed de-segregation, and marched along side MLK, and petitioned for civil rights.
"Tilted to the advantage of black people"???????? After them being disadvantaged for centuries?????????????????? High time , don't you think?
And you keep talking about "being duped", as if black people were devoid of a brain, and easily manipulated by smart, smarmy white people. This is not slavery times...and there are black people walking around with PH.D's and masters degrees, and running shit. Ain't nobody duped except the "uneducated" and the "uninformed". Find some.

Look you fucking idiot... do you know of any other goddamn organization or group that was completely hijacked by the opposition, and its complete foundational purpose changed and altered to the diametric opposite of what it was? It's like trying to claim the NAACP is full of ex-Klan members! In fact, the NAACP is like the modern-day KKK... that's what you are arguing here.... that's how utterly STUPID and devoid of logic your point is.
Walter Williams fans are in for a treat-- and people who are not Walter Williams fans are in for a shock-- when they read his latest book, "Race and Economics."

It is a demolition derby on paper, as Professor Williams destroys one after another of the popular fallacies about the role of race in the American economy.

I can still vividly recall the response to one of Walter's earliest writings, back in the 1970s, when he and I were working on the same research project in Washington. Walter wrote a brief article that destroyed the central theme of one of the fashionable books of the time, "The Poor Pay More."

It was true, he agreed, that prices were higher in low-income minority neighborhoods. But he rejected the book's claim that this was due to "exploitation," "racism" and the like.

Having written a doctoral dissertation on this subject, Walter then proceeded to show why there were higher costs of doing business in many low-income neighborhoods, and that these costs were simply passed on to the consumers there.

What I remember especially vividly is that, in reply, someone called Walter "a white racist." Not many people had seen Walter at that time. But it was also a sad sign of how name-calling had replaced thought when it came to race.

Star Parker used to be a Welfare Queen. For decades, she lived in the squalor of poverty found in housing projects across America, surrounded by crack heads and crime, a generation of illiterate miscreants and drug dealers/users. She could have easily remained mired in her situation, but her human spirit prevailed. She rejected the notion that government (or white people) owed her something, or that she was incapable of taking care of herself. She pulled herself up by the bootstraps and broke the chains of bondage holding her on the Welfare Plantation. She made something of herself, despite her circumstances, and stands as a role model and testament to ALL black people, that it IS possible. Her story is amazing, all pinheads should be required to read about it.

She's a GOP prostitute, and instead of sexxing, she spreads GOP propaganda. Only a racist would see her as a "rags to riches, whore to respectibility" story.
Walter Williams fans are in for a treat-- and people who are not Walter Williams fans are in for a shock-- when they read his latest book, "Race and Economics."

It is a demolition derby on paper, as Professor Williams destroys one after another of the popular fallacies about the role of race in the American economy.

I can still vividly recall the response to one of Walter's earliest writings, back in the 1970s, when he and I were working on the same research project in Washington. Walter wrote a brief article that destroyed the central theme of one of the fashionable books of the time, "The Poor Pay More."

It was true, he agreed, that prices were higher in low-income minority neighborhoods. But he rejected the book's claim that this was due to "exploitation," "racism" and the like.

Having written a doctoral dissertation on this subject, Walter then proceeded to show why there were higher costs of doing business in many low-income neighborhoods, and that these costs were simply passed on to the consumers there.

What I remember especially vividly is that, in reply, someone called Walter "a white racist." Not many people had seen Walter at that time. But it was also a sad sign of how name-calling had replaced thought when it came to race.


Another Uncle Tom
Per Wiki:

" He also believes in the right of U.S. states to secede from the union as several states attempted to do during the Civil War.[12] Williams has supported or been sympathetic toward various secessionist ideas in his writings.[13] "As I got a little older I had it mostly polished when I was in college in terms of the ideas of liberty. And also I must have read Thomas Paine’s Common Sense I don’t know how many times. At least twenty-thirty times, and that kind of instilled some radical ideas in me as Thomas Paine was trying to instill in the colonists. Affirmative action has led to, I believe, many Black people expecting favors from the system and not working as hard as they otherwise would, that is if you know that you can get into college because of affirmative action—or some people call it diversity nowadays—well then why work as hard in high school? So it might undermine some of the spirit of people. And I think that the basic premise of those who advocate affirmative action is that the problems that Black Americans face today are the result of racial discrimination."
ALBANY, N.Y. — They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement — and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation’s first black president.

Never mind that according to all the recent polls the Tea Party is not "mostly white." It merely represents the demographics of the country as a whole.

By the way, notice how throughout the article the Associated Press refuses to capitalize “tea party” or “tea partyers.” Isn’t that ‘disrespect’?

In fact, “tea” should be entirely capitalized, being an acronym for “Taxed Enough Already.” A detail that our media watchdogs seldom if ever mention.

"I’ve been told I hate myself. I’ve been called an Uncle Tom. I’ve been told I’m a spook at the door," said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government.

You can be damn sure that conservative blacks are regularly called far worse. Including the dreaded ‘N-word.’

"Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks," he said.

Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the tea party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they’re black — or that most tea partyers are white — should have nothing to do with it, they say…

The last time we checked, most Democrats are also white.

Opponents have branded the tea party as a group of racists hiding behind economic concerns — and reports that some tea partyers were lobbing racist slurs at black congressmen during last month’s heated health care vote give them ammunition…

So reports, allegations, are all it takes to get one ammunition nowadays.

But these black conservatives don’t consider racism representative of the movement as a whole — or race a reason to support it. Racist protest signs at some tea party rallies and recent reports by U.S. Reps. John Lewis, D-Ga., and Barney Frank, D-Mass., that tea partyers shouted racial and anti-gay slurs at them have raised allegations of racism in the tea party movement.

In other words, according to the AP, unsubstantiated allegations of racist protest signs and racial and anti-gay slurs have raised allegations of racism.

Black members of the movement say it is not inherently racist, and some question the reported slurs.

"Not inherently."

"You would think — something that offensive — you would think someone got video of it," [Clifton] Bazar, [a] conservative blogger, said…

As we have said all along, if even one of these alleged actions have actually occurred we would be seeing the videotape played in an endless loop on every TV channel, just like the Rodney King beating of yesteryear.

But, alas, you can’t videotape something that didn’t happen.

Hilary Shelton, director of the Washington bureau of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, suggested a bit of caution.

"I’m sure the reason that (black conservatives) are involved is that from an ideological perspective, they agree," said Shelton. "But when those kinds of things happen, it is very important to be careful of the company that you keep."

“The company you keep"? Meaning white people?

Gosh, that almost sounds racist.

Walter Williams fans are in for a treat-- and people who are not Walter Williams fans are in for a shock-- when they read his latest book, "Race and Economics."

It is a demolition derby on paper, as Professor Williams destroys one after another of the popular fallacies about the role of race in the American economy.

I can still vividly recall the response to one of Walter's earliest writings, back in the 1970s, when he and I were working on the same research project in Washington. Walter wrote a brief article that destroyed the central theme of one of the fashionable books of the time, "The Poor Pay More."

It was true, he agreed, that prices were higher in low-income minority neighborhoods. But he rejected the book's claim that this was due to "exploitation," "racism" and the like.

Having written a doctoral dissertation on this subject, Walter then proceeded to show why there were higher costs of doing business in many low-income neighborhoods, and that these costs were simply passed on to the consumers there.

What I remember especially vividly is that, in reply, someone called Walter "a white racist." Not many people had seen Walter at that time. But it was also a sad sign of how name-calling had replaced thought when it came to race.


I love Dr. Williams. He actually took the time to answer an email from me once, I was shocked to hear back from him! Some pinhead here was arguing with me about something, and he clarified something for me, which was very beneficial in making my point. I took the liberty of borrowing his idea for taxation and voting, and most of the pinheads here went ballistic. Williams argues that we should adopt a system where you get a certain number of votes based on the amount of taxes you pay. This is how shareholders in corporations do things... those who hold the most shares, have the most board room votes. I just thought it was brilliant, and it was fun to hear the libtards falling all over themselves to explain why it wasn't sane...

Another Williams classic is, his argument that we are all discriminatory and prejudiced based on race... when he married Mrs. Williams, he didn't interview any white women for the job! Speaking of his Christmas gift for his wife, he said he bought her something 'useful' ...he got her a pair of golf shoes! Not that Mrs. Williams plays golf...... but when she is washing his car in the winter months, the spikes on the shoes will keep her from slipping and falling! He is a hoot!
Walter Williams fans are in for a treat-- and people who are not Walter Williams fans are in for a shock-- when they read his latest book, "Race and Economics."

It is a demolition derby on paper, as Professor Williams destroys one after another of the popular fallacies about the role of race in the American economy.

I can still vividly recall the response to one of Walter's earliest writings, back in the 1970s, when he and I were working on the same research project in Washington. Walter wrote a brief article that destroyed the central theme of one of the fashionable books of the time, "The Poor Pay More."

It was true, he agreed, that prices were higher in low-income minority neighborhoods. But he rejected the book's claim that this was due to "exploitation," "racism" and the like.

Having written a doctoral dissertation on this subject, Walter then proceeded to show why there were higher costs of doing business in many low-income neighborhoods, and that these costs were simply passed on to the consumers there.

What I remember especially vividly is that, in reply, someone called Walter "a white racist." Not many people had seen Walter at that time. But it was also a sad sign of how name-calling had replaced thought when it came to race.


Williams is awesome. I like him better than Rush when he subs for him.