Why did our founding fathers hate corporations?

Which is why globalization should be abandoned.

Corporations are not going to abandon globalization. They are bound by law to maximize profits for their shareholders. But we the people are stakeholders. I would support a corporate tax structure that heavily rewards domestic job creation, and heavily penalizes outsourcing jobs. If corporations don't like it, let their CEO's go live in the squalor their wages support.
Most libs would have. It's nice that you made a decision based on traditional family values. :)

Liberals believe strongly in family, they don't just pay lip service to it. They also believe in personal freedom, unlike conservatives, they allow their children to become what they choose to be.
Liberals believe strongly in family, they don't just pay lip service to it. They also believe in personal freedom, unlike conservatives, they allow their children to become what they choose to be.
Unlike liberals, conservatives believe children should be taught the truth so they can make rational choices.
Unlike liberals, conservatives believe children should be taught the truth so they can make rational choices.

Actually, the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives in in their approach to child rearing. And the results of that manifests in conservatives being conformists, stiff, subservient, fearful and extremely insecure.
Actually, the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives in in their approach to child rearing. And the results of that manifests in conservatives being conformists, stiff, subservient, fearful and extremely insecure.
That's odd, because I come from a long line of conservatives, and my grandparents, parents, my children and I are none of what you described. It appears that you have been misinformed to what Conservatism really is. *shrug*
To be fair our founding fathers had much to fear about corporations back then but things have changed. First there were no "limited liability" corporations which protects investors from from assuming unlimited debts if the corporation was to go bankrupt and second there are now laws in place the prevent uncompetative trusts and monopolies from being formed. That's a tremendous difference between now and 1776.
Actually, the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives in in their approach to child rearing. And the results of that manifests in conservatives being conformists, stiff, subservient, fearful and extremely insecure.

That's funny, because minus the extreme insecurity, I am one of the more flamboyant, anti-establishment politicos you will run into...
Unlike liberals, conservatives believe children should be taught the truth so they can make rational choices.

I would say that you have better described a liberal approach than a conservatives one. The conservative model of child rearing is the strict father or authoritarian model. The father tells the children what to do and how to think.
That's funny, because minus the extreme insecurity, I am one of the more flamboyant, anti-establishment politicos you will run into...

I'm sorry 3D and I mean well by saying this but you and flamboyant should never be used in the same sentence. You're about as flamboyant as a glass of chocolate milk. ;)
To be fair our founding fathers had much to fear about corporations back then but things have changed. First there were no "limited liability" corporations which protects investors from from assuming unlimited debts if the corporation was to go bankrupt and second there are now laws in place the prevent uncompetative trusts and monopolies from being formed. That's a tremendous difference between now and 1776.

I really think you've missed the point. If our founding fathers were to reappear, even Alexander Hamilton would be appalled at the corporatocracy America has become.

"To unequal privileges among members of the same society the spirit of our nation is, with one accord, adverse." --Thomas Jefferson to Hugh White, 1801. ME 10:258
I really think you've missed the point. If our founding fathers were to reappear, even Alexander Hamilton would be appalled at the corporatocracy America has become.

"To unequal privileges among members of the same society the spirit of our nation is, with one accord, adverse." --Thomas Jefferson to Hugh White, 1801. ME 10:258

Appalled? Maybe. Surprized? Probably not.
Appalled? Maybe. Surprized? Probably not.

Really? First of all, our founding fathers had no desire for America to be a super power. Thomas Jefferson, our most intelligent founding father was dead set against industrialization. He believed the industry of the husbandman was the only one America should engage in. Jefferson witnessed industrialization when he was in Europe and viewed it as being so evil that it was a "degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution."

"While we have land to labour then, let us never wish to see our citizens occupied at a work-bench, or twirling a distaff. Carpenters, masons, smiths, are wanting in husbandry: but, for the general operations of manufacture, let our work-shops remain in Europe. It is better to carry provisions and materials to workmen there, than bring them to the provisions and materials, and with them their manners and principles. The loss by the transportation of commodities across the Atlantic will be made up in happiness and permanence of government. The mobs of great cities add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigour. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution."

Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XIX: Manufactures
Thomas Jefferson - 1781
I would say that you have better described a liberal approach than a conservatives one. The conservative model of child rearing is the strict father or authoritarian model. The father tells the children what to do and how to think.

Well damn.... that explains why pinheads are so stupid then! Your daddy never taught you how to THINK! He just spoiled you and let you do whatever the hell you wanted to do, which was play video games and eat Cheetos, and that's what you are best at now! Great synopsis of how Liberals are clueless at child rearing!
Well damn.... that explains why pinheads are so stupid then! Your daddy never taught you how to THINK! He just spoiled you and let you do whatever the hell you wanted to do, which was play video games and eat Cheetos, and that's what you are best at now! Great synopsis of how Liberals are clueless at child rearing!

WOW Dixie, you just described in one short paragraph what your father taught you to think. Truly sad.

My dad didn't tell me what to think, he asked me what I thought. He would stimulated, not dictated. He respected what I thought and we had father son conversations. And if he disagreed, he would explain why. He taught by asking, not telling. He taught by example, not edicts. He taught by encouragement, not discouragement or denunciation. But when I think of my dad today, I miss his company, his wisdom, his faith in me and most of all his undying love.
WOW Dixie, you just described in one short paragraph what your father taught you to think. Truly sad.

Uhm no.. I just described what you said earlier, was the difference between liberal and conservative child rearing. Sorry you were confused by your own description, I bet that happens a lot for you!

Now to be completely honest, I don't agree with your assessment of how liberals and conservatives raise their children. I think you make generalizations based on your prejudiced stereotypes and bigoted judgment, and tend to paint everyone of a certain 'group' with a big broad brush. I believe, in reality, all kinds of people raise their children all kinds of ways. There is absolutely no validity in saying "conservatives raise children this way, and liberals raise children that way!" It's just not true, there is no basis for believing this, other than preconceived stereotypes you seem to have.