Why did our founding fathers hate corporations?

Don't tell my you're trying to convince us that the entire Obama administration, along with hundreds of Democrats in Congress are undereducated.....
or are you implying all those Democrats aren't anti-business and anti-corporation?

Or are you just blowing smoke with your seemingly useless education as usual?

Which is it?

where did I say congress navy boy, I'm pointing to you as uneducated.
Tell me Einstein...how did I thrive in a business and economic world at 100% commission? Full commission means you don't get paid if you fail to perform. It is a high reward with high risk.

I have yet to hear anything from you on economics that would be considered a learned argument.

I don't hate corporations, and neither did our founding fathers, but they certainly believed in very heavy regulation of corporations and strong consumer protection. It seems to me that you can't make the connection between social issues and economic issues. The very high number of families filing bankruptcy can be traced to many of the scurrilous lending practices corporate and bank lobbyists have made 'lawful'....but they are still scurrilous and deceptive.

When you make yourself rich by making someone else poor, that is not a free market, it is a captured market. You seem totally obtuse to those connections.

your an angry uneducated person. Never did I say one needed a degree to make plenty money. Your clueless on economics and that's not surprising being that you never stepped in an economics class.
I put a million dollars of capital on the line daily based on what I learned in economics. LOL
your an angry uneducated person. Never did I say one needed a degree to make plenty money. Your clueless on economics and that's not surprising being that you never stepped in an economics class.
I put a million dollars of capital on the line daily based on what I learned in economics. LOL

But what you claim is "economic wisdom" is just a moral failing, in reality..

No...but our service and parts departments were. The Local had a training center for mechanics and operators. The union was also a customer. I sold the Local more than one piece of equipment. They would put on free safety seminars and invite contractors, dealers and salesmen etc.

Our mechanics were top flight. A buddy at the Cat dealer who was also in sales moved to N. Florida and got a sales job down there... a right to work state. He said there were very few competent mechanics there. He was always a Rush Limbaugh anti-union guy. He had an epiphany...
No...but our service and parts departments were. The Local had a training center for mechanics and operators. The union was also a customer. I sold the Local more than one piece of equipment. They would put on free safety seminars and invite contractors, dealers and salesmen etc.

Our mechanics were top flight. A buddy at the Cat dealer who was also in sales moved to N. Florida and got a sales job down there... a right to work state. He said there were very few competent mechanics there. He was always a Rush Limbaugh anti-union guy. He had an epiphany...

Wait, so you were able to make a good living without a Union? How's that work exactly?
waitch it BF starts name calling and putting ugly words in your mouth when you use logic and knowledge on him.
your an angry uneducated person. Never did I say one needed a degree to make plenty money. Your clueless on economics and that's not surprising being that you never stepped in an economics class.
I put a million dollars of capital on the line daily based on what I learned in economics. LOL

Well you know what...it don't mean shit here buster. Just your ideas, your ability to articulate them, defend them and yes...sell them. I'm still waiting for something other than bluster from you. You are welcome to disagree with me, but at least I am not too fearful to lay my thoughts on the line.

Anyone who claims the global recession at the end of the Bush term is just cyclical is living in a bubble.
Wait, so you were able to make a good living without a Union? How's that work exactly?

It can happen. Its just history shows that in general corporations act like dickweeds until someone stands up to them. They openly claim to exploit labor. That's their business model. laborers have a different model.
Assclowns like BF are proud of thier ability to spell and do paragraghs. LOFL
Hopefully you taught your kids to finish school you dropout.
Did you manufacture your question before I answered or are you that dumb?

You're the one who claims getting rid of unions will transform the US into a feudal society, and yet, you are making a great living in a non-union job. I'm merely pointing out that inconsistency. (Incidentally, I'm also doing pretty good in a non-union public sector job).
Bfgrn you made a big mistake by arguing with Topspin and mentioning your lack of education. Now he'll trump you in every argument about that.

He tried that with me, but I'm better educated than him. Then he tried "trailer trash", but I have a nicer house than he does (actually two of them). Then he tried income, but I make more than he does. So he put me on ignore. I see he's been touting his overall wealth accumulation but I have him beat on that as well. :)

I don't care what you have or what he has. He can't trump me, he doesn't have the intellect. I really don't care what he claims to be. It doesn't wash here. I have yet to hear anything that would signal he has any economic intellect or knowledge. Bluster and chest beating is not an argument. Anyone who claims the global meltdown in 2008 was cyclical and not systemic is living on another planet.
I don't care what you have or what he has. He can't trump me, he doesn't have the intellect. I really don't care what he claims to be. It doesn't wash here. I have yet to hear anything that would signal he has any economic intellect or knowledge. Bluster and chest beating is not an argument. Anyone who claims the global meltdown in 2008 was cyclical and not systemic is living on another planet.

I have the intellect to know you were a dropout.:fu:
anyone with a highschool education and rants on things that are exactly opposite basic ecnomic priciples is a blowhard. BF did you recently get laid off?
You're the one who claims getting rid of unions will transform the US into a feudal society, and yet, you are making a great living in a non-union job. I'm merely pointing out that inconsistency. (Incidentally, I'm also doing pretty good in a non-union public sector job).

Not everyone is cut out for a union, and not every job is cut out for one either.

The need for unions will never disappear. It is deeply seeded in human nature and human foible. Unions help ALL workers gain better wages, benefits and working conditions. Unions don't set the top wage, they set the bottom or foundation. If you are a union worker at company A, and the owner of company B wants to hire you, he can offer you a position, but he will have to better the pay the union scale set for that field.

I can tell you that I had customers who had a union shop and customers who didn't. A piece of construction equipment is big investment and they are not indestructible. The union trained all their operators on not only safe operation, but proper operation. More than half of the operating costs of a bulldozer is the undercarriage or track...chains, rollers, grousers, idlers and sprockets. On a medium crawler, replacement costs are over $10,000. Those components can be worn out twice as fast by improper operation. Running the crawler in reverse creates double the wear. There are proper techniques and theory that need to be taught and practiced for maximum production and minimum time and equipment wear. A union operator is well worth it for most contractors that have large fleets and multiple job sites. Also, when a contractor does a job for the state, say rebuilding a road, he has deadlines that carry bonuses and fines. It is to his advantage to finish ahead of schedule financially. Plus it frees men and iron for the next job.
I don't care what you have or what he has. He can't trump me, he doesn't have the intellect. I really don't care what he claims to be. It doesn't wash here. I have yet to hear anything that would signal he has any economic intellect or knowledge. Bluster and chest beating is not an argument. Anyone who claims the global meltdown in 2008 was cyclical and not systemic is living on another planet.
His mind is in a fog due to all the dope he smokes. Yurt tagged him best several months ago: every post is 'GED, KKK, poor'. Add homophobia and disgusting sexual insults aimed at you and your family and you have his entire repertoire.