Why didn't Trump tell us before that he lost to Biden, before we got arrested, went to prison, got put on no-fly lists?

Agreed. He coordinated with violent RW militias to overrun the Capitol with the hope of giving Trump a reason to declare martial law and stop the certification of elections. Had they been able to murder Pence and Pelosi, Trump could have executed the plan.
Trump and QAnon radicalized mentally challenged village idiots who probably never voted before in their lives and didn't pay attention to politics. Mitt Romney and John McCain couldn't do that.

I think there is a sociology PhD dissertation lurking here.
There is no such thing as 'QAnon'. Buzzword fallacy. DON'T TRY TO BLAME DEMOCRAT VIOLENCE ON TRUMP, SYBIL!
It really highlights Trump's history, too.

He has left a trail of carnage when it comes to people who have served under him, or been loyal to him in any way. Bankruptcy, jail time, careers ended, reputations ruined.

Wasn't it Tucker who texted that he was a "destroyer?" People keep lining up and hoping they'll be the one to really benefit from loyalty to Trump - but the record is clear, and devastating.
They have nothing else
Which simply means they have nothing...just their atrocious history.

Kamala and Biden, giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war...an act of treason.
Kamala and Biden, inviting invasion of the United States, AND giving comfort and aid to the invaders...an act of treason.
Kamala and Biden, calling for civil war against United States citizens...an act of treason.
Biden, committing espionage...an act of treason.

The Democrats started the current economic depression, and the 35% (so far) devaluation of the dollar that went with it. Never mind the businesses they DESTROYED and the lives they ruined and the hardship that places upon people. The simply don't care. The even try to lie their way out of it!

Kamala voted for and supported:

* The banning of guns.
* Oppressive tax increases.
* Political imprisonment.
* Censorship using federal agents.
* Building a list of enemies through gun registries.
* Converting the FBI into something more akin to the Gestapo.
* Banning gasoline and gasoline cars.
* Making the Church of Global Warming and the Church of Hate state religions.
* Dissolution of the Electoral College.
* Placing the Rainbow flag above the flag of the United States.
* Making the teaching of sexually deviant behavior mandatory in schools as "normal".
* Murder of your own offspring, and using federal taxes to pay for it.