Why do certain JPP rightists assume that leftists only single out Christianity?

It's pretty odd. Leftists have criticized other religions, including Islam.

Not with any sort of regularity, nor mass approval. That's why the big meme "Islam is right about women" got so much attention. Nobody wanted to admit WHY they didn't like it.
Not with any sort of regularity, nor mass approval. That's why the big meme "Islam is right about women" got so much attention. Nobody wanted to admit WHY they didn't like it.

Plenty of Christian religions where they are "right" about women. We don't talk about that, do we?
Plenty of Christian religions where they are "right" about women. We don't talk about that, do we?

Yes...? It's a big talking point in the current SCOTUS posting for fucks sake.

It'd be a lot more tolerable if you just said "It's ok when we do it." Because that's all it boils down to.
Yes...? It's a big talking point in the current SCOTUS posting for fucks sake.

It'd be a lot more tolerable if you just said "It's ok when we do it." Because that's all it boils down to.

Please explain.

Plenty of women have no rights under certain religions. We don't talk about that, We just talk about the Muslim women.
Jesus and Mohammed also taught that people who don't believe in their god deserve to be tormented for eternity. This is why these religions have been such powerful propaganda tools.
Well, at least you are acknowledging that I was correct in characterizing the ethical teachings of Jesus and Mohamed to revolve around love and mercy.

I have never been to a church or spoke to a Bishop who spoke about the torture chambers Jesus said we were headed for. I am sure Protestant fundamentalists may indulge in those cartoon versions of hell.

This may come as a shock to you, but most world religions speak to a deplorable fate for anyone who fails to live up to the ethical standards of the prevailing religious orthodoxy. 400 years before Jesus, Plato's Republic articulated a paradise of inconceivable beauty for virtuous people, and eternal damnation for the morally corrupt. Hindus, Jaines, and Buddhists think the unvirtuous can be reincarnated as cockroaches.

We are indulging in the illogical practice of anachronism by pointing and laughing at the eschatological theories of people from the late Bronze Age.

But, the most important Christian theologians from late antiquity always made it clear that interpretations of the Bible were always provisional - and our understanding of the meaning and metaphors in the Bible always had to be reconsidered in light of the current state of knowledge and state of natural philosophy. So, I gave you the modern interpretation of hell from the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions, if you are interested.
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No, because we dramatically blew past them as a civilization. The year after next will mark the centennial of the formal end of the Ottoman Empire.

The new (NATO) sultan shot down a Christian Armenian jet the other day........:thinking:

He shot down a Russian jet as well not that long ago.............
Plenty of women have no rights under certain religions. We don't talk about that, We just talk about the Muslim women.
It's not the religion; it's the society. The same religion will be implemented differently in different societies.

Islamic women from the Balkans have all the same freedoms as any other European women.

It's just that Kosovo, for example, has a different society from Afghanistan:

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I still laugh about the Russian incident. I guess Turkey just can't stop attacking Armenians.

EU warns Turkey of sanctions over 'provocations' in Mediterranean
Published6 hours ago

What has the EU said?
Mrs von der Leyen told reporters that the EU wanted "a positive and constructive relationship with Turkey and this would be also be very much in Ankara's interest".

"But it will only work if the provocations and pressures stop," she said. "We therefore expect that Turkey from now on abstains from unilateral actions. In case of such renewed actions by Ankara, the EU will use all its instruments and options available. We have a toolbox that we can apply immediately."

Hopefully trump lives long enough to place his foot back on the neck of the turk tyrant one last time............

He could be folded over like a cheap chinese suit in a day.......
EU warns Turkey of sanctions over 'provocations' in Mediterranean
Published6 hours ago

What has the EU said?
Mrs von der Leyen told reporters that the EU wanted "a positive and constructive relationship with Turkey and this would be also be very much in Ankara's interest".

"But it will only work if the provocations and pressures stop," she said. "We therefore expect that Turkey from now on abstains from unilateral actions. In case of such renewed actions by Ankara, the EU will use all its instruments and options available. We have a toolbox that we can apply immediately."

Hopefully trump lives long enough to place his foot back on the neck of the turk tyrant one last time............

He could be folded over like a cheap chinese suit in a day.......
