Why do certain JPP rightists assume that leftists only single out Christianity?

It's pretty odd. Leftists have criticized other religions, including Islam.

Why do you pretend they don't?

That is literally the most bogus thing I've heard on this forum from a left-winger. No one is abusing anyone, so that is a disgusting attempt at a comparison argument.

Christians and Muslims believe that their loving god physically abuses people for eternity. If a parent did anything even remotely similar to a child, you would call that child abuse.

Cypress is right about the fire and brimstone hell stuff being more for storybooks. Hell is without God, an existence completely deprived of a union with God.

Sure, but it's a fiction that most Christians and Muslims believe in. So how can we say the god of these religions believes in love or mercy?
According to wiki,
Your first mistake.

... there is no universal agreement among Islamic scholars about whether hell is eternal or not.
What do you believe makes anyone's opinion relevant regarding that which cannot be verified?
What do you believe delineates whether one is an "Islamic scholar" or not ... or a "Climate scientist" or not?

The Koran is was written in archaic Arabic, and English translations are not going to cut the mustard.
All of this tells me that you have never tried to study the Q'ran. Let's just say that Muslims actively want the Q'ran to be studied and so there is a standard method for doing so with which you would be familiar had you ever actually tried.

The original NT was written in ancient Greek, and the original copies do not exist. All we have are translations of copies, of copies, of copies created centuries after the originals and undoubtedly filled with the mistakes and mistranslations which result from centuries of hand copying.
You could go one step further.


Are you smart enough to recognize an urban legend when you read one? What do you see when you read the gospels? It has all the necessary ingredients.


That is why we generally rely on trained religious scholars and experts of ancient languages to correctly interpret the bible.
Nope. Only people like you will readily outsource your thinking. Unfortunately that is never the correct answer.

Protestant fundamentalists have hijacked Dante's poetic and fictional depictions of a terrifying hellscape.
Warmizombies have hijacked the Great Flood from Christianity. Hijacking seems to be pretty popular.

The beliefs of fundamentalist Protestants are not shared by the theologies of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.
Which ones? That Jesus died for our sins? They all believe that. That one must be baptized into the faith? They all believe that. That Jesus rose from the dead? They all believe that too. Everything else is optional.

The only one that has objectively hard and fast requirements is the Greek Orthodox Church. They claim to not tolerate any change whatsoever from the foundation of Christianity at Antioch, ergo, they don't get to ebb and flow with political events.

They generally interpret hell as a self-imposed separation of communion from God.
The history of Hell is long but basic. It started as a pit. The devil was the lord of the deepest pit. Ritual executions often involved throwing people into pits (this has changed to throwing people off the roofs of tall buildings). Heaven, by contrast was the opposite, up in the sky or "the heavens" and unreachable where the sun and the moon are. Astronomy totally changed that ball game and required religions to consider heaven as an extra-dimensional place. When that happened, Hell followed suit and became an extra-dimensional place as well. It was an American preacher who brought the "fire and brimstone" imagery of Hell that we have today. Modern thinkers transitioned the dichotomy of Heaven vs. Hell to what you are mentioning "State of being in unison with God" vs. "State of not being in unison with God."

OK, so maybe the history isn't quite as long as I made it out to be.
You might start with the Ten Commandments.

Liberals deny God.
Liberals often take God's name in vain.
Liberals often do not honor their father and/or their mother.
Liberals embrace adultery and other sexual perversions, and even deny gender.
Liberals steal. They embrace socialism, which is theft of wealth.
Liberals have no problem with murdering (see Hillary or the recent riots as an example).
Liberals bear false witness all the time (see the hatred of Trump and any other prominent conservative, and denying history and even what they said in the past as examples). In other words, they are liars.
Liberals covet the wealth of the rich.
Liberals have many gods before God, including Gaia.

Apparently :laugh: has come to mean "I tip my king" and :laugh::laugh: has come to mean "I'm tapping! I'm tapping!"
Christians and Muslims believe that their loving god physically abuses people for eternity. If a parent did anything even remotely similar to a child, you would call that child abuse.

Sure, but it's a fiction that most Christians and Muslims believe in. So how can we say the god of these religions believes in love or mercy?

:laugh: No, they do not believe that at all. Maybe stop reading whatever nonsense gives you these ideas. Even the fire and brimstone believers know God isn't abusing people in hell.

Fiction? If you're arguing on a basis it's all fiction than the details you claim to know are pointless and you just have something against us. Otherwise, you'd just leave us to go about with our fiction. Your only stake is tearing the faith down it seems.
A society that thinks it's advanced is still arguing over Abrahamic religions.

You're all idiots, please fuck off and die, make the world a better place.
I am not interested in fundamentalists of any religion.

I also make it a point to attempt to see the positive attributes of religious traditions; the core elemental tenets of their prophets.

Confucius: virtue
Buddha: compassion
Jesus: love
Muhammad: mercy

Christians and Muslims believe that their loving god physically abuses people for eternity. If a parent did anything even remotely similar to a child, you would call that child abuse.

Sure, but it's a fiction that most Christians and Muslims believe in. So how can we say the god of these religions believes in love or mercy?

This is again riffing off what I wrote, but it does not accurately reflect what I wrote. I did not speak to the God of the Hebrew old testament.

My post spoke quite explicitly to the religious prophets and teachers Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Mohamed.

Jesus' admonition to love thy neighbor and practice the golden rule speaks for itself. I do not know a single decent person who is against that ethical teaching of love.

The core Islamic tenets described by Muhammad are extremely simple: accept God, pray every day, and practice benevolence and charity to the poor and disadvantaged. Again, there cannot be a single decent person who disagrees with that message of mercy and charity.
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