Why do certain JPP rightists assume that leftists only single out Christianity?

We're not the ones who actually believe in this bullshit. It's just fun to laugh at your playbook. I mean, you laugh at our religious texts.


Um nobody told me to get woke. Just you.

And I don't laugh at religious texts (except the funny parts).
That's not what it says. It's about immigration and visa from Muslim countries and Mexico.

And it equates anti-Muslim sentiment with racism (which is typical, and not an outlier).

Interestingly, it talks about how "Orientalism" was a problem and that Westerners viewed it as a civilizational threat, without pointing out that Islam was a civilizational threat from 632 to 1500, and remained a significant threat until the 19th Century. By comparison to that lengthy history, it is simply a minor nuisance in 2020.
And it equates anti-Muslim sentiment with racism (which is typical, and not an outlier).

Interestingly, it talks about how "Orientalism" was a problem and that Westerners viewed it as a civilizational threat, without pointing out that Islam was a civilizational threat from 632 to 1500, and remained a significant threat until the 19th Century. By comparison to that lengthy history, it is simply a minor nuisance in 2020.

Yes I read that part. Do you think all Muslims are a threat?
No, because we dramatically blew past them as a civilization. The year after next will mark the centennial of the formal end of the Ottoman Empire.

That's basically the point about Islamophobia. Criticizing Islam isn't racist. The fear of all Muslims is racist in their view. Trump rhetoric about Muslims and Mexicans help form that view.
:laugh: No, they do not believe that at all. Maybe stop reading whatever nonsense gives you these ideas. Even the fire and brimstone believers know God isn't abusing people in hell.

You don't think they believe that Hell is a place of eternal torment? Again, this is what both the holy books and the traditions say.

Fiction? If you're arguing on a basis it's all fiction than the details you claim to know are pointless and you just have something against us. Otherwise, you'd just leave us to go about with our fiction. Your only stake is tearing the faith down it seems.

You don't think what people believe matters? A fiction played a role in causing 9/11. Am I supposed to say Islam is harmless because those stories are fiction so they have no real-world consequences?
And this is beside the point, anyway. The point is that Jesus and Mohammed did not teach loving or merciful philosophies.
This is again riffing off what I wrote, but it does not accurately reflect what I wrote. I did not speak to the God of the Hebrew old testament.

My post spoke quite explicitly to the religious prophets and teachers Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Mohamed.

Jesus' admonition to love thy neighbor and practice the golden rule speaks for itself. I do not know a single decent person who is against that ethical teaching of love.

The core Islamic tenets described by Muhammad are extremely simple: accept God, pray every day, and practice benevolence and charity to the poor and disadvantaged. Again, there cannot be a single decent person who disagrees with that message of mercy and charity.

Jesus and Mohammed also taught that people who don't believe in their god deserve to be tormented for eternity. This is why these religions have been such powerful propaganda tools.
And it equates anti-Muslim sentiment with racism (which is typical, and not an outlier).

Interestingly, it talks about how "Orientalism" was a problem and that Westerners viewed it as a civilizational threat, without pointing out that Islam was a civilizational threat from 632 to 1500, and remained a significant threat until the 19th Century. By comparison to that lengthy history, it is simply a minor nuisance in 2020.

Anti-Muslim is religious intolerance, not racism obviously. Still from the same bigotry that creates racism though.
Jesus and Mohammed also taught that people who don't believe in their god deserve to be tormented for eternity. This is why these religions have been such powerful propaganda tools.

That's not what is taught in the least. What extremist bs are you reading?
That's not what is taught in the least. What extremist bs are you reading?

The Bible and the Koran. They both have eternal torment as the punishment for not believing in their god. This is also the traditional belief in pretty much every tradition of Christianity and Islam, except for maybe a few liberalized new-age versions.