Why do certain JPP rightists assume that leftists only single out Christianity?

Intelligence is a weird thing.
Because you don't know what it is.
One of our brothers-in-law has a masters degree in history so he is obviously smart.
I'll take that as a given statement for the moment.
Yet he marches in lockstep with the Corruption-in-Chief,
What corruption?
worships guns,
I've never met a gun worshiper. What does the Great Gun look like? Does this religion describe Him?
and thinks COVID is a nothingburger.
It is.
He's been unemployed since this time last year, so at least that means he's quit posting the crazy stuff on social media lest a potential employer see it.
Probably a good idea. Employers often illegally use politics in a hiring decision.
He says he can't get a job because the liberal world is against conservatives.
The liberal world IS against conservatives. So are the liberal controlled colleges and universities.
Yet he has never lived anywhere near liberals.
How do you know? Are you spying on his neighbors?
Right now they live in Houma, Louisiana.
So? There are liberals there.
Before that, rural Indiana,
There are liberals there also.
and before that, rural central Illinois where both he and his wife (Mr. Owl's sister) were born and raised.
There are liberals there also.
He is smart, but not smart, you know what I mean?
You wouldn't be able to tell. You are obviously incapable of escaping your own bigotry.
Christianity is antithetical to the Greek traditions that Western Civilization is based on. It wasn't until after Europeans moved away from Theocracy and embraced Greek philosophy that we got what we today call Western values.
How could we say Western Civilization is based on Christianity when something as fundamental as Democracy is Greek and condemned in Christianity?

Denial of history. Apparently you are not aware of the popularity of the Christian beliefs in Europe.
People like that, and I'd say that's most Conservatives, aren't dumb, they're just really emotional. He's lying to himself about all that Trump stuff for emotional reasons relating to identity and fear.
There's been a lot of studies about the differences between the conservative brain and the liberal brain. The one constant they find is that Conservatives have higher levels of fear. This is why they cling to stupid, obviously fake ideas, in order to have an identity and fit in with other people like them. It's really just a way to deal with personal problems.

Talk is cheap old creap....

Dust off your bible & show us all were it says that.

Make your Sunday School teacher proud............:cool:

You might start with the Ten Commandments.

Liberals deny God.
Liberals often take God's name in vain.
Liberals often do not honor their father and/or their mother.
Liberals embrace adultery and other sexual perversions, and even deny gender.
Liberals steal. They embrace socialism, which is theft of wealth.
Liberals have no problem with murdering (see Hillary or the recent riots as an example).
Liberals bear false witness all the time (see the hatred of Trump and any other prominent conservative, and denying history and even what they said in the past as examples). In other words, they are liars.
Liberals covet the wealth of the rich.
Liberals have many gods before God, including Gaia.
I'll let God show it to you when you die and get to meet Him just before you're sent to Hell. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when it happens.

Why a fly again?? Why not come back as a chimp or dog this time??
He has denied the teachings of the LDS church.

He has membership records there, but that means nothing when you deny the teachings of that church.

Non-sequitur fallacy. You do not have to be a member of the LDS church to get elected to a position in Utah.
Anything you'll be presenting in support of that??:thinking:
You might start with the Ten Commandments.

Liberals deny God.
Liberals often take God's name in vain.
Liberals often do not honor their father and/or their mother.
Liberals embrace adultery and other sexual perversions, and even deny gender.
Liberals steal. They embrace socialism, which is theft of wealth.
Liberals have no problem with murdering (see Hillary or the recent riots as an example).
Liberals bear false witness all the time (see the hatred of Trump and any other prominent conservative, and denying history and even what they said in the past as examples). In other words, they are liars.
Liberals covet the wealth of the rich.
Liberals have many gods before God, including Gaia.
