Why do certain JPP rightists assume that leftists only single out Christianity?

If a parent beat a child all day every day because the child didn't worship them, would that be child abuse?

Saying Jesus is teaching us how to avoid Hell doesn't make sense if he's the person sending people to Hell. It's like saying I'm going to teach you how to survive getting shot for when I shoot you.

That is literally the most bogus thing I've heard on this forum from a left-winger. No one is abusing anyone, so that is a disgusting attempt at a comparison argument. You don't have to believe anything but the type of hard on attacks should be a tool of the Trumper's. If you don't want to understand it just live your life without it. You have very peculiar ideas of us that are manufactured untruths. For instance, Cypress is right about the fire and brimstone hell stuff being more for storybooks. Hell is without God, an existence completely deprived of a union with God.
It's pretty odd. Leftists have criticized other religions, including Islam.

Sure it has nothing to do with they follow a social philosophy circumstantially factualized by statistically avergaing total sum past against what develops from now on, not a directed theology.

Oh then there is that flow chart thing to flat line exponential changes going on now calendar counting rotation of the planet against cycles mutually evolving now as conceived to replace those making the conceptions.

sure that doesn't count in your projections forward.
I'm a leftist and I'm also a diehard Christian.
You can't be a Christian officially and have other gods. It's a violation of a particular Christian commandment.

Your religion is a non-Christian hybrid that incorporates all the Global Warming deities, to include Climate and the Holy Greenhouse Gas, among others.

Oh but I was raised Catholic,
Weren't we all?

The problem with your Global Warming hybrid religion is that you were specifically targeted because you are scientifically illiterate and you will totally believe that the obvious religious dogma you were handed is nonetheless "thettled thienth." You are simply not capable of recognizing the egregious physics violations plaguing the dogma.
I wish this wasn't true, but it is. Sad to think that back in my day, conservatives were scientists, writers, thinkers, inventors. Now they support the thinking that science is bullshit ...*snip*...
Bigotry. You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for yourself.
I am not interested in fundamentalists of any religion.

I also make it a point to attempt to see the positive attributes of religious traditions; the core elemental tenets of their prophets.

Confucius: virtue
Buddha: compassion
Jesus: love
Muhammad: mercy

Yet you are a fundamentalist in several religions.
What does that even mean??
He has denied the teachings of the LDS church.
He is a member of that church...
He has membership records there, but that means nothing when you deny the teachings of that church.
If he left or was kicked out he would have never gotten elected in Utah
Non-sequitur fallacy. You do not have to be a member of the LDS church to get elected to a position in Utah.
Sure, but these religions haven't been positive influences. They don't teach love and mercy, they teach the worship of a cruel god. And as the old saying goes, belief in a cruel god makes for a cruel man.
This is one of the reasons that Europe had to become much less religious before creating Western Civilization as we now know it.

You are trying to group all sects of Christianity into a single sect. Bigotry.
Only through me can you enter the kingdom of heaven.
Sorry, it's all over the place.

False dichotomy fallacy. Jesus is referring to his teachings as the one and only path to God. The principles He teaches stand, even though you do may not believe in Christ or have never heard of him.

If you murder people, steal from people, screw up your body with recreational drugs, then you get to enjoy the hell brought about by your own decisions. You get to enjoy prison, misery, and poverty. If that isn't hell, what is?

You are free to choose. You are NOT free of the consequences of that choice.
False dichotomy fallacy. Jesus is referring to his teachings as the one and only path to God. The principles He teaches stand, even though you do may not believe in Christ or have never heard of him.

If you murder people, steal from people, screw up your body with recreational drugs, then you get to enjoy the hell brought about by your own decisions. You get to enjoy prison, misery, and poverty. If that isn't hell, what is?

You are free to choose. You are NOT free of the consequences of that choice.

So? Jesus did not invent ethics.