Why do certain JPP rightists assume that leftists only single out Christianity?

Will you be proving it any time soon??

First you need to go find a bible & stand in front of a church like in my avatar.. You can practice @ home in the mirror till you get it down, shouldn't take you more than a week...

The Bible proves that being a leftist and a die hard Christian is impossible to do. If you ever read it, you'd know.
It's close enough. I do think Conservatives are generally less intelligent, but they're usually not crazy retarded unless someone like Trump is front and center.

Intelligence is a weird thing. One of our brothers-in-law has a masters degree in history so he is obviously smart. Yet he marches in lockstep with the Corruption-in-Chief, worships guns, and thinks COVID is a nothingburger. He's been unemployed since this time last year, so at least that means he's quit posting the crazy stuff on social media lest a potential employer see it. He says he can't get a job because the liberal world is against conservatives. Yet he has never lived anywhere near liberals. Right now they live in Houma, Louisiana. Before that, rural Indiana, and before that, rural central Illinois where both he and his wife (Mr. Owl's sister) were born and raised. He is smart, but not smart, you know what I mean?
I wish this wasn't true, but it is. Sad to think that back in my day, conservatives were scientists, writers, thinkers, inventors. Now they support the thinking that science is bullshit and anti-Xtian, humanitarians are Marxists, and anyone who isn't marching in lockstep with them needs to be exterminated. Too bad they also supported guns4all, 'cause guess who else has them?:~(

Boorish people like you?
Jesus teaches you how to avoid hell through compassion and understanding. How is that not love? It's what parents do with many pitfalls that exist for their children. These sins, I've lived through enough of them myself to see the path to hell they are. It's not condemning you it's just telling you certain paths have consequences or things that can harm you. Sounds like parental love again.

If a parent beat a child all day every day because the child didn't worship them, would that be child abuse?

Saying Jesus is teaching us how to avoid Hell doesn't make sense if he's the person sending people to Hell. It's like saying I'm going to teach you how to survive getting shot for when I shoot you.
You have obviously been watching too much Sunday morning broadcasts of Protestant fundamentalist Mega Churches.

Most of the world's Christian theological traditions do not maintain that hell is a literal place filled with lakes of fire and diabolical torture chambers. That might have made for great poetry in Dante's Inferno. And American Protestant fundamentalists may cling to Dante's poetic vision. But a terrifying fire and brimstone hellscape is not theologically sound in most Christian eschatological traditions.

That's the tradition in Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and most Protestant denominations. It's also present in the Bible. Maybe there are some new-age hippy versions of Protestantism where there's no Hell, no homophobia, no sexism, and Jesus is just a Social Democrat who wants to help people. But that's not what the real Jesus taught.

Concerning Muslims..
I am not an expert in Islam, but my understanding is that only the truly evil and morally irredeemable go to hell. And even then, it is not for eternity - it is only for a set period of purification.

According to the Koran and Islamic tradition, Hell is eternal. And like Christianity, one of the "sins" that bring you to Hell is simply not believing in their god who has offered no evidence for his existence.
I do not think there is the slighest doubt that Christianity's focus on personal salvation and Christianity's resurrection of the Greek tradition of contemplation and philosophy was foundational to western civilization's unique emphasis on individuality, skeptical inquiry, and free will.

Christianity is antithetical to the Greek traditions that Western Civilization is based on. It wasn't until after Europeans moved away from Theocracy and embraced Greek philosophy that we got what we today call Western values.
How could we say Western Civilization is based on Christianity when something as fundamental as Democracy is Greek and condemned in Christianity?
Christianity is antithetical to the Greek traditions that Western Civilization is based on. It wasn't until after Europeans moved away from Theocracy and embraced Greek philosophy that we got what we today call Western values.
How could we say Western Civilization is based on Christianity when something as fundamental as Democracy is Greek and condemned in Christianity?

The Renaissance came about by rejecting Christian culture and embracing Greek culture.
Intelligence is a weird thing. One of our brothers-in-law has a masters degree in history so he is obviously smart. Yet he marches in lockstep with the Corruption-in-Chief, worships guns, and thinks COVID is a nothingburger. He's been unemployed since this time last year, so at least that means he's quit posting the crazy stuff on social media lest a potential employer see it. He says he can't get a job because the liberal world is against conservatives. Yet he has never lived anywhere near liberals. Right now they live in Houma, Louisiana. Before that, rural Indiana, and before that, rural central Illinois where both he and his wife (Mr. Owl's sister) were born and raised. He is smart, but not smart, you know what I mean?

People like that, and I'd say that's most Conservatives, aren't dumb, they're just really emotional. He's lying to himself about all that Trump stuff for emotional reasons relating to identity and fear.
There's been a lot of studies about the differences between the conservative brain and the liberal brain. The one constant they find is that Conservatives have higher levels of fear. This is why they cling to stupid, obviously fake ideas, in order to have an identity and fit in with other people like them. It's really just a way to deal with personal problems.
It's pretty odd. Leftists have criticized other religions, including Islam.

Well I think it's a knee jerk reaction that some people have. I think a lot of times it's defensive. There are a lot of people in the US a lot of them on the left some of them actually on the right that criticize Christianity. Most of the criticisms would be against Christianity because it's by far the largest religion in the US. That makes sense.

Legitimate criticisms regardless of the reaction you get to them should be made I'm a Christian and I criticize Christianity. There are criticisms that can be levied that are perfectly acceptable in the legitimate criticisms. And then there are a few people it's not extremely common but I do see this among some of the easiest left that poke fun or mock Christianity. Automatically assume everyone that's Christian news flat Earth or young Earth creationist. I was just in a debate with somebody who thought all religions were into science, I think that poster leaves right but I'm not sure.

So I think it's a bit hyperbolic and quite an overreaction people have as a defense mechanism when their beliefs are criticized.
It's pretty odd. Leftists have criticized other religions, including Islam.
Could you link me to four of those threads that were started by Leftists? You know, the threads dedicated to bashing Muslims and mocking them for their beliefs? Yeah, those threads.

After that, could you provide me a link to a few threads initiated by Leftists going after how Muslims in the Middle East HATE homosexuals so much that they throw them off building and generally seek to execute them.

what's in the Bible doesn't warrant addressing.

Like trump, you simply can't.......... Your as phony as a $4 trump buck from trump university.........

When you get to hell I hope you spend eternity is cell w/ dalmer & rosie odonald..............:laugh:
The Bible proves that being a leftist and a die hard Christian is impossible to do. If you ever read it, you'd know.

Talk is cheap old creap....

Dust off your bible & show us all were it says that.

Make your Sunday School teacher proud............:cool:
Leftists and Muslims have one thing in common. You'll share a hot place together in eternity. Muslims for one reason and Leftists for another.

If I was you I wouldn't count the clouds in my 7th heaven quite yet...........