Why do certain JPP rightists assume that leftists only single out Christianity?

I have no idea what you said. If you want to reply to a comment please make it relevant.

Good luck....

It's past noon & that means he is drinking....

He usually blows himself out in an hour or so & need his nap.......

Yesterday they left him out in the sun @ the park, & lordy, lordy did he get a big O' beer burn aka sun burn......

The locals there call it a beer burn as it's their tradition~passing out mid-day in the sun some place..

Last week they just left his ass out all night
Unless you don't believe in them. Then, ohhhhh boy!

My take is this: whether or not one believes in Jesus, anyone who grew up in the shadow of western civilization nonetheless has been influenced by the ubiquitous and historical presence of the range of ethical traditions of western Christianity, even if only through osmosis.

Same can be said of anyone of grew up in a Muslim society, on an east Asian Buddhist civilization
Even Catholics don't fully fit the high-level guise of Christ I aim for but they aren't a bunch of cherry pickers whose actions often go in opposition to Christ. A big problem is how the faith in all denominations has allowed itself to be tainted with right-wing based secular political matters.

As they say-useful idiots..........

They are saying now that falwell pimped trump so nothing would come of those family affairs..

I guess him & the wifey just couldn't keep it under wraps
My take is this: whether or not one believes in Jesus, anyone who grew up in the shadow of western civilization nonetheless has been influenced by the ubiquitous and historical presence of the range of ethical traditions of western Christianity, even if only through osmosis.

Same can be said of anyone of grew up in a Muslim society, on an east Asian Buddhist civilization

Sure, but these religions haven't been positive influences. They don't teach love and mercy, they teach the worship of a cruel god. And as the old saying goes, belief in a cruel god makes for a cruel man.
This is one of the reasons that Europe had to become much less religious before creating Western Civilization as we now know it.
Unless you don't believe in them. Then, ohhhhh boy!

That's not the teachings of the prophets, that's politicized religion. It's what creates those described as extremists. Many a ruler has used the name of a religion to commit atrocities. It's rare anymore to find true to the bone religious faithful anymore. They are outnumbered easily 50 to 1 by lip service phonies and the ones pulled between faith and politics.
Sure, but these religions haven't been positive influences. They don't teach love and mercy, they teach the worship of a cruel god. And as the old saying goes, belief in a cruel god makes for a cruel man.
This is one of the reasons that Europe had to become much less religious before creating Western Civilization as we now know it.

To paraphrase Nietzsche, people would rather worship a cruel God than have no God at all.
That's not the teachings of the prophets, that's politicized religion. It's what creates those described as extremists. Many a ruler has used the name of a religion to commit atrocities. It's rare anymore to find true to the bone religious faithful anymore. They are outnumbered easily 50 to 1 by lip service phonies and the ones pulled between faith and politics.

Jesus and Mohammed taught that if you don't worship their crazy god, you go to Hell for eternity. That's not love and mercy.
Sure, but these religions haven't been positive influences. They don't teach love and mercy, they teach the worship of a cruel god. And as the old saying goes, belief in a cruel god makes for a cruel man.
This is one of the reasons that Europe had to become much less religious before creating Western Civilization as we now know it.

I do not think there is the slighest doubt that Christianity's focus on personal salvation and Christianity's resurrection of the Greek tradition of contemplation and philosophy was foundational to western civilization's unique emphasis on individuality, skeptical inquiry, and free will.

Anyone who grew up culturally enmeshed in western civilization owes that debt to Christianity, whether or not they believe in God.

Similarly, I have always thought China was more prone to collectivism and conformity because of of the overwhelming cultural influence of Confucianism in East Asian culture. Irrespective if one is actually schooled in formal Confucian thought.
Jesus and Mohammed taught that if you don't worship their crazy god, you go to Hell for eternity. That's not love and mercy.

Jesus teaches you how to avoid hell through compassion and understanding. How is that not love? It's what parents do with many pitfalls that exist for their children. These sins, I've lived through enough of them myself to see the path to hell they are. It's not condemning you it's just telling you certain paths have consequences or things that can harm you. Sounds like parental love again.
Jesus teaches you how to avoid hell through compassion and understanding. How is that not love? It's what parents do with many pitfalls that exist for their children. These sins, I've lived through enough of them myself to see the path to hell they are. It's not condemning you it's just telling you certain paths have consequences or things that can harm you. Sounds like parental love again.

Jesus was ok.

But the crap that you're for or against him is garbage.
Jesus was ok.

But the crap that you're for or against him is garbage.

That is obviously translated very poorly as were many things. It makes it almost sound in malevolence when we know that is in antithesis to Christ. It was written in a barbaric time and age making plenty in the Bible hard to understand. From what I've heard there is a lot missing from the earliest writings of the prophets and the King James version that is widely used today.
That is obviously translated very poorly as were many things. It makes it almost sound in malevolence when we know that is in antithesis to Christ. It was written in a barbaric time and age making plenty in the Bible hard to understand. From what I've heard there is a lot missing from the earliest writings of the prophets and the King James version that is widely used today.

Only through me can you enter the kingdom of heaven.
Sorry, it's all over the place.
Jesus and Mohammed taught that if you don't worship their crazy god, you go to Hell for eternity. That's not love and mercy.

You have obviously been watching too much Sunday morning broadcasts of Protestant fundamentalist Mega Churches.

Most of the world's Christian theological traditions do not maintain that hell is a literal place filled with lakes of fire and diabolical torture chambers. That might have made for great poetry in Dante's Inferno. And American Protestant fundamentalists may cling to Dante's poetic vision. But a terrifying fire and brimstone hellscape is not theologically sound in most Christian eschatological traditions.

>> .https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...heists-more-Intelligent&p=3886322#post3886322

Concerning Muslims..
I am not an expert in Islam, but my understanding is that only the truly evil and morally irredeemable go to hell. And even then, it is not for eternity - it is only for a set period of purification.
Probably cause “leftists” don’t approve of others using the Gov’t to enforce their religious views on others, it points out the hypocrisy of their supposed principles

That's bullshit. Leftists are always trying to "enforce" their religious views on others. Just because you worship Satan doesn't make it any different.