Why do certain JPP rightists assume that leftists only single out Christianity?

I wasn't sure what I should change the topic to. I'm not sure how lefties decide what to change the topic to when they reply to my threads.

Classic cars and hotrods are cool.

Some are ...hot


Like trump, you simply can't.......... Your as phony as a $4 trump buck from trump university.........

When you get to hell I hope you spend eternity is cell w/ dalmer & rosie odonald..............:laugh:

Guess when you can't defend what YOU believe, you cherrypick portions of something.

You lost the moment you edited my post, son.
Talk is cheap old creap....

Dust off your bible & show us all were it says that.

Make your Sunday School teacher proud............:cool:

I'll let God show it to you when you die and get to meet Him just before you're sent to Hell. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when it happens.
That's the tradition in Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and most Protestant denominations. It's also present in the Bible. Maybe there are some new-age hippy versions of Protestantism where there's no Hell, no homophobia, no sexism, and Jesus is just a Social Democrat who wants to help people. But that's not what the real Jesus taught.

According to the Koran and Islamic tradition, Hell is eternal. And like Christianity, one of the "sins" that bring you to Hell is simply not believing in their god who has offered no evidence for his existence.

I was partially wrong about Islam. According to wiki, there is no universal agreement among Islamic scholars about whether hell is eternal or not.

Neither you nor I have actually ever read the New Testament or the Koran. The Koran is was written in archaic Arabic, and English translations are not going to cut the mustard. The original NT was written in ancient Greek, and the original copies do not exist. All we have are translations of copies, of copies, of copies created centuries after the originals and undoubtedly filled with the mistakes and mistranslations which result from centuries of hand copying.

That is why we generally rely on trained religious scholars and experts of ancient languages to correctly interpret the bible.

Protestant fundamentalists have hijacked Dante's poetic and fictional depictions of a terrifying hellscape.

The beliefs of fundamentalist Protestants are not shared by the theologies of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. They generally interpret hell as a self-imposed separation of communion from God. The torture chambers and hellscape of Dante and fundamentalist Churchs are their interpretation, not the interpretation of other world denominations. On this planet, I am pretty sure Catholics and Orthodox Christians outnumber the American Protestant fundamentalists

"The images of hell that Sacred Scripture presents to us must be correctly interpreted. They show the complete frustration and emptiness of life without God. Rather than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy. This is how the Catechism of the Catholic Church summarizes the truths of faith on this subject: “To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God’s merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice.

This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called ‘hell’”

-- Pope John Paul II, 1999

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Christianity is antithetical to the Greek traditions that Western Civilization is based on. It wasn't until after Europeans moved away from Theocracy and embraced Greek philosophy that we got what we today call Western values.
How could we say Western Civilization is based on Christianity when something as fundamental as Democracy is Greek and condemned in Christianity?

Greek thought, Greek skepticism, and the dialectic Socratic method was resurected by Christianity. Saint Augustine was Plato's biggest proponent in European late antiquity, and Thomas Aquinas elevated Aristotle and Aristotelian logic as the pinnacle of western thought in the high middle ages. The Platonic and Aristotelian methods of logic and reason were employed by Christian theologians and philosophers since late antiquity.

The western university owes its legacy to the Christian universities of the medieval period.

Every educated person knows the Jesuits and other Catholic orders placed a premium on higher education, natural philosophy, logic. And that legacy is still with us today. Catholic Universities are still recognized as some of the West's most prominent and admired institutions of higher learning and scholarly inquiry.

Religion was the patron and main supporter of natural philosophy and scholarly inquiry in the pre-modern era.

The roots of the western tradition of natural philosophy, scholarly skepticism, academic rigour owes its roots to the intellectual traditions of medieval Christianity. Scholarly skepticism and the academic tradition did not start with Benjamin Franklin. Western thought has been a long evolving process that builds upon intellectual traditions from the past.

Theology and religious devotion powered the study of the natural world in many contexts throughout the pre-modern era.
1. This fact gives the lie to the facile presumption of an inherent “conflict” between science and religion. That conflict is a relatively recent development.
2. Religious institutions were the chief patrons of natural philosophical inquiry throughout the pre-modern period.
3. The notion that study of the natural world was an inherently religious activity was common from the Greeks all the way to Newton.

Lawrence M. Principe, Ph.D., Professor of History of Science, Medicine, and Professor of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University
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