Why do Christians condemn everyone not in their ideology?

Black churches are the reason that people who cannot deliver their own state's electoral votes in the general election are none the less in position to totally fuck up the Democratic Party's nomination process.
We get mediocrity like Joe Biden specifically due to the perverse effect of black churches.
The shame of Catholic altar boy molestations has done less to fuel my contempt for religion than black church ladies have, and that has nothing to do with their ethnicity but rather their actions and effect.

My two cents:

Joe Biden has presided over the most successful and wide-ranging domestic legislative agenda in 60 years.

Black Protestants have helped make Virginia and Georgia blue leaning states, and black voters keep Pennsylvania and Michigan from being consistently deep red states.

Black voters also tend to be among the most savvy of liberal voters. Affluent young white liberals handed George Dumbya Bush the election by defecting from Gore to Nader, and the argument can be made that white college kids fatally wounded Hillary Clinton by giving the non-Democrat Sanders a seat at the Democratic nomination process.
My two cents:

Joe Biden has presided over the most successful and wide-ranging domestic legislative agenda in 60 years.

Black Protestants have helped make Virginia and Georgia blue leaning states, and black voters keep Pennsylvania and Michigan from being consistently deep red states.

Black voters also tend to be among the most savvy of liberal voters. Affluent 20-something white liberals handed George Dumbya Bush the election by defecting from Gore to Nader, and the argument can be made that white college kids fatally wounded Hillary Clinton by giving the non-Democrat Sanders a seat at the Democratic nomination process.

I've been a registered member of the Democratic Party since 1967, and I've voted, not in primaries but in general elections,
for too many morons that my party has nominated because their only viable opponents were despicable Republicans.
The next ticket that I split, in fact, will be the very first. I vote in a straight blue line, and I've done it for well over a half-century.

That doesn't mean that I have to toe the line with my feelings and in what I say.
Our elections are a binary choice because candidates outside of the two major parties are not themselves viable, even if they can unfortunately help influence which of the major candidates will win.
The very thought of being an independent with my balls being mangled because I'm straddling a fence sickens me, as I've often made known to JPP independents. People with balls chose a side, even if they both suck.

If we had a European style Social Democratic Party, and if it were truly viable, I'd bolt the traditional Democratic Party in an instant, despite my having been saddled with them for my entire adult life.
All I can actually do, though, is internally push my party as far to the left as I can.
This makes the little black church ladies of the south my mortal enemies, in a way, because frankly speaking, they're not liberal on anything but black civil rights issues.
If I were a racist, wouldn't I hate the more progressive black leftists in the north as well?

But my views toward the church ladies,
who except for Georgia the last time, DON'T deliver electoral votes in the general election,
get me accused of racism on the site. Not that I actually care. The people of color with whom I've associated will make their own determination.
It's always other white people who call me racist.
I've been a registered member of the Democratic Party since 1967, and I've voted, not in primaries but in general elections,
for too many morons that my party has nominated because their only viable opponents were despicable Republicans.
The next ticket that I split, in fact, will be the very first. I vote in a straight blue line, and I've done it for well over a half-century.

That doesn't mean that I have to toe the line with my feelings and in what I say.
Our elections are a binary choice because candidates outside of the two major parties are not themselves viable, even if they can unfortunately help influence which of the major candidates will win.
The very thought of being an independent with my balls being mangled because I'm straddling a fence sickens me, as I've often made known to JPP independents. People with balls chose a side, even if they both suck.

If we had a European style Social Democratic Party, and if it were truly viable, I'd bolt the traditional Democratic Party in an instant, despite my having been saddled with them for my entire adult life.
All I can actually do, though, is internally push my party as far to the left as I can.
This makes the little black church ladies of the south my mortal enemies, in a way, because frankly speaking, they're not liberal on anything but black civil rights issues.
If I were a racist, wouldn't I hate the more progressive black leftists in the north as well?

But my views toward the church ladies,
who except for Georgia the last time, DON'T deliver electoral votes in the general election,
get me accused of racism on the site. Not that I actually care. The people of color with whom I've associated will make their own determination.
It's always other white people who call me racist.

That is only acceptable for trivial things, like sports....and the people with balls are the ones who seek and speak the truth.
....and the people with balls are the ones who seek and speak the truth.

Don't confuse speaking your mind with speaking the truth.
They're completely different things.

Anybody can speak his/her mind. In this country, with its First Amendment, they're protected by law to opine anything.

Only those who recognize and acknowledge the truth can speak it.
We have a serious deficiency of such people, it would seem.
Or, at the very least, far too many who don't meet the grade.
I don't consider Joel Osteen or the television-based Megachurches to be authentically Christian. I don't even think Joel Osteen even has any legitimate theological training at any reputable seminary or divinity school. It seems like a grift to me.

I honestly don't know how much unified political influence the Catholic church has over the federal government, compared to the dark money of corporate and investor interests..

Only Holy Spirit believers are true Christians.
"Many come in my name but they aren't mine"!
Few of these TV preachers are the real deal.
I think some of them start out real,but they invariably get caught up with having to raise money to stay on the air,and it becomes a vicious circle.
My two cents:

Joe Biden has presided over the most successful and wide-ranging domestic legislative agenda in 60 years.

Black Protestants have helped make Virginia and Georgia blue leaning states, and black voters keep Pennsylvania and Michigan from being consistently deep red states.

Black voters also tend to be among the most savvy of liberal voters. Affluent young white liberals handed George Dumbya Bush the election by defecting from Gore to Nader, and the argument can be made that white college kids fatally wounded Hillary Clinton by giving the non-Democrat Sanders a seat at the Democratic nomination process.

Trump did his far share to help turn Virginia and Georgia toward Blue
I've been a registered member of the Democratic Party since 1967, and I've voted, not in primaries but in general elections,
for too many morons that my party has nominated because their only viable opponents were despicable Republicans.
The next ticket that I split, in fact, will be the very first. I vote in a straight blue line, and I've done it for well over a half-century.

That doesn't mean that I have to toe the line with my feelings and in what I say.
Our elections are a binary choice because candidates outside of the two major parties are not themselves viable, even if they can unfortunately help influence which of the major candidates will win.
The very thought of being an independent with my balls being mangled because I'm straddling a fence sickens me, as I've often made known to JPP independents. People with balls chose a side, even if they both suck.

If we had a European style Social Democratic Party, and if it were truly viable, I'd bolt the traditional Democratic Party in an instant, despite my having been saddled with them for my entire adult life.
All I can actually do, though, is internally push my party as far to the left as I can.
This makes the little black church ladies of the south my mortal enemies, in a way, because frankly speaking, they're not liberal on anything but black civil rights issues.
If I were a racist, wouldn't I hate the more progressive black leftists in the north as well?

But my views toward the church ladies,
who except for Georgia the last time, DON'T deliver electoral votes in the general election,
get me accused of racism on the site. Not that I actually care. The people of color with whom I've associated will make their own determination.
It's always other white people who call me racist.

I'm just saying that atheists comprise only five percent of the Democratic Party, according to Pew.


The ability of atheists to influence and swing elections towards Democrats is negligible at best. Black evangelical Protestants, Latino Catholics, and Jews are the most influential Democratic voters.

No Democratic candidate should mock any Christian, Jew, atheist, or Buddhist. It has to be an open tent

But the party's success at large does not depend on atheists the way it does depend on black Protestants, Catholics, and Jews.
You saw Bernie’s ability to influence people and change their minds

He failed
It was his Democratic Socialist message….or was it Socialist Democrat? I always forget but do remember the terms are different.

BTW, what are your thoughts about the MAGAts and LWLs constantly equating you and I? Insulted? Pleased? Ironic?
It was his Democratic Socialist message….or was it Socialist Democrat? I always forget but do remember the terms are different.

BTW, what are your thoughts about the MAGAts and LWLs constantly equating you and I? Insulted? Pleased? Ironic?

No biggy

It’s meaningless

They are idiots
Christians have long generally made room for others to follow their will....it is the WOKE who dont.

Why do people believing reality is larger than life demand elimination of anyone understanding it isn't regardless the generation gap present. Every social mentality is called a traitor when they change their mind while only ever having one brain since a fertilized cell began dividing since conceived to replace previous ancestry of the two parenting the conception?
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Why do people believing reality is larger than life demand elimination of anyone understanding it isn't regardless the generation gap present. Every social mentality is called a traitor when they change their mind while only ever having one brain since a fertilized cell began dividing since conceived to replace previous ancestry of the two parenting the conception?

I dont follow your question But Christianity eventually matured and stopped being harsh about people converting and stopped being harsh about the practice of the Christian life. This is a good thing in spite of the fact that the West is dying because it went soft and then soft in the head to the point of insanity. Christians stopped trying to force people to convert and instead tried to convince, and they came to see that while some things should not be tolerated more civilized living includes allowing others to live according to their will and experiment. In the West the goal became growth and learning and getting better instead of following intricate rules handed down.

The WOKE rub all of that out, they are not interested in any of that, they are regressives, their life is run by "Obey...OR ELSE!".

The WOKE are brutes, and pretty miserable ones at that.
Why do people believing reality is larger than life demand elimination of anyone understanding it isn't regardless the generation gap present. Every social mentality is called a traitor when they change their mind while only ever having one brain since a fertilized cell began dividing since conceived to replace previous ancestry of the two parenting the conception?

I read this twice and did not track. Feel free to try again.
Why do people believing reality is larger than life demand elimination of anyone understanding it isn't regardless the generation gap present. Every social mentality is called a traitor when they change their mind while only ever having one brain since a fertilized cell began dividing since conceived to replace previous ancestry of the two parenting the conception?

It says at the bottom that you EDITED this.

Seriously...did you "edit" this? And this is how it came out?
I dont follow your question But Christianity eventually matured and stopped being harsh about people converting and stopped being harsh about the practice of the Christian life. This is a good thing in spite of the fact that the West is dying because it went soft and then soft in the head to the point of insanity. Christians stopped trying to force people to convert and instead tried to convince, and they came to see that while some things should not be tolerated more civilized living includes allowing others to live according to their will and experiment. In the West the goal became growth and learning and getting better instead of following intricate rules handed down.

The WOKE rub all of that out, they are not interested in any of that, they are regressives, their life is run by "Obey...OR ELSE!".

The WOKE are brutes, and pretty miserable ones at that.

So the pope gives lip service to indigenous Canadians, but has yet to do so for indigenous Americans (if he or his predecessors have, I missed it and will apologize for the error).

History shows Christian evangelical BS stopped because of the LAW, and NOT because the hierarchy had a come to Jesus moment. The POS aided and abetted pedophiles and sexual predators for decades...still protecting the identified from criminal prosecution to a large degree. So your assertions are just revisionist clap trap.
I'm just saying that atheists comprise only five percent of the Democratic Party, according to Pew.


The ability of atheists to influence and swing elections towards Democrats is negligible at best. Black evangelical Protestants, Latino Catholics, and Jews are the most influential Democratic voters.

No Democratic candidate should mock any Christian, Jew, atheist, or Buddhist. It has to be an open tent

But the party's success at large does not depend on atheists the way it does depend on black Protestants, Catholics, and Jews.

When Politics comes out,check your religion at the door,is my policy.
I dont follow your question But Christianity eventually matured and stopped being harsh about people converting and stopped being harsh about the practice of the Christian life. This is a good thing in spite of the fact that the West is dying because it went soft and then soft in the head to the point of insanity. Christians stopped trying to force people to convert and instead tried to convince, and they came to see that while some things should not be tolerated more civilized living includes allowing others to live according to their will and experiment. In the West the goal became growth and learning and getting better instead of following intricate rules handed down.

The WOKE rub all of that out, they are not interested in any of that, they are regressives, their life is run by "Obey...OR ELSE!".

The WOKE are brutes, and pretty miserable ones at that.

Your head is so far up your ass,you've become brain dead!