Why do Christians condemn everyone not in their ideology?

It’s not your TITLE

It’s your beliefs that display your morals

Your actions on those beliefs

But you on the right now call that VIRTUE SIGNALING huh

As if displaying morals is BAD
People in this world are USING religion to destroy this nation

As it has been done in mankind’s history forever

ORGANIZED RELIGION provides the PERFECT scaffolding for evil to use to control the masses

Stop organizing


Believe what’s in your heart

Display that in your treatment of your fellow earth dwellers

VIRTUE SIGNALING is how you act on your beliefs

It displays morals

Ask your self why this Republican Party DEMEANS ACTING ON YOUR MORALS?

People in this world are USING religion to destroy this nation

As it has been done in mankind’s history forever

ORGANIZED RELIGION provides the PERFECT scaffolding for evil to use to control the masses

Stop organizing


Believe what’s in your heart

Display that in your treatment of your fellow earth dwellers

VIRTUE SIGNALING is how you act on your beliefs

It displays morals

Ask your self why this Republican Party DEMEANS ACTING ON YOUR MORALS?


The Westboro Baptist Church and the Televangelists offer nothing of moral or political value.

But before we start telling people to dismantle church organizations and institutions, I think it's worth remembering that black Protestant churches were the tip of the spear in the Civil Rights movement; Black churches are ground zero for black voters drive and participation, and I seriously doubt that Reverend Warnock would have been elected to the US Senate without the institutional power and moral authority of the traditionally Black evangelical churches.
But before we start telling people to dismantle church organizations and institutions, I think it's worth remembering that black Protestant churches were the tip of the spear in the Civil Rights movement; Black churches are ground zero for black voters drives and participation, and I seriously doubt that Reverend Warnock would have been elected to the US Senate without the institutional power of the traditionally Black evangelical churches.

Black churches are the reason that people who cannot deliver their own state's electoral votes in the general election are none the less in position to totally fuck up the Democratic Party's nomination process.
We get mediocrity like Joe Biden specifically due to the perverse effect of black churches.
The shame of Catholic altar boy molestations has done less to fuel my contempt for religion than black church ladies have, and that has nothing to do with their ethnicity but rather their actions and effect.
The Westboro Baptist Church and the Televangelists offer nothing of moral or political value.

But before we start telling people to dismantle church organizations and institutions, I think it's worth remembering that black Protestant churches were the tip of the spear in the Civil Rights movement; Black churches are ground zero for black voters drive and participation, and I seriously doubt that Reverend Warnock would have been elected to the US Senate without the institutional power and moral authority of the traditionally Black evangelical churches.

Organizing doesn’t mean not meeting together to praise their perceived father

It means not creating masses of wealth that then has political power over the structure of government

The Catholic Church

The mega Churches the USA

they are mega institutions with property and financial power

Black churches don’t do that to my knowledge

Mega churches are most popular with evangelical Christians
These churches can hold up to 15,000 people in one service
Joel Osteen is one of the world's most famous evangelical pastors
Joel Osteen
(CNN) -- Mega churches across the United States are becoming increasingly popular which is not only bringing thousands of worshippers together, but also billions of dollars in profit.
From self-help books to CDs and DVDs, mega churches are becoming big money makers for the pastors and ministries they are a part of.
Mega churches are extra-large churches that can accommodate upwards of 15,000 people and are common among members of the evangelical Christian faith.
Scott Thumma, professor of sociology and religion at Hartford Seminary told CNN that "the mega church on average has about $6.5 million in income a year."
Video: 'In God We Trust'
"If you put together all the mega churches in the United States, that's easily several billion dollars."

These are 2010 numbers
Black churches are the reason that people who cannot deliver their own state's electoral votes in the general election are none the less in position to totally fuck up the Democratic Party's nomination process.
We get mediocrity like Joe Biden specifically due to the perverse effect of black churches.
The shame of Catholic altar boy molestations has done less to fuel my contempt for religion than black church ladies have, and that has nothing to do with their ethnicity but rather their actions and effect.

Fucking racist asshole
Black churches are the reason that people who cannot deliver their own state's electoral votes in the general election are none the less in position to totally fuck up the Democratic Party's nomination process.
We get mediocrity like Joe Biden specifically due to the perverse effect of black churches.
The shame of Catholic altar boy molestations has done less to fuel my contempt for religion than black church ladies have, and that has nothing to do with their ethnicity but rather their actions and effect.

I'm struggling here to understand your logic.

So you dislike black church ladies but only because of the effect they have on the selection of a candidate which winds up being "mediocre".

I think you might be missing the larger picture, but I would like to better understand what effect this is that is driven by black church ladies.
I'm struggling here to understand your logic.

So you dislike black church ladies but only because of the effect they have on the selection of a candidate which winds up being "mediocre".

I think you might be missing the larger picture, but I would like to better understand what effect this is that is driven by black church ladies.

It's pretty simple.
If you're a truly progressive liberal, you would have recognized Bernie Sanders as an agent of change and Joe Biden as an effete relic of obsolete policy.
Bernie Sanders was running away with the Democratic nomination until the primaries hit the south.
Then came the black church ladies fucking everything up.

But here's the real problem.
These same black church ladies who threw themselves into the path of progress to block it could not--with the exception of Georgia--deliver their states' electoral votes in the general election.
The nominate Biden whom the more sophisticated and educated Democrats didn't want,
but they did jack shit to get him elected, except for Georgia where we got lucky.

I think that the Democrats who could deliver their electoral votes for the party nominee should have more clout in the nomination process than those who can't.

That's the large picture for me. Others may disagree.
It's pretty simple.
If you're a truly progressive liberal, you would have recognized Bernie Sanders as an agent of change and Joe Biden as an effete relic of obsolete policy.
Bernie Sanders was running away with the Democratic nomination until the primaries hit the south.
Then came the black church ladies fucking everything up.

I think it is far more likely that Bernie would have been a great agent of change, but radical change (per how conservative America is overall) and thus unelectable. No cross-over potential for votes. Biden was a truly horrible candidate but the DNC knew that there weren't enough people to vote for Kamala and Joe was as middle of the road as the DNC could stomach and as such he stood the best "chances".
I think it is far more likely that Bernie would have been a great agent of change, but radical change (per how conservative America is overall) and thus unelectable. No cross-over potential for votes. Biden was a truly horrible candidate but the DNC knew that there weren't enough people to vote for Kamala and Joe was as middle of the road as the DNC could stomach and as such he stood the best "chances".

Possibly true, but yet another reason for my partitionist beliefs.
To me, the present 50 state America model is a hopeless dumpster fire that will never become a modern, functioning republic.
Organizing doesn’t mean not meeting together to praise their perceived father

It means not creating masses of wealth that then has political power over the structure of government

The Catholic Church

The mega Churches the USA

they are mega institutions with property and financial power

Black churches don’t do that to my knowledge

I don't consider Joel Osteen or the television-based Megachurches to be authentically Christian. I don't even think Joel Osteen even has any legitimate theological training at any reputable seminary or divinity school. It seems like a grift to me.

I honestly don't know how much unified political influence the Catholic church has over the federal government, compared to the dark money of corporate and investor interests..
I don't consider Joel Osteen or the television-based Megachurches to be authentically Christian. I don't even think Joel Osteen even has any legitimate theological training at any reputable seminary or divinity school. It seems like a grift to me.

I honestly don't know how much unified political influence the Catholic church has over the federal government, compared to the dark money of corporate and investor interests..

They are money churches

They don’t use that money to help their fellow man and save lives

They use it to further the power over others to gain more money and power
I think it is far more likely that Bernie would have been a great agent of change, but radical change (per how conservative America is overall) and thus unelectable. No cross-over potential for votes. Biden was a truly horrible candidate but the DNC knew that there weren't enough people to vote for Kamala and Joe was as middle of the road as the DNC could stomach and as such he stood the best "chances".

You saw Bernie’s ability to influence people and change their minds

He failed horribly

He was given the task to negotiate with the republicans at the very beginning of the Biden term


BERNIE alienated Democrats like me

He did not bring people together

He is the wrong kind of personality to get anything done

Biden has kicked ass

Admit it
You saw Bernie’s ability to influence people and change their minds

He failed horribly

He was given the task to negotiate with the republicans at the very beginning of the Biden term


BERNIE alienated Democrats like me

He did not bring people together

He is the wrong kind of personality to get anything done

Biden has kicked ass

Admit it

Biden has presided over the most successful and wide-ranging progressive domestic legislative agenda since LBJ.
And Bernie proved he was Not up to the job when he was tasked with negotiating the deal

Once he announced publicly he was giving up

Biden, Nancy and Shumer got it done in like two weeks
Bernie claim my party cheated him

He cheated my party by USING US

He didn’t raise money for down ticket by people and ignored the Russians crawling all over his campaign

He trashed Hilary with lies the Russians fed into his ranks

Never bothered to tell them it was lies

Even McCain told his tanks that Obama was not a Muslim

Bernie hates the Democratic Party

But he uses us
06/09/2022 04:30 AM EDT
Bernie Sanders has something to get off his chest: Without a course correction, he sees the Democratic Party on track to get shellacked this fall.

As the progressive Vermonter, not one to mince words, put it in an interview on Tuesday: “You really can’t win an election with a bumper sticker that says: ‘Well, we can’t do much, but the other side is worse.’”

That was not what we were saying

He wanted us to lose
We said we would work to fix things

Then he was allowed to negotiate so the Democratic Party could come together

Then he failed horribly and wasted months

I hope he never runs again