Why do Christians condemn everyone not in their ideology?

Actually it's more frustrating to see salvation is right there for the taking,and people won't step up and take it!

yup. even if its all a myth whats wrong with living a good life just in case its not ?

its a no risk, all reward deal.
Because Right Wing Christian WHITE Nationalism is a false feeling of Superiority and immortality.

They believe they are the chosen ones to rise up from the dead and go to heaven. They believe that Heaven is for white's only.

They believe Jesus was White! Even Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, Mother Nature, Father Time, Uncle Sam, and the Easter Bunny! :laugh:

Everyone else is headed straight to hell- without passing GO!

Sad. The hatred you express here. :palm:
“[The Church] looks with sincere respect upon those ways of conduct and of life, those rules and teachings which, though differing in many particulars from what she holds and sets forth, nevertheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men."

- Vatican Council II, 1964

There have been bad christians, bad atheists, bad agnostics, bad jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists throughout recorded history
No, @#$&$# @#$%&. He totally nailed it. It's the same concept as you Nazi's claiming voter fraud when you lose. You're too @#$&%#$& ignorant and arrogant to believe anyone could feel differently than you twumptards.

Another non-serious response. :rolleyes:
“[The Church] looks with sincere respect upon those ways of conduct and of life, those rules and teachings which, though differing in many particulars from what she holds and sets forth, nevertheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men."

- Vatican Council II, 1964

There have been bad christians, bad atheists, bad agnostics, bad jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists throughout recorded history

"Only God is truly good"!
Sad. The hatred you express here. :palm:

It's not so much of what I hate as much as it is of what I fear. I don't hate Republicans. I just think they are weak now.

But I do fear a faction of the Republican party- the Freedom Caucus.

And as long as the Republicans will not stand up to them, because of their fear of them, and allow them to Drive your Party further out on the Lunatic Fringe, our nation is in trouble.

And now that they run the House of Representatives, because our House Speaker has given them the farm, because of his fear of them.

I would expect that even you would have had your fill of the Freedom Caucus by now, because there is no way you are a lunatic. You have nothing in common with the Lunatics in the Freedom Caucus.

You are a man with a lot of pride in yourself and your party- and a man of integrity! A good man and a Good Republican! There is just no way I could hate people like you!

Conservatism is an essential part of the American Government and it is part of the equation that makes our Government work. Why would I hate that?
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I think you mean to ask this about the Christian nationalists that have hijacked the religion for politics. Real Christians are taught not to condemn and even go as far as share the same loving respect to even those that could be considered an enemy.
The OP makes no distinction between Christians, so one has to assume the premise of the OP is that all christians are judgmental and hateful

Democratic Party is an open tent but when you get down to raw numbers, the Democratic Party needs the black evangelical Protestants, the Latino Catholics, and the Jews more than they need the atheists.
Obviously not a serious answer…:rolleyes:

My comment is not about the Conservative party, Republicans, or even Christians.

The Freedom Caucus has Hi-jacked your party, and as long as you TRUE Republicans, True Christians, and True Conservatives and all of you people that LEAN RIGHT Capitulate to the Freedom Caucus and allow them to OWN the legislative branch, and continue to elect them, instead of standing up to them, and ridding you party of them, IF MY WORDS HURT, I'M Sorry friend- because I have to lump you all together now!

Because all of you Republicans, as a whole, are responsible for the Freedom Caucus now! Starting at the top as Speaker of the House all the way down to you people who LEAN RIGHT! You are all to blame!

And I am going to hold you all accountable for your party now that is far out on the Lunatic Fringe taken there by the Freedom Caucus!
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yup. even if its all a myth whats wrong with living a good life just in case its not ?

its a no risk, all reward deal.

Some Christians are racists

Is being a racist a good thing?

Christian’s assume that no one else has morals?

It’s a lie