Why do conservatives bash education? GOP leaders went to elite universities.

Why yes, you certainly are a fucking liar. But then, who of the fascist left isn't?

Top 5 professions a history major prepares one for:

5. Walmart Greeter
4. Dishwasher at Denny's
3. Gardener
2. Barista
1. History Teacher

Major matters FAR MORE than institution does.

A person with a chemistry degree from University of La Vern has far more useful and applicable knowledge than a person with a gender studies degree from Harvard. But the public is finally awakening to the fact that Harvard, Yale, et al. are nothing more than social clubs for the Oligarchy.

Oh, and DeSantis has a Juris Doctorate, that is he is a lawyer - as noted earlier - you of the fascist left are fucking liars, always.

odd.....history was the recommended prelaw major when I went to law school.......are you sure your head isn't shoved up your ass somewhere????
I'd say that something approaching 90% of education is intended in the end for getting you a job while the other 10% is for something else. "Enriching your life" normally isn't why you go to school or college.

But seldom is it for a particular job. Freshmen are more likely to know what they want to major in than seniors as people often change their minds, find something new they are interested in, find they don't like their original choice. A biology major has many different job possibilities but is not trained in any particular skill and those majors are often unaware of what they will do after graduation. There are many jobs that simply require a degree and nobody goes to school for those jobs.
Originally Posted by BidenPresident View Post
That they believe in education.

Sure they do. That's why they--eg., the Left--have fucked education up like a soup-sandwich. Democrats and the Left (interchangeable today) don't believe in education. They believe in indoctrination and radicalization of students.

Since you love pulling talking points out of your ass, I'll indulge you: please explain to the reading audience when this "fucking up" or America's public education system started, and what exactly has been "fucked up". Initially, you won't have to provide valid documentation to support your statements.

The reading audience awaits.
Dumb rube, education and skills training aren't the same thing

Training is the process of Learning something with a goal of performing a specific skill or behavior. Education, on the other hand, is the systematic process of learning something with a goal of acquiring knowledge. In education, a person learns facts, concepts, and theories.


Back in the day when I attended a local community college, I took a journalism course that required the class to put together a newspaper from top to bottom. The final stages required us to tour the campus' printing department, which handled everything from brochures various dept. documents. One of the managers lamented to me that in his day he learned from the bottom up, starting as "copy boy" ... but now (which was 1978) to get to his position required at least 2 years of schooling. Bottom line: a schism had occurred where education had become a divide .... floor worker or office worker, blue collar or white collar. I see that as sad, because it perpetuated the resentment by seasoned workers towards "no nothing college boys". :sad:
Since you love pulling talking points out of your ass, I'll indulge you: please explain to the reading audience when this "fucking up" or America's public education system started, and what exactly has been "fucked up". Initially, you won't have to provide valid documentation to support your statements.

The reading audience awaits.

Gardner will never answer. He is just another shithead troll.
Since you love pulling talking points out of your ass, I'll indulge you: please explain to the reading audience when this "fucking up" or America's public education system started, and what exactly has been "fucked up". Initially, you won't have to provide valid documentation to support your statements.

The reading audience awaits.

The internet.
But seldom is it for a particular job. Freshmen are more likely to know what they want to major in than seniors as people often change their minds, find something new they are interested in, find they don't like their original choice. A biology major has many different job possibilities but is not trained in any particular skill and those majors are often unaware of what they will do after graduation. There are many jobs that simply require a degree and nobody goes to school for those jobs.

Yep, 2nd Lieutenant or Ensign in the military, night manager at a Walgreens...
Since you love pulling talking points out of your ass, I'll indulge you: please explain to the reading audience when this "fucking up" or America's public education system started, and what exactly has been "fucked up". Initially, you won't have to provide valid documentation to support your statements.

The reading audience awaits.

It started in earnest with the Carter administration. There is no reason whatsoever that the federal government needed to be involved in education. It isn't a federal issue. Ever since that point, education in the US has been in decline while growing grotesquely more expensive. There's a smattering of idiocy by the federal government prior to that, but it was formalizing a cabinet level post and department that really got education rolling downhill towards utter and complete mediocrity.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Since you love pulling talking points out of your ass, I'll indulge you: please explain to the reading audience when this "fucking up" or America's public education system started, and what exactly has been "fucked up". Initially, you won't have to provide valid documentation to support your statements.

The reading audience awaits.

Gardner will never answer. He is just another shithead troll.

The MAGA trolls and similar ilk can't help themselves....he'll try to come off as rational and intelligent, but eventually his own BS trips him up, and he just bluffs and blusters.
The MAGA trolls and similar ilk can't help themselves....he'll try to come off as rational and intelligent, but eventually his own BS trips him up, and he just bluffs and blusters.

Feel free to respond to my post where I answered, and nobody seems willing to challenge a word of it so far...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Since you love pulling talking points out of your ass, I'll indulge you: please explain to the reading audience when this "fucking up" or America's public education system started, and what exactly has been "fucked up". Initially, you won't have to provide valid documentation to support your statements.

The reading audience awaits.

It started in earnest with the Carter administration. There is no reason whatsoever that the federal government needed to be involved in education. It isn't a federal issue. Ever since that point, education in the US has been in decline while growing grotesquely more expensive. There's a smattering of idiocy by the federal government prior to that, but it was formalizing a cabinet level post and department that really got education rolling downhill towards utter and complete mediocrity.


:palm: Here's a primer for you regarding the history of public education, the how and why of federal gov't involvement. It's apropos to your Politico link, which is somewhat myopic and opinion slanted: https://www.raceforward.org/research/reports/historical-timeline-public-education-us

Your Heritage article glibly ignores INDIVIDUAL STATE controls and guidelines for their public schools as part of the financial problem. Case in point: teacher's having to devout part of their salaries to provide basic tools (books, arts & crafts for lower grades, etc.).

Your federalist link essentially distorts the actual GAO report; https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-19-266r

As for Hess and the Brookings Institute; given his record with Nixon, Ford and Eisenhower, I'm not surprised as to his take on Carter. Thing is, he minimizes if not all but ignore the FACT of the full court press by the MSM accenting the negative and Republican Congress basically against Carter.

When all is said and done, your articles act as if there has been NO knee jerk opposition to better public schooling. This article offers another view:

Why Republicans have long wanted to shut Education Department
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The MAGA trolls and similar ilk can't help themselves....he'll try to come off as rational and intelligent, but eventually his own BS trips him up, and he just bluffs and blusters.

Feel free to respond to my post where I answered, and nobody seems willing to challenge a word of it so far...

I just did. Let's see if you can sustain a good, rational debate before devolving in MAGA troll tactics.
odd.....history was the recommended prelaw major when I went to law school.......are you sure your head isn't shoved up your ass somewhere????

Odd, law was the recommended undergrad major for every lawyer I know.

Was your school recommending art as the major for those headed to medical school as well?