Why do conservatives hate gay people?

Two main reasons.

1. Christianity and other religions condemn homosexuality. Now their religions condemn other things but these things are more commonplace so they are less sensitive to them.

2. At least with male homosexuality anti-homosexuals view homosexuality of a refutation of the virtues of masculinity and it is an afront to them that gays embrace what they see as an inferior feminine position.

The second group often don't have a problem with lesbians and even jack off to porno depicting it.
so are christians... they cry persecution when they are the 80% majority..

im whiny b/c i never have a date and im lonely.

but i have phatty pitbull and an audi and im hot... i think id be more understanding if i was a dog and alone, but i think that me being me and being single defy's quantum physics or something. its something thats like an unknown in the universe.
Not sure Rob, but it is not just cons. Many demos do as well.
The church influence figures in I suppose.
For some it is fear that their child or even themselves will turn gay for some sort of infections or something.
Why do some hate people of a different race or religion ?

People are screwed up, what can I say ?
so are christians... they cry persecution when they are the 80% majority..

im whiny b/c i never have a date and im lonely.

but i have phatty pitbull and an audi and im hot... i think id be more understanding if i was a dog and alone, but i think that me being me and being single defy's quantum physics or something. its something thats like an unknown in the universe.

And Humble too! Quite a catch. Whiney, hot, and oh so very humble.
Two main reasons.

1. Christianity and other religions condemn homosexuality. Now their religions condemn other things but these things are more commonplace so they are less sensitive to them.

2. At least with male homosexuality anti-homosexuals view homosexuality of a refutation of the virtues of masculinity and it is an afront to them that gays embrace what they see as an inferior feminine position.

The second group often don't have a problem with lesbians and even jack off to porno depicting it.

but why would the second group hate and fear it so much ? I always thought more gay guys = more women for me :)
Social conservatives are opposed to the gay lifestyle based upon their religious beliefs......see Ihate's point 1. Hate is a strong word and I would tend to guess that it is accurate about 10% of the time or less among the people in this group. There are always idiots out there that do what they do in the name of religion.......ie. bomb/burn abortion clinics, physically harm gays, etc.......but they are not the norm. Can't answer for the guys in Ihate's group 2.
And Humble too! Quite a catch. Whiney, hot, and oh so very humble.

well i am... i think part of it is that i don't look it, and i look all big and jacked so maybe when im out people don't think i am or they are afriad to approch me for fear of rejection or something... i dunno, im kinda the same way i wont approach people b/c of fear of rejection or whatever. but i do think im quality... DEFINENTLY... im a grad student--though the living at home thing probably doesn't work to my favor.
well i am... i think part of it is that i don't look it, and i look all big and jacked so maybe when im out people don't think i am or they are afriad to approch me for fear of rejection or something... i dunno, im kinda the same way i wont approach people b/c of fear of rejection or whatever. but i do think im quality... DEFINENTLY... im a grad student--though the living at home thing probably doesn't work to my favor.

My god, I hope you don't spin it that way when you're on the prowl. Your official position to living with your mother should be, "I'm at home taking care of her during her recovery" She did have a heart attack right? You do pay the mortgage right? If you just say you're 28 and you live at home, that's definitely not hot.
Gaffer: That's pragmatic ass to you. Now crawl back under your rock.
uscitizen: NO, cause you are already under there with dixie in a love clench

Why is it, uscitizen can't think of a worse insult, than to insinuate homosexuality on someone? Can you explain this, Rob? Is he "Conservative?"
My god, I hope you don't spin it that way when you're on the prowl. Your official position to living with your mother should be, "I'm at home taking care of her during her recovery" She did have a heart attack right? You do pay the mortgage right? If you just say you're 28 and you live at home, that's definitely not hot.

OBVIOUSLY TIANA!!! i always ALWAYS (and its definently not lying) i live at home b/c my mom had a heart attack 2 years ago, is unemployed at the moment and if i didn't live there she wouldn't be able to support herself. I should actually start to coin it that instead of me living at home, that my mother lives with me.
Gaffer: That's pragmatic ass to you. Now crawl back under your rock.
uscitizen: NO, cause you are already under there with dixie in a love clench

Why is it, uscitizen can't think of a worse insult, than to insinuate homosexuality on someone? Can you explain this, Rob? Is he "Conservative?"

I don't speak for anyone on this site you would need to ask them. But one thing ive recognized is that you put up with a lot of insults on this board, and im activly trying to be nicer to you b/c i do think that your a nice person dixie.
I don't speak for anyone on this site you would need to ask them. But one thing ive recognized is that you put up with a lot of insults on this board, and im activly trying to be nicer to you b/c i do think that your a nice person dixie.

ah hah Dixie, you're jig is up!:p
I don't speak for anyone on this site you would need to ask them. But one thing ive recognized is that you put up with a lot of insults on this board, and im activly trying to be nicer to you b/c i do think that your a nice person dixie.

Well thank you, Rob... and you will note that I have NEVER said that I "hate" you or anyone else. I can disagree with your politics, lifestyle, ethics, religion or lack thereof, and still not hate you as a human being. I was just curious as to your take on the posted comment. It seems to me, certain liberals are very quick to throw out the supposed "insult" of being gay, as if that is the worst possible thing they can imagine being called. Funny for a group of people who claim they aren't prejudiced against gays, isn't it?

Just for T, I will pull out my Bill Mahr Line of the Day here... If everytime I got upset with someone who disagreed with me, I made some comment comparing them to black people, as if that were demeaning or insulting, wouldn't it say a hell of a lot about my personal views of black people? I think people like uscitizen, reveal a lot about what they really think, when they make such comments, don't you?