Why do conservatives hate gay people?

Just for T, I will pull out my Bill Mahr Line of the Day here... If everytime I got upset with someone who disagreed with me, I made some comment comparing them to black people, as if that were demeaning or insulting, wouldn't it say a hell of a lot about my personal views of black people? I think people like uscitizen, reveal a lot about what they really think, when they make such comments, don't you?

You, hillary clinton, Bill Mahr.....

Is it that you think we're incapable of understanding metaphors outside the context of slavery or racism vis-a-vis black people?
If every time I insulted somebody I used some association to black people what would people think of me?
Two main reasons.

1. Christianity and other religions condemn homosexuality. Now their religions condemn other things but these things are more commonplace so they are less sensitive to them.

2. At least with male homosexuality anti-homosexuals view homosexuality of a refutation of the virtues of masculinity and it is an afront to them that gays embrace what they see as an inferior feminine position.

The second group often don't have a problem with lesbians and even jack off to porno depicting it.

:rolleyes: must be first hand or both hand knowledge ....
no I didn't see where USC said anything like what you suggest.

are you going to give me some sort of plantation analogy now?

No, that wouldn't be appropriate here.

He said it in another thread... Sir Evil's 'Shitbrick' thread, I think. The point is, doesn't this kind of "insult" smack of prejudice? Wouldn't it be taken in a completely different way, if the "insult" were a comparisson to being black? Why is it, we can excuse liberals from "demeaning" people by inferring someone is gay, and that is acceptable? If the same negative comments were made against someone using ethnicity, it would be perceived as "racist" in nature. No?
If someone considers being gay an insult, yes. I would say that is a form of bigotry. If someone patronizes black people by only using analogies that involve racism or slavery, I'd say that is a form of bigotry too. I do know that USC likes to tease rob in a benign manner all the time. Somehow I have the feeling you are making it out to be much more than it really is.
Gaffer: That's pragmatic ass to you. Now crawl back under your rock.
uscitizen: NO, cause you are already under there with dixie in a love clench

Why is it, uscitizen can't think of a worse insult, than to insinuate homosexuality on someone? Can you explain this, Rob? Is he "Conservative?"
LOL, I said that because I knew you would not like it, and seem to be a matched pair :)
I am conservative in some ways, fiscal for instance and not for change for changes sake.
If someone considers being gay an insult, yes. I would say that is a form of bigotry. If someone patronizes black people by only using analogies that involve racism or slavery, I'd say that is a form of bigotry too. I do know that USC likes to tease rob in a benign manner all the time. Somehow I have the feeling you are making it out to be much more than it really is.

You got it LadyT.

I am pretty much in the middle on the gay issue. I am not comfortable hanging out with gays. like if is stumbled into the bathroom in PV and caught Rob sucking some guys face or even more explicit. I would be embaressed I guess and leave. But certainly would not join in or hang around and watch. Or run for the moral police. Of course I would probably do the same thing if it was a guy and gal too.
I do believe they should be able to get married and suffer thru all the benefits and pains of the institution of marriage though.

Perhaps I just hit too close to home on Dixie. He is welcome to call me gay if he wants to because I know better :)
Dixie dixie dixie, I make fun of bald headed people too, tll, short, fat, etc if I want to zing em. I really got you good. too close to home huh ?
This is great!
Well thank you, Rob... and you will note that I have NEVER said that I "hate" you or anyone else. I can disagree with your politics, lifestyle, ethics, religion or lack thereof, and still not hate you as a human being. I was just curious as to your take on the posted comment. It seems to me, certain liberals are very quick to throw out the supposed "insult" of being gay, as if that is the worst possible thing they can imagine being called. Funny for a group of people who claim they aren't prejudiced against gays, isn't it?

Just for T, I will pull out my Bill Mahr Line of the Day here... If everytime I got upset with someone who disagreed with me, I made some comment comparing them to black people, as if that were demeaning or insulting, wouldn't it say a hell of a lot about my personal views of black people? I think people like uscitizen, reveal a lot about what they really think, when they make such comments, don't you?

OMG, dixie i disagree with you all the time. though i know we have common ground. you can disagree with me any day of the week, we just have different viewpoints is all. And the thing about me is that i know... I TOTALLY KNOW WHERE YOUR COMING FROM... because call it a gift i dunno i know how you think, and i know how democrats think, and in ways both have equally valid points... and yes i do know that liberals can be down right dirty, as with what happened with LIEberman, the things i saw on O'Reilly where they stated mean nasty things about LIEberman with regard to being Jewish is down right criminal. and you wouldn't ever catch me saying anyting about his religious beliefts on this board. my problem is i guess is that i really do like everybody, and i want to be liked, and i think everybody does... (Maslow's hirearchy of needs) everybody wants to feel accepted... but i respect your views and i know you respect mine, and its cool so don't worry about it, but im not in a place not to argue with you and get my points across...

we live in the best country of the world USDA is a beautifl thing.... trust me...
Dixie, I know you just loved the time you spent with me Last weekend, please be nice and call me. Miss ya kissy kissy.

signed your llittle liberal luvy duvy ....
its how god made me... im trying give me some slack... shit especially you klaatu i was gonna send you cuban cigars from mexico!!! :)

Tell you the truth Dawg.. it would be very difficult for a guy like me to explain that a gay guy gave me a "cigar" .... ;)

but seriously .. thanks for the thought ....!!
Tell you the truth Dawg.. it would be very difficult for a guy like me to explain that a gay guy gave me a "cigar" .... ;)

but seriously .. thanks for the thought ....!!

OMG i think i emailed you about it or posted on here about it but im not sure... but i definently would have..
its people like you that i can disagree with klaatu and even rip on that make posting worthwile...

you're good people...