Why do I need 30 rounds?

Yeah, it is. If there was an active and thriving black market then you would find them with the drug busts and confiscation of guns.

From what i undersatnd, you can actually own and sell them. You just cant manufacture or import them. They are, mostly, unavailable because of that.

Outlaw the high capacity mags and they will disappear. No gun dealer or legal gun owner is going to risk jail, loss of profit/rights for them and there will not be enough demand to support an illegal market in them. There would be too many legal alternatives competing against them.

Sorry, but you guys don't understand economics well enough to get the point. Black markets don't arise or thrive simply because something is made illegal.

and you say that WE don't understand?????
Yeah, it is. If there was an active and thriving black market then you would find them with the drug busts and confiscation of guns.

From what i undersatnd, you can actually own and sell them. You just cant manufacture or import them. They are, mostly, unavailable because of that.

Outlaw the high capacity mags and they will disappear. No gun dealer or legal gun owner is going to risk jail, loss of profit/rights for them and there will not be enough demand to support an illegal market in them. There would be too many legal alternatives competing against them.

Sorry, but you guys don't understand economics well enough to get the point. Black markets don't arise or thrive simply because something is made illegal.

Very true, Hell the Black Market baby formula will be bigger then this. (Chinese groups are currently getting Chinese students studying in Australia to buy up and send back to China for reselling to the point where us Aussies are struggling to find baby formula and some stores have gone and limited how much you can buy :P)

and you say that WE don't understand?????

Yes, that is what I said. This is a religious belief with you and you will try your best to twist facts to your position. But there is just no support for the idea that banning the high capacity mags will lead to a black market that would make them anywhere near as available as they are now.

I would guess a very large number, probably the majority, of gun owners provide no demand for them now.
As I have stated, With the current US domestic climate such a belief that the only solution is to get more and more guns only increases the foreign view that the US is a bad bet, Hell I know a good dozen families already said they wont be visiting the US, Ever.

As for the amount of weapon's, You are just feeding my belief that the US has the Most paranoid bunch in the world, Congrads.

And a Humanities degree, Woopty doo? The US belief that College is such a requirement is seriously flawed, It start's to feed a job employment issue where so many are over qualified that certain job area's (even those paying good) lack the work force while others have far to many creating quite a number that are jobless.

As for my nation, Am guessing you have yet to have done any research into it what so ever otherwise you may have learnt that Australia has the
-Highest amount of Inventions per a capita in the world,
-We were ranked as the most generous nation around the world for 2012,
-Australia is responsible for the first major defeats inflicted upon Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII.
-Australian Digger's pissed off/scared the Germans to a great degree in WWI with our knack to attack at any time and all to often use 'peaceful penetration'
-Australia is now in the process of designing several car's for a number of foreign automotive groups including those from the US :P

and so so much more, For an insignificant nation we sure do punch above our weight a lot more then most, Can the US claim that too?

As for uneducated, You do realize that Australian education system currently and for a while know has been and is better then the US gaining better results? Real smart calling some one uneducated when your nation is behind us 'retarded Aussies' :P. Hell if your so well educated name the nation that was the first to command US troops in an offensive battle other then the US its self =) (Hint, Was in WWI)

Now if my talking about this US domestic issue is a problem, Might I make 2 very simple little suggestions?

1. How about the US keep there nose out of other nations domestic situations, You guys have seemed to make a really bad habit of it since WWII.
2. If it bothers you what I say how about ignoring it? Or you too little of a man to take some criticism, Hurting your feelings sweet heart? Toughen up.

When has the USA stuck its nose into any purely domestic issue since ww2 ?

If the USA is so bad. Why do so many Aussies and kiwis move here?
Not many yanks moving to Australia!!
Lots of Brits to escape their own totalitarian government!!
Yet Australia is heading down the toilet of totalitarianism at a slightly slower rate than the UK !
As for education and the dynamism of the Aussies, is that what your national government controlled media( propaganda outlet) tells you?
As bad as the Brits teaching kids to repeat over and over for hours on end that their NHS is the envy of the world!!
You hate the USA out of ENVY!!

That's all nothing else.
If a few of your retarded mates font visit the USA, do you think that's going to cause a problem !
FFS we chain up and chuck out thousands of retards who come here with their retarded attitudes every year!!
And how the retards whine!!
Yes, that is what I said. This is a religious belief with you and you will try your best to twist facts to your position. But there is just no support for the idea that banning the high capacity mags will lead to a black market that would make them anywhere near as available as they are now.

I would guess a very large number, probably the majority, of gun owners provide no demand for them now.

i've already lined up a source if a ban ever passes.
I just got hold of 2000 spotter rounds.
The 45 rounds fired from a LAW!

I can't wait to fire them from my brother in laws Thompson!

When they strike a solid surface they light up, like a cameras flash !

Still Obama is a liar!
I need a 50 round mag because a 30 round mag won't fit on my ps90!
Thing I'm getting from this, You all claim to be such law abiding citizens, But as soon as they start talk about a law you don't like you all start sourcing your weapons and ammo from other locations preparing to break the law.. So simply put you follow the law if you don't care much about it but as soon as it a law you don't like you don't have to follow it but your still a law abiding citizen? Hope i got that right, If so hot damn, I don't like speeding law's, They threaten my freedom, Having them going to to stop us escaping the government getting ready to over throw the civil population so fuck those damn speeding laws, I'm going to go as fast as I can because I hate that law but hey I'm still a law abiding citizen =)

The logic coming from your Septic's is just wonderful, An inspiration to the rest of us living under the thumbs of evil governments with no rights, brains or logic what so ever.. Oh How I hope to be like you guys and do as I please and increase crime ^_^ Your all a great bunch of role models.
Thing I'm getting from this, You all claim to be such law abiding citizens, But as soon as they start talk about a law you don't like you all start sourcing your weapons and ammo from other locations preparing to break the law.. So simply put you follow the law if you don't care much about it but as soon as it a law you don't like you don't have to follow it but your still a law abiding citizen? Hope i got that right, If so hot damn, I don't like speeding law's, They threaten my freedom, Having them going to to stop us escaping the government getting ready to over throw the civil population so fuck those damn speeding laws, I'm going to go as fast as I can because I hate that law but hey I'm still a law abiding citizen =)

The logic coming from your Septic's is just wonderful, An inspiration to the rest of us living under the thumbs of evil governments with no rights, brains or logic what so ever.. Oh How I hope to be like you guys and do as I please and increase crime ^_^ Your all a great bunch of role models.
So all laws should be obayed?

In medieval times one had to submit his wife on their wedding night to the his masters bed.

Currently Obama is planning a law that would seize IRAs and 401ks ( private pension plans) to fund his obsessive spending.

It's oppressive laws like these that the 2nd amendment was written to prevent.

A crime, to trully be a crime requires;-
A victim.
Malice and forethought.

Owning a weapon meets non of the above criterea.

How do people defend themselves when attacked?

Or is defending your self, your family showing a lack of compassion to the criminal!

Why do you wish for criminals lives to be made easier?

What is it about violent criminals raping and murdering with impunity that gives you such a boner?

Oh that's it, you hate Americans and want to see them suffer!

Probably want them to adopt an NHS too. Really see the hated American suffer!

Fucking retard!

Try and deny your hate!

You made it clear in the hatefull epiteth you used when you used the hate term septic to describe Americans.

You want to explain why you haters call Americans septics?

Hatred right?


Septic tank, rhymes with yank and both are full of shit.

That the long and the short of it , right retard?

You have no credibility, you are too retarded to even cover up your blatant hate!

Ricardo the retardo!

Keep your hate filled nose out!
Thing I'm getting from this, You all claim to be such law abiding citizens, But as soon as they start talk about a law you don't like you all start sourcing your weapons and ammo from other locations preparing to break the law.. So simply put you follow the law if you don't care much about it but as soon as it a law you don't like you don't have to follow it but your still a law abiding citizen? Hope i got that right, If so hot damn, I don't like speeding law's, They threaten my freedom, Having them going to to stop us escaping the government getting ready to over throw the civil population so fuck those damn speeding laws, I'm going to go as fast as I can because I hate that law but hey I'm still a law abiding citizen =)

The logic coming from your Septic's is just wonderful, An inspiration to the rest of us living under the thumbs of evil governments with no rights, brains or logic what so ever.. Oh How I hope to be like you guys and do as I please and increase crime ^_^ Your all a great bunch of role models.
any law that violates the constitution is null and void. it's as if it never existed.
I am not a fan of an M16. I think it is an inaccurate gun. I prefer an AK47, the preferred weapon of our enemy. It makes a distinctive sound when fired at you.
I still prefer the 303 lee Enfield.
I can fire 30 well aimed rounds a minute each one hitting the point of aim.

Difficult to achieve with a semi automatic.