Why do I need 30 rounds?

Oh my apologies, Apparently in the Oh so great country of America an intellectual disability makes you a retard and free to act like a complete ass towards... Bite me princess.

I find it oh so amusing that the gun lobby will argue that semi automatic weapons such as AR-15's and PS90's are only the cause of a very small minority of crimes but when asked why they need them they quickly jump to using an assailant armed with an AR-15 as there excuse.. Odd isn't it?

As for your questions of me supporting mass shooter's and seeing the innocent murdered? Perhaps you need to go back to school for a bit more cause I do know the US education system is lacking but logically with my pro view support for tougher gun control would to a smart person using there brain see that I am against mass shootings and against murder's, Just because my view of how to accomplish that is different from yours does not mean I automatically support the mass shooter's. So if your going to disagree with me, Fine disagree with my view's but do not make it out that I don't care about the victim's, If I didn't care I wouldn't be bothering getting involved with the joke that is US politics. With the idiots, Nutter's, crazies and Paranoids that make up so much of US politics and there supporter's I would have a better chance of turning North Korea into a democracy...

How does disarming law abiding citizens protect them from their abusive counterparts? You don't want to save lives or promote liberty - you just want to have your way.
How does disarming law abiding citizens protect them from their abusive counterparts? You don't want to save lives or promote liberty - you just want to have your way.

So basically the only solution is guns, guns and more guns.. And any one that does not agree with that philosophy obviously doesn't want peace or to save lives.... o.0 If you really think that some one doesn't care for peace just because they do not support your view then you are a dumb ass, Grow up and learn that just because some ones solution may differ does not mean that they don't aim for the same goal. I had already pointed this out in my last post, So if you are going to reply to me make sure you read the entire post rather then coming out with obvious BS that makes you look more intellectually challenged =)
My parents have never owned guns, so I grew up in a gun free house (never even went hunting or to the range). I will likely get a handgun someday for myself. I don't advocate "guns, guns, and more guns," and would never advocate compulsory gun ownership. I assume that, given the choice, many people will not purchase firearms. I simply advocate for the rights of individuals to own guns.

Now, for those people who seek to ban guns, they are doing so based upon ideology and nothing more. It is about getting your way, and nothing more. Whether you have some sort of grand scheme behind it is not really relevant. You certainly don't care about peace.
Yes because I have oh so clearly states that I want to band all guns entirely, I haven't gone ahead and stated that I am for tougher licensing law's and limiting how freely available certain weapons are. My whole plan hinges on banning them all so we in Australia can run over and conquer the US and create the mighty Oz Empire... Bugger, you caught me out.

On a worse note, Ladies us blokes don't just suffer from selecting hearing, Apparently we also suffer from selective reading -_- Thanks a lot Threedee for lowering the number of brain cells per the average bloke =)
Yes because I have oh so clearly states that I want to band all guns entirely, I haven't gone ahead and stated that I am for tougher licensing law's and limiting how freely available certain weapons are. My whole plan hinges on banning them all so we in Australia can run over and conquer the US and create the mighty Oz Empire... Bugger, you caught me out.

On a worse note, Ladies us blokes don't just suffer from selecting hearing, Apparently we also suffer from selective reading -_- Thanks a lot Threedee for lowering the number of brain cells per the average bloke =)

Oh, you certainly don't need me to help you lower brain cells. We all know only incredibly stupid people think passing laws on law abiding citizens will deter others from breaking already existing laws.
Oh my apologies, Apparently in the Oh so great country of America an intellectual disability makes you a retard and free to act like a complete ass towards... Bite me princess.

I find it oh so amusing that the gun lobby will argue that semi automatic weapons such as AR-15's and PS90's are only the cause of a very small minority of crimes but when asked why they need them they quickly jump to using an assailant armed with an AR-15 as there excuse.. Odd isn't it?

As for your questions of me supporting mass shooter's and seeing the innocent murdered? Perhaps you need to go back to school for a bit more cause I do know the US education system is lacking but logically with my pro view support for tougher gun control would to a smart person using there brain see that I am against mass shootings and against murder's, Just because my view of how to accomplish that is different from yours does not mean I automatically support the mass shooter's. So if your going to disagree with me, Fine disagree with my view's but do not make it out that I don't care about the victim's, If I didn't care I wouldn't be bothering getting involved with the joke that is US politics. With the idiots, Nutter's, crazies and Paranoids that make up so much of US politics and there supporter's I would have a better chance of turning North Korea into a democracy...

Check your grammar and spelling again retard.

Their, there and they're are not interchangeable.

What happened in the UK after the gun ban of 1998?
Come on retard, tell us.
Did all shootings end?
Or did the incidence of gun crime and mass shootings increase?
Remain the same?
How about other violent crimes?
More of em?
Or less?

Which EUssr nation has the strictest gun control?
Which has the most violent crime?

Do criminals carry semi automatic weapons in the UK?
Homeowners may not, businesses may not.
Criminals in the UK know they are empowered by their retard politicians who leave the honest hard worker to the mercy if the crook.

You are a retard, your backward shithole of a homeland is a retard factory.

Enjoy your retardfest!
Do they still have it every year?
Like a national holiday!!
It embodies the spirit if retardation enjoyed by all your retarded countrymen!!!

Hey retard, you don't live in the USA!
Keep your fucking nose out!!!
So basically the only solution is guns, guns and more guns.. And any one that does not agree with that philosophy obviously doesn't want peace or to save lives.... o.0 If you really think that some one doesn't care for peace just because they do not support your view then you are a dumb ass, Grow up and learn that just because some ones solution may differ does not mean that they don't aim for the same goal. I had already pointed this out in my last post, So if you are going to reply to me make sure you read the entire post rather then comingout with obvious BS that makes you look more intellectually challenged =)
The solution is for retarded foriegners who can't string a sentence together to keep their retarded noses out of us domestic policy.
Yes because I have oh so clearly states that I want to band all guns entirely, I haven't gone ahead and stated that I am for tougher licensing law's and limiting how freely available certain weapons are. My whole plan hinges on banning them all so we in Australia can run over and conquer the US and create the mighty Oz Empire... Bugger, you caught me out.

On a worse note, Ladies us blokes don't just suffer from selecting hearing, Apparently we also suffer from selective reading -_- Thanks a lot Threedee for lowering the number of brain cells per the average bloke =)
You want to BAND all guns?
Marching band?
Rock band?
Or elastic band?
Or are you too retarded to correctly form a rudimentary sentence?

Keep your nose out!

You want to answer? Why isn't their a black market for armor piercing handgun ammo?

Because there isn't a demand for it. Supply and demand always works. You have already lost Senator Manchin. Illinois already backed off its gun legislation. What do you think is going to pass? The GOP just got fucked in the ass on the fiscal cliff deal and Boehner is hanging by a thread. If he even hints about bringing any anti gun legislation to the floor of the House, he is dead meat.

All of these people who ran out and bought up rounds, clips and guns will be selling them to me at a discount soon. This is why I advocate prepping. You never know when there is going to be a run on a good or service. That is why I never have to "run" out for something in a "panic". I have plenty of rounds. I have plenty of guns.

You aren't getting any of them. If you want guns, go buy your own.
Because there isn't a demand for it. Supply and demand always works. You have already lost Senator Manchin. Illinois already backed off its gun legislation. What do you think is going to pass? The GOP just got fucked in the ass on the fiscal cliff deal and Boehner is hanging by a thread. If he even hints about bringing any anti gun legislation to the floor of the House, he is dead meat.

All of these people who ran out and bought up rounds, clips and guns will be selling them to me at a discount soon. This is why I advocate prepping. You never know when there is going to be a run on a good or service. That is why I never have to "run" out for something in a "panic". I have plenty of rounds. I have plenty of guns.

You aren't getting any of them. If you want guns, go buy your own.

If there was no demand there would be no need for the laws that make them unavailable. There is no demand sufficient to sustain the penalties and added cost of a black market. There wouldn't be for high capacity magazines either.

I am not advocating any new laws. I have already said I don't believe this movement for new gun laws has any legs. It might slow the rollback of gun laws. For instance, I don't think the NRAs plans to push for the legalizations of silencers is likely gain traction now.
Must say it speaks a lot of the US when those that may have a slight intellectual disability or simply make a spelling mistake are so easily called retarded.. Just pathetic responses from a group that appear to be unable to have a civil debate, Not there way so they must act like a bunch of children.. Do grow up kiddies =)

Oh, you certainly don't need me to help you lower brain cells. We all know only incredibly stupid people think passing laws on law abiding citizens will deter others from breaking already existing laws.

Incredibly stupid hey? Oh come on, Your going to hurt my feelings -pouts-. The odd thing is that your argument is flawed, Law abiding citizens follow law's there because they are there, For them to be la abiding citizens requires law's to be in place for them to follow other wise your argument that tougher gun law's will effect these 'good and honest folk' pretty much says that you don't need any law's at all, I mean there all such good and honest folk we don't need law's against murder, rape, speeding, drug use etc etc..

Check your grammar and spelling again retard.

Their, there and they're are not interchangeable.

What happened in the UK after the gun ban of 1998?
Come on retard, tell us.
Did all shootings end?
Or did the incidence of gun crime and mass shootings increase?
Remain the same?
How about other violent crimes?
More of em?
Or less?

Which EUssr nation has the strictest gun control?
Which has the most violent crime?

Do criminals carry semi automatic weapons in the UK?
Homeowners may not, businesses may not.
Criminals in the UK know they are empowered by their retard politicians who leave the honest hard worker to the mercy if the crook.

You are a retard, your backward shithole of a homeland is a retard factory.

Enjoy your retardfest!
Do they still have it every year?
Like a national holiday!!
It embodies the spirit if retardation enjoyed by all your retarded countrymen!!!

Hey retard, you don't live in the USA!
Keep your fucking nose out!!!

Ignoring the completely childish, immature and largely intellectually challenged need to insult because I appear to threaten your need for over powered guns, The Laws in the UK admittedly did not have an effect straight off however for those that keep using the UK as an excuse, For the last 7 years in a row there has been a decrease in gun related deaths and crime every year.

As for calling Australia a backward shit hole retard factory.. Get your head out of your ass and actually look at how much Australia and our Digger's have backed up you Yanks through our your war's.. Insult me with your petty remarks if you like but do not go and insult my country or its people as a whole, Better yet go and say that about Australia to some of your US service men and woman that have been through here and see just how well or little they agree with some pathetic excuse for a human being internet troll.. Interesting that people act so tough on the net yet quite often those same people in real life are little pussies that have to hide behind a weapon or superior numbers. Grow a pair, Harden the fuck up, Talk some facts and get some maturity Hunny bun.

The solution is for retarded foriegners who can't string a sentence together to keep their retarded noses out of us domestic policy.

Amusing how you attack my grammar yet you have made grammar mistakes in your own reply :P Thanks for giving me a chuckle love.

As for that being the solution, If that is the best you can come up with then I must congratulate you guys, You have solved your immigration problem. At your current rate people will be trying to get out of the US and into South America.

You want to BAND all guns?
Marching band?
Rock band?
Or elastic band?
Or are you too retarded to correctly form a rudimentary sentence?

Keep your nose out!

Calling some one a retard for a simple spelling mistake, Really? Honestly the childish behavior is just appalling. For a nation that claims to be moving forward you seem to take 3 steps back with every step forward, Give it 2 decades and these 'Evil' Muslim nations will look like a garden paradise trying to change the US for the better rather then the US trying to change them.

As for keeping my nose out, Fact is the world is heavily interconnected, Domestic programs in one nation can these days affect another nation so it is the right of foreigners to voice there concern when the biggest economy in the world is driving its self into the ground faster then ever before. Not to mention It is better for you that we voice our concern to try and get change other wise a nation that is looking increasingly less stable becomes a far worse trade option and the US economy suffers due to it.

Cheers Sweet Hearts =)

$1,000 says at least one ill educated person calls me a retard again :P They will never learn.
Must say it speaks a lot of the US when those that may have a slight intellectual disability or simply make a spelling mistake are so easily called retarded.. Just pathetic responses from a group that appear to be unable to have a civil debate, Not there way so they must act like a bunch of children.. Do grow up kiddies =)

Incredibly stupid hey? Oh come on, Your going to hurt my feelings -pouts-. The odd thing is that your argument is flawed, Law abiding citizens follow law's there because they are there, For them to be la abiding citizens requires law's to be in place for them to follow other wise your argument that tougher gun law's will effect these 'good and honest folk' pretty much says that you don't need any law's at all, I mean there all such good and honest folk we don't need law's against murder, rape, speeding, drug use etc etc..

Ignoring the completely childish, immature and largely intellectually challenged need to insult because I appear to threaten your need for over powered guns, The Laws in the UK admittedly did not have an effect straight off however for those that keep using the UK as an excuse, For the last 7 years in a row there has been a decrease in gun related deaths and crime every year.

As for calling Australia a backward shit hole retard factory.. Get your head out of your ass and actually look at how much Australia and our Digger's have backed up you Yanks through our your war's.. Insult me with your petty remarks if you like but do not go and insult my country or its people as a whole, Better yet go and say that about Australia to some of your US service men and woman that have been through here and see just how well or little they agree with some pathetic excuse for a human being internet troll.. Interesting that people act so tough on the net yet quite often those same people in real life are little pussies that have to hide behind a weapon or superior numbers. Grow a pair, Harden the fuck up, Talk some facts and get some maturity Hunny bun.

Amusing how you attack my grammar yet you have made grammar mistakes in your own reply :P Thanks for giving me a chuckle love.

As for that being the solution, If that is the best you can come up with then I must congratulate you guys, You have solved your immigration problem. At your current rate people will be trying to get out of the US and into South America.

Calling some one a retard for a simple spelling mistake, Really? Honestly the childish behavior is just appalling. For a nation that claims to be moving forward you seem to take 3 steps back with every step forward, Give it 2 decades and these 'Evil' Muslim nations will look like a garden paradise trying to change the US for the better rather then the US trying to change them.

As for keeping my nose out, Fact is the world is heavily interconnected, Domestic programs in one nation can these days affect another nation so it is the right of foreigners to voice there concern when the biggest economy in the world is driving its self into the ground faster then ever before. Not to mention It is better for you that we voice our concern to try and get change other wise a nation that is looking increasingly less stable becomes a far worse trade option and the US economy suffers due to it.

Cheers Sweet Hearts =)

$1,000 says at least one ill educated person calls me a retard again :P They will never learn.

How does it affect you?
I own several guns, how does that impact on you, in your insignificant nation?
Show me how your life is impacted in a negative manner because I own guns, because I home school my kids, because I cashed in my pensions to prevent comrade Obama from seizing them.
My new bank, the bank of under the mattress is secure!
My guns, one lee Enfield, a ps90, a Remington 870, a ppk, a sig 223.
All keep me safe from crooks and corrupt officials.
The wife's guns help too!
All eight of them!

I have stockpiled a good amount of ammo, in my city home, my hunting lodge and in a couple of caches around and about.

If I documented the figures you would shit!
But still it's not your beeswax!
Keep your fucking nose out!

NB I hold a humanities degree from the university of Huddersfield.
So your bet is bullshite!
Uneducated Aussie retard!!
I've seen less shite in the dunny!
Oh and I still don't NEED 30Rounds.
I need 50 ROUNDS.
A 30 round Mag won't fit on my ps90!
It needs a 50 round mag , that's all that will fit!!!!
not being found is certainly not indicative of there being no black market for them

Yeah, it is. If there was an active and thriving black market then you would find them with the drug busts and confiscation of guns.

From what i undersatnd, you can actually own and sell them. You just cant manufacture or import them. They are, mostly, unavailable because of that.

Outlaw the high capacity mags and they will disappear. No gun dealer or legal gun owner is going to risk jail, loss of profit/rights for them and there will not be enough demand to support an illegal market in them. There would be too many legal alternatives competing against them.

Sorry, but you guys don't understand economics well enough to get the point. Black markets don't arise or thrive simply because something is made illegal.
How does it affect you?
I own several guns, how does that impact on you, in your insignificant nation?
Show me how your life is impacted in a negative manner because I own guns, because I home school my kids, because I cashed in my pensions to prevent comrade Obama from seizing them.
My new bank, the bank of under the mattress is secure!
My guns, one lee Enfield, a ps90, a Remington 870, a ppk, a sig 223.
All keep me safe from crooks and corrupt officials.
The wife's guns help too!
All eight of them!

I have stockpiled a good amount of ammo, in my city home, my hunting lodge and in a couple of caches around and about.

If I documented the figures you would shit!
But still it's not your beeswax!
Keep your fucking nose out!

NB I hold a humanities degree from the university of Huddersfield.
So your bet is bullshite!
Uneducated Aussie retard!!
I've seen less shite in the dunny!

As I have stated, With the current US domestic climate such a belief that the only solution is to get more and more guns only increases the foreign view that the US is a bad bet, Hell I know a good dozen families already said they wont be visiting the US, Ever.

As for the amount of weapon's, You are just feeding my belief that the US has the Most paranoid bunch in the world, Congrads.

And a Humanities degree, Woopty doo? The US belief that College is such a requirement is seriously flawed, It start's to feed a job employment issue where so many are over qualified that certain job area's (even those paying good) lack the work force while others have far to many creating quite a number that are jobless.

As for my nation, Am guessing you have yet to have done any research into it what so ever otherwise you may have learnt that Australia has the
-Highest amount of Inventions per a capita in the world,
-We were ranked as the most generous nation around the world for 2012,
-Australia is responsible for the first major defeats inflicted upon Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII.
-Australian Digger's pissed off/scared the Germans to a great degree in WWI with our knack to attack at any time and all to often use 'peaceful penetration'
-Australia is now in the process of designing several car's for a number of foreign automotive groups including those from the US :P

and so so much more, For an insignificant nation we sure do punch above our weight a lot more then most, Can the US claim that too?

As for uneducated, You do realize that Australian education system currently and for a while know has been and is better then the US gaining better results? Real smart calling some one uneducated when your nation is behind us 'retarded Aussies' :P. Hell if your so well educated name the nation that was the first to command US troops in an offensive battle other then the US its self =) (Hint, Was in WWI)

Now if my talking about this US domestic issue is a problem, Might I make 2 very simple little suggestions?

1. How about the US keep there nose out of other nations domestic situations, You guys have seemed to make a really bad habit of it since WWII.
2. If it bothers you what I say how about ignoring it? Or you too little of a man to take some criticism, Hurting your feelings sweet heart? Toughen up.