Why do liberals insist on subjective morality being laws?

Okay, a villa in Tuscany.

I think that should convince you to commit to at least one year?

That's funny. I've always had a fantasy about renting a villa in Tuscany.

Hmmm. A year in Tuscany vs. staying here and forcing Grind to have proctology exams twice a year after I get my own special version of Forced Universal Health Care passed. It's a tough call.
The mind is not above manipulation... although the taking of the drugs heroine and meth may be voluntary, the addiction is not. After a while it becomes all consuming. It messes with the brain, and destroys human nature. Am I "anti-liberty" for saying that such drugs should be limited?
What about alcohol ? Per govt studies it causes at least as much harm to our society as all illegal drug use combined.
Cypress I forgot to tell you. On Monday the news programs were saying that Bush left DC for New York that morning. So I think that it was just the SS and whatever advance people have to go, that were at the Waldorf on Sunday. I was pretty disappointed when I found out.

But we're doing banner drops all over the Expressway starting tomorrow morning until next Thursday for Peace Declaration week, which should annoy and upset conservatives, so I am still trying. :)
That's funny. I've always had a fantasy about renting a villa in Tuscany.

Hmmm. A year in Tuscany vs. staying here and forcing Grind to have proctology exams twice a year after I get my own special version of Forced Universal Health Care passed. It's a tough call.

Why would you need to be here for his proctology exams?

Bill Frist already proved in the Schiavo case you can monitor patients health remotely, by video.

Get your bags packed girl ;)
Why would you need to be here for his proctology exams?

Bill Frist already proved in the Schiavo case you can monitor patients health remotely, by video.

Get your bags packed girl ;)

LOL. Oh yeah, that's right! I forgot about the Frist medical video miracles. Cool.
Cypress I forgot to tell you. On Monday the news programs were saying that Bush left DC for New York that morning. So I think that it was just the SS and whatever advance people have to go, that were at the Waldorf on Sunday. I was pretty disappointed when I found out.

But we're doing banner drops all over the Expressway starting tomorrow morning until next Thursday for Peace Declaration week, which should annoy and upset conservatives, so I am still trying. :)

Bummer about bush being gone. But, totally sweet on the code pink activities your lined up for! Are there conservatives in NYC?
Bummer about bush being gone. But, totally sweet on the code pink activities your lined up for! Are there conservatives in NYC?

Very few. But we're doing it on the LIE, (Long Island Expressway) and they still exist out there.

I made six of them myself. On pink shower curtain liners. It's going to be cool.

Talk to you later Cypress, have a good night.
Name one successful country that follows the extreme libertarian model, doesn't have a viable taxes, and has a weak and irrelevant central government.

There isn't a government that has an anarchaic model of government that the Libertarians want. There isn't a government that fully follows everything a classical liberal wnats, but I doubt there's a government that follows everything you want, either.
That would be the removal of legislation to create a situation in which there is a vacuum of legislation. Such a thing is amoral.

If you legislate for a vacuum of legislation, you are still legislating your morality that there should be no legislation.

Libertarians are as much social engineers as any other...
Dumb question. There are very few laws, if any, that are not based upon someone's idea of morality.

here are very few laws, if any, that are not based upon someone's idea of morality.

I know, that's the point I am making Manny??

All legislation is based on subjective morality.
I actually didn't read the thread. I simply made the comment because I commented on Jarod's thread with the same thing.

Had to be fair, didn't I?

here are very few laws, if any, that are not based upon someone's idea of morality.

I know, that's the point I am making Manny??

All legislation is based on subjective morality.
Naturally, since all legislation/regulation is based on moral judgments and all morality is intrinsically subjective. :)

The original question, while possibly interesting in purely academic way, isn't very productive. No human being is ever free from all social constraints. Wishing it were so is unnatural and fantastical -- it's like wishing one could live without breathing or that people would just stop trying to exercise authority over others. We are as we are.

Now, there are some distinct differences between the kinds of moral judgments different groups want to legislate. In the United States, here in the early 21st century, social conservatives seem to be obsessed with private behavior -- notably, sexual and recreational behavior -- while liberals are more interested in behavior that effects the well being of others. That's somewhat tangential to the topic, however.

Or is it? ;)
The point of this thread is that Liberals always ask that of Conservatives, they were making a point using sarcasm... Not reading the thread makes people take this one too seriously.