why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

Now why would you claim that case didn't involve racism?

Two reasons:

1) If the cop acted due to racism and was ok with killing... why only Brown? I mean if you are going to go out in a racist blaze of 'glory'... why only shoot Brown? Why not the OTHER suspect in the robbery?

2) Because there is nothing to indicate that Miller was racist.
shocking... Desh ran away AGAIN

unlike you I have a family and a real life.

If you must know I was at mountain high drinking beer in the outdoor bar while watching my sons girlfriend learn to snowboard ( her first lesson).

beautiful mountain air, music, beer, trees and lots of smiling people having fun.

next time I will bring a pipe to take to the car for a quick puff.

you were here pretending it was all about your power

what a smuck you are

Black students are half as likely as white students to be assigned to gifted programs, even when they have comparably high test scores. But the racial gap in “giftedness” largely evaporates when a black student is taught by a black teacher, according to new research published this week.

Black students taught by black teachers are assigned to gifted programs at almost the same rate as white students, and three times more often than black students with similar academic ability and family background who are taught by teachers of other races, according to the study by Vanderbilt researchers Jason A. Grissom and Christopher Redding. The race of a black child’s teacher made a particular difference in whether he or she was identified as gifted in reading.

The results raise “serious concerns,” the authors wrote, in a nation where 80 percent of black elementary school students are taught by teachers of other races.

Gifted programs are meant to help talented young people meet their potential. “Yet our results show that identification of gifted students depends, in part, on factors having little to do with student performance or ability that lead students to be assigned disproportionately on the basis of race and ethnicity,” the researchers wrote.

The study was published in AERA Today, a peer-reviewed publication of the American Educational Research Association.

Federal data show that 6.6 percent of all students are labeled gifted, but there are big differences among groups: 12 percent of Asians and 7.9 percent of Whites are in gifted programs, compared to 3.9 percent of blacks and 4.6 percent of Latinos. Among the many possible reasons for that discrepancy, the researchers wrote, is bias among teachers who often play a key role in deciding which students should be considered for or placed in gifted programs.
unlike you I have a family and a real life.
If you must know I was at mountain high drinking beer in the outdoor bar while watching my sons girlfriend learn to snowboard ( her first lesson).
beautiful mountain air, music, beer, trees and lots of smiling people having fun.
next time I will bring a pipe to take to the car for a quick puff.
you were here pretending it was all about your power
what a smuck you are

1) You find time to post on other threads, but the one where you DEMANDED I mention specific cases, you run away from

2) You posted all that crap above, yet you still couldn't answer???

Black students are half as likely as white students to be assigned to gifted programs, even when they have comparably high test scores. But the racial gap in “giftedness” largely evaporates when a black student is taught by a black teacher, according to new research published this week.

Black students taught by black teachers are assigned to gifted programs at almost the same rate as white students, and three times more often than black students with similar academic ability and family background who are taught by teachers of other races, according to the study by Vanderbilt researchers Jason A. Grissom and Christopher Redding. The race of a black child’s teacher made a particular difference in whether he or she was identified as gifted in reading.

The results raise “serious concerns,” the authors wrote, in a nation where 80 percent of black elementary school students are taught by teachers of other races.

Gifted programs are meant to help talented young people meet their potential. “Yet our results show that identification of gifted students depends, in part, on factors having little to do with student performance or ability that lead students to be assigned disproportionately on the basis of race and ethnicity,” the researchers wrote.

The study was published in AERA Today, a peer-reviewed publication of the American Educational Research Association.

Federal data show that 6.6 percent of all students are labeled gifted, but there are big differences among groups: 12 percent of Asians and 7.9 percent of Whites are in gifted programs, compared to 3.9 percent of blacks and 4.6 percent of Latinos. Among the many possible reasons for that discrepancy, the researchers wrote, is bias among teachers who often play a key role in deciding which students should be considered for or placed in gifted programs.

WTF does this have to do with this thread?
nope I was on he mountain you liar

and I also unlike you don't follow you fools around

It why you all hate me so

I turn all your idiot ideas and memes into dirt

I believe it was

systemic police bias

a sense of being occupied by police by the black residents and their area

You just say all those people are lying and there is no racism there huh

You really are a fucking idiot. Saying 'racism exists in Ferguson' is NOT the same as 'racism played a part in the Ferguson case'. You have to show WHY you think Miller was racist in his confrontation with Brown.

Saying other people are racists doesn't make Miller a racist. It also doesn't mean racism was a part of the event in question.

To understand some of the distrust of police that has fueled protests in Ferguson, Mo., consider this: In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson — a city of 21,135 people — issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses, mostly driving violations.

A new report released the week after 18-year old Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson helps explain why. ArchCity Defenders, a St. Louis-area public defender group, says in its report that more than half the courts in St. Louis County engage in the "illegal and harmful practices" of charging high court fines and fees on nonviolent offenses like traffic violations — and then arresting people when they don't pay. The report singles out courts in three communities, including Ferguson.

Thomas Harvey, who started the organization to provide legal services to the poor in the St. Louis region and is the lead author of the report, says residents, especially in Ferguson, have come to see the use of fines and fees as a way for courts to collect money from residents who are often the least able to pay.

"Folks have the impression that this is a form of low-level harassment that isn't about public safety. It's about money," he says.

The ArchCity Defenders report argues that this resentment is justified. Last year, Ferguson collected $2.6 million in court fines and fees. It was the city's second-biggest source of income of the $20 million it collected in revenues.

Earlier this year, in the series Guilty and Charged, NPR's investigations unit found that the practices in Ferguson are common across the country. The series reported that nationwide, the costs of the justice system are billed increasingly to defendants and offenders, and that this creates harsher treatment of the poor. Because people with money can pay their hundreds or thousands of dollars in fines and fees right away, they are usually done with the court system.

People who can't pay their fines and fees go on payment plans. But then there are extra fees, sometimes interest — 12 percent on felonies in Washington state — and, if poor people fall behind on payments, they may go to jail. Courts often ignore laws, Supreme Court rulings and protections that outlaw the equivalent of debtors prisons.

Just like around the U.S., these municipal court fines in Ferguson are for low-level offenses, usually traffic violations. Harvey calls these "poverty crimes." Typically, he says, someone gets stopped for a rolling stop at a stop sign, or for a broken tail light. Then police find other problems.

"It's driving while suspended, no proof of insurance and failure to register a vehicle," he says.

The fines and fees can add up to hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

Racial Disparity In Ferguson Traffic Stops

Data from the Missouri state attorney general's office show that black drivers are stopped in Ferguson in disproportionate numbers, even though Ferguson police are more likely to find contraband when they stop white drivers.

Blacks make up 67 percent of the city's population, but are 86 percent of motorists stopped by police. Whites make up 29 percent of the population, but 12.7 percent of vehicle stops.

"However, this data seems at odds with the fact that searches of black individuals result in discovery of contraband only 21.7 percent of the time, while similar searches of whites produce contraband 34 percent of the time," the ArchCity Defenders report notes.

NPR News Investigation

An NPR investigation has found an explosion in the use of fees charged to criminal defendants across the country, which has created a system of justice that targets the poor.

The proliferation of court fees has prompted some states, like New Jersey, to use amnesty programs to encourage the thousands of people who owe fines to surrender in exchange for fee reductions. At the Fugitive Safe Surrender program, makeshift courtrooms allow judges to individually handle each case.

NPR News Investigations

As Court Fees Rise, The Poor Are Paying The Price

Excerpt of a table showing selected fees charged per state.


State-By-State Court Fees

In Ferguson, Harvey says going to court creates more anger. The system, he says, favors people who can hire a lawyer. But poorer defendants simply take a guilty plea.

"And then if you can't pay all the fines at once, they put you on a pay docket, and that just means [you] come to the court once a month and pay a certain dollar amount or explain why you haven't paid," Harvey says.

But the ticket may be in a far-away court that's not easy to get to in a region with sometimes spotty public transportation. If someone doesn't pay, a warrant can be issued for their arrest.

The new report says the courtroom in Ferguson gets so crowded that judges lock the doors just five minutes after court begins. Sometimes people show up late and can't get in, so they leave. But then they're counted as missing court, and an arrest warrant might be issued.

The part-time judge in Ferguson is also the prosecutor in three neighboring towns. Sometimes, Harvey's clients have warrants in Ferguson and some of those other towns.

Jeff Smith, an assistant professor at the New School and a former Missouri state senator from St. Louis, says Ferguson "facilitates a debtors prison" because of the high number of arrest warrants that get issued when people don't pay. When people go to jail, they sometimes lose their jobs.

"They get caught in this downward spiral, and it happens to a lot of people. This stuff accumulates," he says.
You really are a fucking idiot. Saying 'racism exists in Ferguson' is NOT the same as 'racism played a part in the Ferguson case'. You have to show WHY you think Miller was racist in his confrontation with Brown.

Saying other people are racists doesn't make Miller a racist. It also doesn't mean racism was a part of the event in question.

racism was involved you racist
racism was involved you racist

ROFLMAO... so you can't explain WHY you THINK racism was involved?

Thanks for proving yet again that you are a fucking moron. As I stated long ago... you just want to scream racism... even when it doesn't apply to certain cases. You have NOTHING to back up your bullshit.

You are a racist piece of shit desh.