why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

You still running away from answering Desh?

(ten to one, Desh now pretends not to be able to scroll up a few posts and then DEMANDS a post number)

Has Desh ever answered what she's actually done for the black community? Has she volunteered? Has she donated money to causes? Has she attended black student union meetings? Has she done anything?
Has Desh ever answered what she's actually done for the black community? Has she volunteered? Has she donated money to causes? Has she attended black student union meetings? Has she done anything?

No... all Desh cares about is whether or not the black population continues to vote for Dems. If they speak out against the Dems, she pretends they are traitors.
No... all Desh cares about is whether or not the black population continues to vote for Dems. If they speak out against the Dems, she pretends they are traitors.

Exactly. She only cares about the black community in terms of how they vote as if that is all their existence is worth.
have hey no eyes?

no soul?

The United States is the largest scale country with the least bigotry in the history of man. We are also the largest scale country with the most race baiters in the history of man. Most of them are called Democrats
Has Desh ever answered what she's actually done for the black community? Has she volunteered? Has she donated money to causes? Has she attended black student union meetings? Has she done anything?

She supports the black market, by buy her crack from her dealer. :D
The United States is the largest scale country with the least bigotry in the history of man. We are also the largest scale country with the most race baiters in the history of man. Most of them are called Democrats

In kaz's lexicon; anti racist = race baiter.
Perhaps Transwarpdrive attended the University of Oregon, and believes that racial issues must take a backseat to gender identity issues. I mean, just look at his user name: TRANSwarpdrive!!
Once again desh ran away without answering. Shocking that she hates FACTS so much.

super I unlike you have a real world life

with real family an real friends

pretending that not being here all day is running away is just the kind of thing that makes you so discustingly evil and lie filled
No... all Desh cares about is whether or not the black population continues to vote for Dems. If they speak out against the Dems, she pretends they are traitors.

see how this racist can NOT admit that black Americans are self determining.

see how he can NOT comprehend that black American voters are PART of the Democratic party yet he can do nothing but speak of them in terms that show he in reality does nit believe they can be part of anything ?

black Americans are involved in the democratic party

they help write the platform

they hold offices

the top democratic leader is a black man and has been for how many years now you stupid racist super duper
Has Desh ever answered what she's actually done for the black community? Has she volunteered? Has she donated money to causes? Has she attended black student union meetings? Has she done anything?

I stand with my fellow Americans

you trash hem and say they are too stupid to understand how to be self determining

lets me and you go to a site for black political discussion and see if they like your ideas beter than mine you stupid racist
what do you do for them