why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

tell me what you know about slavery and places like greenwood OK?

And what the fuck do you know about actual slavery? In fact any slavery that exists today is done by black on black, asian on asian etc...not white on black - work that one out then cunt
see how this racist can NOT admit that black Americans are self determining.

see how he can NOT comprehend that black American voters are PART of the Democratic party yet he can do nothing but speak of them in terms that show he in reality does nit believe they can be part of anything ?

black Americans are involved in the democratic party

they help write the platform

they hold offices

the top democratic leader is a black man and has been for how many years now you stupid racist super duper

Dear retard... how about you show me ONE example of where I EVER stated that the black population isn't a 'PART of the democratic party' (in general) or that they are not 'self determining'?

Or are you LYING AGAIN?
The republican party is clearly racist

you people clearly prefer a racist party to one that has an actual proven record of being better for the economy

why do you do that ?
so why do you back all the right wing lies about dead black kids then

You STILL running away from providing evidence of your initial slander?

Now you slander me yet again? How about you provide evidence of the above. Show me what 'lies about dead black kids' you are referring to.
in what cases do you agree that racism was a factor in recent events that BLACK PEOPLE ARE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT?
in what cases do you agree that racism was a factor in recent events that BLACK PEOPLE ARE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT?

So you AGAIN refuse to back up your bullshit claim with ANY evidence? You continue to LIE about me. Then you run away.

Also... you fucking retard... we already had the discussion about racism in cases and YOU ran away from answering. I stated why I thought racism didn't exist in Ferguson and you ran away when I asked you why you thought there was.
super you are trying to get me to post in old threads huh

everyone here knows your back the racists in this debate

You have never once defended any dead black kids right to be alive
And speaking of black history month donyou know anything about black history other than slavery and black wall st?
super you are trying to get me to post in old threads huh

everyone here knows your back the racists in this debate

You have never once defended any dead black kids right to be alive

again... YOU LIE...

You AGAIN LIE about my positions and then you refuse to back them up. We have discussed in THIS THREAD some of the cases. YOU ran away from discussing them IN THIS THREAD.
I'm not the one who needs to learn more black history

Really? Because not knowing the 100 years when the Democratics prevented blacks from voting post slavery isn't important to know? Reconstruction means nothing?

It must be great to know so much that you don't need to learn more. Congrats Desh.
again... YOU LIE...

You AGAIN LIE about my positions and then you refuse to back them up. We have discussed in THIS THREAD some of the cases. YOU ran away from discussing them IN THIS THREAD.

so tell us how much you care about Trayvon
so tell us how much you care about Trayvon

LMAO... you are so very retarded. Again... saying 'I think Martin was the aggressor' doesn't mean I don't care that the kid died. You are still running away from answering why you think the Brown case involved racism. So AGAIN...

IF Wilson was a racist and was trying to kill black kids... WHY did he only shoot Brown? Why not kill Johnson too?