why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

Municipal reliance on revenue generated from traffic stops adds pressure to make more of them. One town, Sycamore Hills, has stationed a radar-gun-wielding police officer on its 250-foot northbound stretch of Interstate.

With primarily white police forces that rely disproportionately on traffic citation revenue, blacks are pulled over, cited and arrested in numbers far exceeding their population share, according to a recent report from Missouri’s attorney general. In Ferguson last year, 86 percent of stops, 92 percent of searches and 93 percent of arrests were of black people — despite the fact that police officers were far less likely to find contraband on black drivers (22 percent versus 34 percent of whites). This worsens inequality, as struggling blacks do more to fund local government than relatively affluent whites.

Again you idiot... IF Wilson was racist and willing to kill... why would he ONLY shoot one of the two?

You are the one race baiting Desh. Because you PRETEND that every incident involving two races is RACIST.
so you whole argument rests on that the cop would have shot every black person in the area if he were a racist?
so you whole argument rests on that the cop would have shot every black person in the area if he were a racist?

1) Yes, if he was racist as you CLAIM... why wouldn't he just shoot both of the suspects? Can you actually answer that?

2) Your whole argument rests on NOTHING but conjecture. You state 'racism exists, therefore this case must involve racism'. It is nothing but bull shit.
they were treating the black people like they were an occupying force you evil appologist
that's because they are - they have their own country and should go back to it - it begins with A and ends with A - can you work that out?
nearly 400 posts and no one could name the church shooting which was pretty recent to the time this was posted

fucking racists all of them
nearly 400 posts and no one could name the church shooting which was pretty recent to the time this was posted

fucking racists all of them

What I think you got here is 400 posts from people messing with you. This is like the Russian thing, "whaaaaa, the Russians tried to interfere with our election!!! We need an investigation!!!". Well big fat hairy DUHHHH!!!!! Now you're whining about racism?(again). Do we need an investigation? You want a world without racism and Russians meddling with elections? Here's some helpful tips:
1. Quit posting stupid shit
2. Get down on your knees and confess your sins to Jesus and accept him as your personal savior
3. Wait to die
4. Go to heaven, where I don't know exactly what will happen, but Jesus says it will be good(and I believe him), and I'm sure there are no races or nationalities. Heck, your own personal heaven may be spending eternity throwing rotten cabbages at republicans. Seems a waste of eternity, but again, I don't know exactly what will happen. In the meantime, don't be a racist and stop the hatred. I'll do it too, that makes two of us and that's all any of us can do.
have hey no eyes?

no soul?

Racism exists....its natural, if no racism existed the entire human race would consist as one with no different colors of skin, no different cultures, all would have the same social more'es. What does not exist is the type of racism that you are speaking about to be used as a political tool in order to divide and segregate the population of the US to prevent total assimilation as collective peoples of the United States...its how the fascist liberal rolls....RACE BAITING in order to cause division and promote radical ideologies.

Just like poverty.....racism will always exist, there is no rainbow fairy tale world anyone on this hunk of rock called the earth where racism does not exist, the best one could hope for is the message propagated by the late Doctor King.....judge not by the color skin but by the content of the heart. Advise that would serve you race baiters greatly if you would follow the advise instead of pointing to the shade of someone's skin with every post generated. The objective is to accept people by their actions while not pretending to be dumb and not notice the obvious color of someones skin which is moot to the fact of being HUMAN

No race has the market cornered in relation to being good, evil, righteous or anywhere in between...as there are pricks and assholes of all colors just like there are good honest people of all colors. So stop attempting to force everyone into smaller isolated groups in order to promote a larger divide among THE PEOPLE.
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