why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

The question Desh is AFRAID to answer, because she HATES FACTS...

IF Wilson was a racist and was trying to kill black kids... WHY did he only shoot Brown? Why not kill Johnson too?
you are a racist

you never back anything black Americans speak out about
Everyone's a racist but you. You think black Americans ONLY speak about cops as if that is all there is to the black experience in America.

You actually don't know sh*t about the black experience which is why you'd spit on a black man trying to provide for his family in this racist country.
The question Desh is AFRAID to answer, because she HATES FACTS...

IF Wilson was a racist and was trying to kill black kids... WHY did he only shoot Brown? Why not kill Johnson too?

Funny how Desh ALWAYS has to go right after such questions are asked of her. Yet tomorrow when she is on, she will again RUN AWAY from answering it.
in what cases do you agree that racism was a factor in recent events that BLACK PEOPLE ARE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT?

The babble that black idiots barf out does not drown out the following facts that they should REALLY be concerned about:

Here are some of the IRREFUTABLE FACTS which the black idiots get hysterical about but come up with excuses that are the equivalence of farts in the wilderness:

The whole of SUB SAHARAN AFRICA, and other areas of Africa that is black, not just a few tribes, had and has a disastrous cultural background what with the fact that even to this day they don't have a written language except, primarily, English or French.

And, these black Africans, the bros who primarily sold the grandparents of the present American blacks, have endowed our present black Americans with the lack of a CULTURAL HERITAGE that cripples them when compared with other ethnic, and/or racial groups when dealing with a variety of misfortunes.

Black idiots IGNORE the fact of their ASTRONOMICAL CRIMINAL RECORD !!!. Not just in one area like RAPE and other VIOLENT CRIMES.....but ALL forms of serious misbehaviour ALL over America. Blacks are ruining our educational system with their low IQ and thug-like behaviour in the classrooms, in the school and the streets. BLACK IDIOTS IGNORE THAT. It is a irrefutable fact that the blacks in America have and ATROCIOUSLY HIGH and DISPROPORTIONATE CRIME RATE. BLACK IDIOTS IGNORE THAT.

Yes, my posts expose the black idiots as idiots and that is insulting......but that's who black idiots are.....they are BLACK IDIOTS.
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The babble that black idiots barf out does not drown out the following facts that they should REALLY be concerned about:

Here are some of the IRREFUTABLE FACTS which the black idiots get hysterical about but come up with excuses that are the equivalence of farts in the wilderness:

The whole of SUB SAHARAN AFRICA, and other areas of Africa that is black, not just a few tribes, had and has a disastrous cultural background what with the fact that even to this day they don't have a written language except, primarily, English or French.

And, these black Africans, the bros who primarily sold the grandparents of the present American blacks, have endowed our present black Americans with the lack of a CULTURAL HERITAGE that cripples them when compared with other ethnic, and/or racial groups when dealing with a variety of misfortunes.

Black idiots IGNORE the fact of their ASTRONOMICAL CRIMINAL RECORD !!!. Not just in one area like RAPE and other VIOLENT CRIMES.....but ALL forms of serious misbehaviour ALL over America. Blacks are ruining our educational system with their low IQ and thug-like behaviour in the classrooms, in the school and the streets. BLACK IDIOTS IGNORE THAT. It is a irrefutable fact that the blacks in America have and ATROCIOUSLY HIGH and DISPROPORTIONATE CRIME RATE. BLACK IDIOTS IGNORE THAT.

Yes, my posts expose the black idiots as idiots and that is insulting......but that's who black idiots are.....they are BLACK IDIOTS.

Take your racist ass and run away you piece of shit. YOU are the ignorant one. YOU are the idiot. YOU are a pathetic little coward who is scared of pigmentation.

Little secret for you and your white trash racist asshole friends... BLACK is the absence of all color. White is the MUTT. The presence of all colors. It is also the weaker pigmentation as it is easily changed.
The question Desh is AFRAID to answer, because she HATES FACTS...

IF Wilson was a racist and was trying to kill black kids... WHY did he only shoot Brown? Why not kill Johnson too?
The question Desh is AFRAID to answer, because she HATES FACTS...

IF Wilson was a racist and was trying to kill black kids... WHY did he only shoot Brown? Why not kill Johnson too?
The question Desh is AFRAID to answer, because she HATES FACTS...

IF Wilson was a racist and was trying to kill black kids... WHY did he only shoot Brown? Why not kill Johnson too?

what a crap question

what was that city doing to their black population with the laws?
In Ferguson, Black Town, White Power

By JEFF SMITHAUG. 17, 2014

POLITICS, wrote the political scientist Harold Lasswell in 1936, is about “who gets what, when, and how.” If you want to understand the racial power disparities we’ve seen in Ferguson, Mo., understand that it’s not only about black and white. It’s about green.

Back in 1876, the city of St. Louis made a fateful decision. Tired of providing services to the outlying areas, the city cordoned itself off, separating from St. Louis County. It’s a decision the city came to regret. Most Rust Belt cities have bled population since the 1960s, but few have been as badly damaged as St. Louis City, which since 1970 has lost almost as much of its population as Detroit.

This exodus has left a ring of mostly middle-class suburbs around an urban core plagued by entrenched poverty. White flight from the city mostly ended in the 1980s; since then, blacks have left the inner city for suburbs such as Ferguson in the area of St. Louis County known as North County.

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Related in Opinion

Op-Ed Columnist: Frustration in FergusonAUG. 17, 2014

Ferguson’s demographics have shifted rapidly: in 1990, it was 74 percent white and 25 percent black; in 2000, 52 percent black and 45 percent white; by 2010, 67 percent black and 29 percent white.

The region’s fragmentation isn’t limited to the odd case of a city shedding its county. St. Louis County contains 90 municipalities, most with their own city hall and police force. Many rely on revenue generated from traffic tickets and related fines. According to a study by the St. Louis nonprofit Better Together, Ferguson receives nearly one-quarter of its revenue from court fees; for some surrounding towns it approaches 50 percent.

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Related Coverage

Violence Flares in Ferguson After Appeals for HarmonyAUG. 17, 2014

Municipal reliance on revenue generated from traffic stops adds pressure to make more of them. One town, Sycamore Hills, has stationed a radar-gun-wielding police officer on its 250-foot northbound stretch of Interstate.

With primarily white police forces that rely disproportionately on traffic citation revenue, blacks are pulled over, cited and arrested in numbers far exceeding their population share, according to a recent report from Missouri’s attorney general. In Ferguson last year, 86 percent of stops, 92 percent of searches and 93 percent of arrests were of black people — despite the fact that police officers were far less likely to find contraband on black drivers (22 percent versus 34 percent of whites). This worsens inequality, as struggling blacks do more to fund local government than relatively affluent whites.

By contrast, consider the city: After decades of methodically building political power, blacks in St. Louis City elected a black mayor in 1993 and black aldermen or alderwomen in nearly half the city’s wards, and hold two of three seats on the powerful Board of Estimate and Apportionment, which must approve all city contracts. Well-established churches, Democratic ward organizations and other civic institutions mobilize voters in black wards. But because blacks have reached the suburbs in significant numbers only over the past 15 years or so, fewer suburban black communities have deeply ingrained civic organizations.

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Continue reading the main story

That helps explain why majority-black Ferguson has a virtually all-white power structure: a white mayor; a school board with six white members and one Hispanic, which recently suspended a highly regarded young black superintendent who then resigned; a City Council with just one black member; and a 6 percent black police force.

Many North County towns — and inner-ring suburbs nationally — resemble Ferguson. Longtime white residents have consolidated power, continuing to dominate the City Councils and school boards despite sweeping demographic change. They have retained control of patronage jobs and municipal contracts awarded to allies.

The North County Labor Club, whose overwhelmingly white constituent unions (plumbers, pipe fitters, electrical workers, sprinkler fitters) have benefited from these arrangements, operates a potent voter-turnout operation that backs white candidates over black upstarts. The more municipal contracts an organization receives, the more generously it can fund re-election campaigns. Construction, waste and other long-term contracts with private firms have traditionally excluded blacks from the ownership side and, usually, the work force as well.

But there’s a potential solution that could help Ferguson reinvest in itself and also help African-Americans compete for a bigger share of the pie: consolidation with surrounding municipalities, many of which face similar challenges. The St. Louis region has seen some preliminary support for the idea, with resistance concentrated in smaller political units whose leaders are loath to surrender control.

Consolidation would help strapped North County communities avoid using such a high percentage of their resources for expensive public safety overhead, such as fire trucks. It could also empower the black citizens of Ferguson. Blacks incrementally gained power in St. Louis City in part because its size facilitates broader coalitions and alliances. Another benefit of consolidation is the increased political talent pool. Many leaders just aren’t interested in running a tiny municipality.

In shrinking cities, politics is often a nasty, zero-sum game. But consolidation could create economies of scale, increase borrowing capacity to expand economic opportunity, reduce economic pressures that inflame racial tension, and smash up the old boys’ network that has long ruled much of North County.

When the state patrol and the national television cameras leave Ferguson, its residents will still be talking about how they can move forward. And they may be ready to expand the conversation so that it’s not just about black and white, but green.
what a crap question
what was that city doing to their black population with the laws?

Why do you continue to run away from answering it?

You PRETEND that because racist events happened in Ferguson in other instances that it means racism was involved with Brown/Wilson. Yet you REFUSE to provide evidence that suggests MILLER was racist.
Once again Desh RUNS AWAY from answering the question. Instead she tries to divert to a 'well, racism exists, therefore it MUST be a part of THIS CASE'...

Yet she FAILS... AGAIN... to provide ANY EVIDENCE
they were treating the black people like they were an occupying force you evil appologist

Again you idiot... IF Wilson was racist and willing to kill... why would he ONLY shoot one of the two?

You are the one race baiting Desh. Because you PRETEND that every incident involving two races is RACIST.
Municipal reliance on revenue generated from traffic stops adds pressure to make more of them. One town, Sycamore Hills, has stationed a radar-gun-wielding police officer on its 250-foot northbound stretch of Interstate.

With primarily white police forces that rely disproportionately on traffic citation revenue, blacks are pulled over, cited and arrested in numbers far exceeding their population share, according to a recent report from Missouri’s attorney general. In Ferguson last year, 86 percent of stops, 92 percent of searches and 93 percent of arrests were of black people — despite the fact that police officers were far less likely to find contraband on black drivers (22 percent versus 34 percent of whites). This worsens inequality, as struggling blacks do more to fund local government than relatively affluent whites.