why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

You really are a fucking idiot. Saying 'racism exists in Ferguson' is NOT the same as 'racism played a part in the Ferguson case'. You have to show WHY you think Miller was racist in his confrontation with Brown.

Saying other people are racists doesn't make Miller a racist. It also doesn't mean racism was a part of the event in question.

so where does he work now?

yes he was racist and likely still is.

you seem o have no idea about he findings of how this city was run huh.

They bled the black population with fines and overpolicing you stupid racist
yes we know it makes you stupid racists all groany when you cant prove any of your stupid lie filled crap
One of Robert Mugabe's many anti-white quotes - leading to mass repression, murder etc of white people in Zimbabwe - so is that racist or not, in your mind?
I stand with my fellow Americans

you trash hem and say they are too stupid to understand how to be self determining

lets me and you go to a site for black political discussion and see if they like your ideas beter than mine you stupid racist
what do you do for them

So you've done nothing. You see black people as nothing more than votes. The rest of their existence means nothing to you. Again you see no racism in your behavior
dear idiot,

you have no proof

you just slander

its why black Americans hate you sociopathic republicans so much
dear idiot,

you have no proof

you just slander

its why black Americans hate you sociopathic republicans so much

Actually I have proof of all that I've done and many black people to acknowledge it. You haven't done anything but spit on a black man. Again there's more to black life than just voting. I could show black people this thread and you would be called the racist
You are a racist Desh and no one on this board likes you, liberals included.

I guess you are correct, racists such as yourself are the most hated people on the planet.

"nobody likes you every body hates you just go eat a worm"

another 10 year old
gee lets see

what events in history made this man seem to hate white people?

I get it , so in your mind, it's ok to be racist to whites just because their parents had the same skin colour as those of the previous leaders, ie. collective punishment even down the generations - and what part of that is NOT racist??? I mean WTF!
Tell me what you know about slavery?

That's your knowledge of black history Desh?

Please quit while you're behind.